Eidolon Improved Bite + one attack

Rules Questions

If you have a quadruped Eidolon (or aquatic) without anything extra they have a 1.5x str bite due to only having one attack.

The improved "extra point" bite evolution also says 1.5x str.

Do these stack to 2x str? Or is the improved bite useless until you have more than one attack?


They don't add up to 2x.

It's only good to have if Bite isn't your only attack.

Nefreet wrote:

They don't add up to 2x.

It's only good to have if Bite isn't your only attack.

The evolution bite is for when you have more than one head (cerberus-esque). By default, having an extra head does not automatically grant an extra bite attack.


He's talking about the second clause of the evolution, increasing the bite damage. The 1.5x from that clause wouldn't improve a bite attack that already dealt 1.5x STR.

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