Damiel Morgethai

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Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Sovereign Court

I believe that the source does matter as permanency will only make "spells" permanent. If the scroll, staff, or other magic item actually casts a spell then it can be made permeant as per the permanency spell description. That said, strictly speaking, a spell-like ability is not exactly a spell and since permanency makes spells permanent, I would say this does not work.

Duplicating a spell though to me is just like casting a spell. It's not spell like, it's actually a spell. So using something like limited wish to duplicate a spell can be then made permanent as per the spell description.

Sovereign Court

Yup! Works really well with the hex evil eye and/or accursed hex. Can push it further with a party member that's free to coupe de grace.

Sovereign Court

I believe the two cannot stack.

If you look at it like this, both pounce and ride-by-attack trigger on charge. But, Ride-By-Attack states that you can use an "move action and attack action" together as a standard action and then use another move action (which is effectively your full-round action. Standard+Move).

Pounce, as it also triggers on charge, allows you to move and then mount makes a full attack action instead of a normal attack as charge normally does (which is effectively a full-round action + a move). If you take out the common factor between the two, which is the move action granted by the charge action, you are left with a Standard attack from ride-by-attack and a full-round action (the full attack) from pounce. You cannot do a standard action and a full-round action in the same round, it's one or the other.

From that point of view, if I was the GM I'd rule against the two working together.

A simpler way to look at it is, pounce is move then full attack and once the full attack happens you can't move (as stated above by Ssalarn). The other way is ride-by-attack lets you move and attack and then move, but you can't trade a move action for a full attack action provided by pounce after the charge.

Hope that helps.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for the help guys!

Sovereign Court

Hey Guys, I have a quick question.

I'm running a campaign and one of the NPCs is a druid and through story progression ends up becoming a lich. Applying the lich template changes her alignment from any neutral to any evil which means she drops her druid abilities and spells.

My question is, can this character be affected by the atonement spell and/or atone on her own to change her alignment back to any neutral, without losing any lich powers/abilities while gaining her druid powers/abilities back? The lich template as far as I can tell doesn't mention anything about what happens to a lich's powers if she goes from evil to anything else.

Thanks for the help!