Reverse-engineering the Mongrels?

Wrath of the Righteous

Osiyo everyone,
So the group is taking a breather from some of the more intense battling, and had the idea, "wouldn't it be cool to do some adventuring as one of the hirelings/tag-a-longs/soldiers/followers/etc.", lower-level background characters adventuring in the newly established haven behind enemy lines. At that point a couple people chimed in and stated that they wanted to play their 'buddies', the Mongrels who aided the (main) heroes in their assault on the Grey Garrison.

So, to keep a bit of uniqueness to each character, I allowed them to be 'rebuilt' instead of using the suggested stats (as outlined) in Book 1. And that is where I hit a bit of a snag.
In the Bestiary, no further information is given for using Mongrelmen as PC's, aside from the general information given here. There is, however, another Mongrelman- presented for use as a PC race as well- from the Tome of Horrors Complete. The main difference lies in Adding Class Levels, which would appear to give some considerable bonuses above and beyond what the ToHC seems to imply (in other words, it would appear that the ToHC creates a more 'balanced' PC, whereas going with the Mongrel as a 'Monster + Class Levels' creates a whopping powerhouse) When I compare that with the stats as presented in the AP, I'm somewhat at a loss to see exactly what points were used to 'buy' the characters, or even if a point-buy was used. Granted, my experience with point-buys is limited. I appreciate any help or input anyone could give!

Thanks in advance!

Dotting. We have a permanent Mongrelman NPC and I had similar difficulties trying to figure out how to build him. Too much conflicting info out there.

There is a Savage Species Conversion in the Conversion forums. Pretty sure the latest PDF has a mongrelman in it.

[EDIT - found it - here's the LINK to post in Savage Species Conversion thread with latest version /EDIT]

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I just used the Mongrel men in the old 3.5 Races of destiney book

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

There is a Savage Species Conversion in the Conversion forums. Pretty sure the latest PDF has a mongrelman in it.

Oh wonderful, now there are even MORE versions to consider!

I really wish I could get a peek at the dev's notes in this regard, to see how they were calculating things. I can fully understand giving an NPC stats as necessary, but looking at how you get from point A to point Z with all of the resources at hand... I'm wondering what adjustments (if any) were used, and what the 'base' looked like before adjustments.

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