How many saving throws for Heat Metal spell?

Rules Questions

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Is it a single save to negate the effect on your equipment, or when a person is targeted with Heat Metal do they have to save for each individual piece of equipment?

Heat Metal spell text

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A single save negates the spell effect completely for the person that made the save.

I think it just calls out different damages for different metal sources because, if you're a fighter who is presumably covered in and wielding metal, then you're gonna take full damage; however, if you're a wizard you're probably at least carrying lots of gold and silver and perhaps even wearing jewelry so you're gonna take half damage. On the other hand you may be a monk with a vow of poverty who only fights with a quarterstaff. In such a case you're probably wearing a metal button or belt buckle somewhere, so take minimum damage.

The Exchange

Usually once you've failed that save, your best bet is to either get resist elements thrown on you, or start taking off everything made of metal (which is going to be tricky, and probably too slow to help much.)

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