Slayer Advanced Class and Ranger Combat Styles

Rules Questions

I was working on a two weapon fighting slayer build using Hero Lab (I'm well aware Hero Lab is not a rules authority) and something weird occurred that I hadn't notice or thought about before.

When I selected the two weapon fighting combat style as the ranger combat style using the Slayer's Talents it was indicated that it was invalid because I had insufficient dex to pick up two weapon fighting. I had thought that selecting the Ranger Combat Style ability it would function exactly like the ranger's ability, allowing me to ignore prerequisites for the feats in the same manner rangers do.

But upon reviewing the wording of the slayer's abilities I'm not sure that is the case. Thoughts?

Shadow Lodge

Since slayer is a rogue/ranger hybrid class I would assume that a slayer selecting Ranger Combat Style gains that combat style as a ranger, including ignoring prerequisites.

Relevant text. Looks like it doesn't allow you to ignore prereqs, just use it for a bonus feat. Don't know if that's just not written out correctly or that's how its intended. I would think you were intended to ignore prereqs, not like that really breaks the game anyway.

Ranger Combat Style (Ex) wrote:

The slayer selects a ranger combat style (such as archery or two-weapon combat) and gains a combat feat from the first feat list of that style style. At 6th level, he may select this talent again and adds the 6th-level ranger combat feats from his chosen style to the list. At 10th level, he may select this talent again and add the 10th-level ranger combat feats from his chosen

style to the list.

Though keep in mind SKR stated at the end of the playtest that you can ignore the feat prerequisites for the ranger combat style talents. See here. Obviously this isn't valid for PFS currently.

Alright then, so the Slayer was intended to be able to ignore the prerequisites for those feats picked up using the ranger combat style even if it isn't clearly stated.

I figured maybe it was probably something like that.

Shadow Lodge

Alfray Stryke wrote:
Though keep in mind SKR stated at the end of the playtest that you can ignore the feat prerequisites for the ranger combat style talents. See here. Obviously this isn't valid for PFS currently.
Additional Resources wrote:
Ranger combat style talent should say you can ignore the selected feat’s prereqs, just as a ranger can.

Liberty's Edge

Actually the Additional Resources Page says:

Additional Resources wrote:


Ranger combat style talent should say you can ignore the selected feat’s prereqs, just as a ranger can.
Add a couple more appropriate rogue talents to the list, like powerful sneak and unwitting ally.
Replace Cha-based ninja assassinate talent with Int-based talent that does the same thing.

So you can use this in PFS. :)

EDIT: Ninjaed!

Ahh, I didn't check the Additional Resources page (don't play PFS), so was going off the my knowledge that forum post typically didn't count. Thanks for proving me wrong.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As a note for HeroLab users, there are two ways to get those rules updates. the first would be create it as a PFS character but that has a lot of other changes you may not want for non society play, the other is right near the end of the list of options in the Configure Hero window there's a section for Optional Rules and "Use PFS's ACG playtest changes" is one of the options.

Silver Crusade

Sorry to necro this topic, but do the bonus feats gained from the Slayer talent have the same medium armor restriction that the ranger has?

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