Familiar + Transformative Familiar = Bonded Item + Legendary Item = Legendary Familiar?

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

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The basic question is in the subject of this post, but here's the general question I have:

1: Assuming that a wizard with a bonded item can take the mythic ability Legendary Item, it also stands to reason that the wizard could select his bonded item to be Legendary.

2: If that is the case, would also stand to reason that the same wizard with a familiar and the Transformative Familiar mythic ability could also select Legendary Item to select his bonded item-familiar as a legendary item?

3: And assuming all that works so far, could the same wizard take legendary item again (or twice more) to upgrade his familiar to an artifact?

4: And assuming that works could the wizard then also take the Greater Familiar link mythic ability to have his familiar take half the damage he takes, despite being unable to gain the broken/destroyed condition?

5: Would the familiar retain his artifact status in familiar form as well as bonded item form? Or just when considered an item?

6: Also, despite artifacts being unable to be destroyed through conventional means, if sufficient damage was taken to reduce the familiar to half of its HP does that mean it would cease to be a bonded item and return to familiar status?

What do you guys think? Does this logic break down anywhere? Or would it be possible to have a Greater Artifact Familiar whose mere presence absorbs half the damage that would be done to you without limit?


i would really like to know about this too cuase that just sounds so awsome lol XD and makes me want to reread the archmage path lol

Auspician wrote:

The basic question is in the subject of this post, but here's the general question I have:

1: Assuming that a wizard with a bonded item can take the mythic ability Legendary Item, it also stands to reason that the wizard could select his bonded item to be Legendary.

2: If that is the case, would also stand to reason that the same wizard with a familiar and the Transformative Familiar mythic ability could also select Legendary Item to select his bonded item-familiar as a legendary item?

3: And assuming all that works so far, could the same wizard take legendary item again (or twice more) to upgrade his familiar to an artifact?

4: And assuming that works could the wizard then also take the Greater Familiar link mythic ability to have his familiar take half the damage he takes, despite being unable to gain the broken/destroyed condition?

5: Would the familiar retain his artifact status in familiar form as well as bonded item form? Or just when considered an item?

6: Also, despite artifacts being unable to be destroyed through conventional means, if sufficient damage was taken to reduce the familiar to half of its HP does that mean it would cease to be a bonded item and return to familiar status?

What do you guys think? Does this logic break down anywhere? Or would it be possible to have a Greater Artifact Familiar whose mere presence absorbs half the damage that would be done to you without limit?

Unsure about the whole idea, however if you upgrade legendary Item twice. The item become immune to HP Damage.

If it was me, I would also mandate the following abilities HAVE to be taken in order to work.
1st Legendary Item - Intelligent Item
2nd Legendary Item - Unyielding
3rd Legendary Item - Eternal bond

And as a GM I would state that killing the familiar would break the Legendary Item. Generally in my games the Badguys will try at least once to make the PC's lives hell, this would absolutely be on his(her) list of things to try.

Deliox Creed wrote:
i would really like to know about this too cuase that just sounds so awsome lol XD and makes me want to reread the archmage path lol

me too!

Liberty's Edge

Went over this idea with my GM and her interpretation was this: the familiar can transform into an item and back again, but it is only treated as one or another at any given time. As a familiar it is not indestructible or immune to HP damage (even if a major artifact in item form). As an item it loses all benefits of being a familiar outside of its mental ability scores. This also means no Greater Familiar link to soak half of my damage taken into oblivion when the familiar is in item form.

If it is an artifact, if the familiar form reaches zero HP it immediately reverts to item form and cannot become a familiar again until it is healed up past half its HP total.

Seems somewhat useful to do this if you're interested in hiding your familiar, but at the end of the day you get more mileage out of having both a familiar and a legendary item, so that might be the path I go.

I'm still open to other interpretations though guys, so keep them coming.

Auspician wrote:

Went over this idea with my GM and her interpretation was this: the familiar can transform into an item and back again, but it is only treated as one or another at any given time. As a familiar it is not indestructible or immune to HP damage (even if a major artifact in item form). As an item it loses all benefits of being a familiar outside of its mental ability scores. This also means no Greater Familiar link to soak half of my damage taken into oblivion when the familiar is in item form.

If it is an artifact, if the familiar form reaches zero HP it immediately reverts to item form and cannot become a familiar again until it is healed up past half its HP total.

Seems somewhat useful to do this if you're interested in hiding your familiar, but at the end of the day you get more mileage out of having both a familiar and a legendary item, so that might be the path I go.

I'm still open to other interpretations though guys, so keep them coming.

I would probably rule it similar to this in my Wrath of the Righteous campaign. I would probably work closely with the player (as is pretty much needed for Mythic play anyways) and come up with a plan regarding Legendary Item abilities, one of which would probably need to be Intelligence since it is a Familiar as well. (Sort of what Clectabled suggested, but only the first one)

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