Shadow_Charlatan |

Does the source of a spell matter when casting Permanency ?
Such as will it work on spells cast as a Spell-like ability, from a scroll, staff or other magic item.
Can a spell that's created using Limited Wish/Wish/Miracle be made Permanent when the replicated spell is one that can be made Permanent ?

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I believe that the source does matter as permanency will only make "spells" permanent. If the scroll, staff, or other magic item actually casts a spell then it can be made permeant as per the permanency spell description. That said, strictly speaking, a spell-like ability is not exactly a spell and since permanency makes spells permanent, I would say this does not work.
Duplicating a spell though to me is just like casting a spell. It's not spell like, it's actually a spell. So using something like limited wish to duplicate a spell can be then made permanent as per the spell description.

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Everything you need to know about Permanency.
If you're using a Scroll to cast the spell, then follow that up with Permanency, it should make the duration infinite until dispelled somehow. A spell is a spell, whether it originate from a player or a scroll.
It is limited, however, to a list of spells that can even be effected by permanency.

seebs |
The general rule has been that a spell-like ability is interchangeable with the spell for nearly all purposes -- for instance, it qualifies as a prerequisite for things that require the ability to cast spells. I'd allow it unless I had a really good reason not to.
The general "GM may allow other spells to be made permanent" is pretty open-ended, although it creates all sorts of possible issues for organized play; assume they won't unless a spell specifically states it can be made permanent. (For instance, create demiplane.)