Fourth Party Member


Looking for advice, continuing a kingmaker adventure (9th level) with a new player joining who is inexperienced and will probably play a melee character which means in turn that I shall be retiring my fighter and the NPC cleric will be lost.

Therefore the party will consist of a ranged ranger, a rogue (not a party face) and the new melee character. I was wondering what people on here would advise for the forth character.

My feeling is that some form of full caster is required, that has some healing. I am not interested in being any form of heal bot. This character would have to do some of the face roles, I was thinking of possibly some type of witch. We are using 15 point builds, which will restrict the number of roles I can fit

Has anyone got any better ideas

a sorceror with the celestial bloodline can heal, and can be fairly agressive

a druid

a paladin

an archery cleric

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