Cheliax and Taldor (and *sigh* Andoran too) really need new 64-page books.

Lost Omens Products

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KarlBob wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
with Golarion's timeline frozen
It's not frozen. It just advanced in real-time.
Interesting. So theoretically, someone could discover a reliable, reasonably-safe passage to Arcadia in the next couple of years? Instead of jumping ahead to the pseudo-Aztecs being already half conquered, we could witness the first boatload of Hellknights being sent. Very interesting (but still pretty unlikely).

The Developers have said that they are taking a different path for Arcadia, and not going the heavy colonization route. I.E. Arcadia will draw from Native American culture/myth/folklore, but will be full of nations that are at least as advanced as those in Avistan, from a technological/magical standpoint. No reason to assume an Aztec/Inca/Iroquois/etc analog will just be there to be conquered

More Cheliax please..I want to learn more about the other Cheliax noble houses aside fom the Thrunes..

Like the Jeggares!

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:
Qadira didn't get a 64pg? Zoinks, missed that! So, add that to the list, complete with a liberal splattering of artwork featuring voluptuous tiefling harem girls...

Suli harem girls would fit better...

Liberty's Edge

Black Dougal wrote:

More Cheliax please..I want to learn more about the other Cheliax noble houses aside fom the Thrunes..

Like the Jeggares!

Actually, I think there are Jeggares in all nations that were once part of Cheliax (and perhaps Taldor)

Sovereign Court

Paladinosaur wrote:
Black Dougal wrote:

More Cheliax please..I want to learn more about the other Cheliax noble houses aside fom the Thrunes..

Like the Jeggares!

Actually, I think there are Jeggares in all nations that were once part of Cheliax and perhaps Taldor.

Cheliax is a passing fad. Nothing more. One day, probably with a lot of help and work, they shall grow up and give up this infantile. . . <yawn, sorry>, tantrum.

Scarab Sages

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MMCJawa wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
with Golarion's timeline frozen
It's not frozen. It just advanced in real-time.
Interesting. So theoretically, someone could discover a reliable, reasonably-safe passage to Arcadia in the next couple of years? Instead of jumping ahead to the pseudo-Aztecs being already half conquered, we could witness the first boatload of Hellknights being sent. Very interesting (but still pretty unlikely).
The Developers have said that they are taking a different path for Arcadia, and not going the heavy colonization route. I.E. Arcadia will draw from Native American culture/myth/folklore, but will be full of nations that are at least as advanced as those in Avistan, from a technological/magical standpoint. No reason to assume an Aztec/Inca/Iroquois/etc analog will just be there to be conquered

Given the presence of Arcadian divine casters with Remove Disease, the introduction of Inner Sea diseases might not be as devastating as in our history. If that happens, and Arcadian magic is well-developed, then any technological gap would become less important. It sounds like a fascinating alternative to our history.

Of course, a project that deviates from history that much would require a lot of research and extrapolation. It might have to wait until someone with well-established RPG credentials pitches it to Paizo as their personal project.

I wonder if we could see Primers for Arcadia, Vudra and its neighbors, and the Kelesh Empire? They would be a good way to gauge interest in larger books.

We'll probably get a Arcadian or Casmaron Primer when we get an AP that spends a lot of time in either places

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