Mithral Armored coat on Mithral full plate?

Rules Questions

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The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

FLite wrote:
Sorry, I was just responding to the AC part of the question. Brawling seems to still function normally if I am reading the rule right

You only get the magic from one of them.

That's why the Mithral full plate underneath will be only masterwork.

So the armor on this PFS character will cost me:

Mithral full plate: 1500+9000=10500
+1 Mithral Armored Coat: 50+5000+(4000-150)=8900
Edited as I did not notice Mithral armor is already masterwork.

for +9 AC, Max Dex Bonus +3, ACP -2, 25% ASF, 35pounds of weight, and the brawling property. And looking bloody badass.

Grand Lodge

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This is one of the first times I have heard of someone finding a good way to use the Armored Coat.

Mithral items are already masterwork.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
This is one of the first times I have heard of someone finding a good way to use the Armored Coat.


Stop stalking my quirky-idea threads, BBT! You were even the first commentor when I first thought of and shared the (paragon surge)+(expanded arcana) exploit on these boards! ;)

Grand Lodge

Quirky ideas are some of my favorite things.

I wonder how the Armored Coat deals with Armor Spikes.

If you wear a spiked Armored Coat, over spiked armor, could you attack with both pairs of Armor Spikes?

Dual-wielding armored spikes? O_O

"Look Mum! I can do two-weapon fighting whilst using both hands to play my flute!"

I feel like I might have started an idea for a very wierd bard... XD

Grand Lodge

It might require more metaphorical hands though.

Starbuck_II wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

You didn’t say, but if you are getting the brawling enchantment, that suggests you are going to take levels in Monk. You know you lose Evasion if you wear medium armor.

Eh, non-monks are better unarmed in bonuses when tallied up, monks just have better dice rolling (they can't use Brawling).

Sure, monks can use Brawling Armor, why not? I do believe that a good unarmed combat build can benefit a great deal from levels in Monk. I've posted a build or 2 that demonstrates that.

But show me your higher damage, unarmed nonMonk build, and I'll proudly use your ideas and give you a shoutout every time.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Starbuck_II wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

You didn’t say, but if you are getting the brawling enchantment, that suggests you are going to take levels in Monk. You know you lose Evasion if you wear medium armor.

Eh, non-monks are better unarmed in bonuses when tallied up, monks just have better dice rolling (they can't use Brawling).

Sure, monks can use Brawling Armor, why not? I do believe that a good unarmed combat build can benefit a great deal from levels in Monk. I've posted a build or 2 that demonstrates that.

But show me your higher damage, unarmed nonMonk build, and I'll proudly use your ideas and give you a shoutout every time.

Brawling is for light armor only, few monks wear light armor. It can't be placed on the Amulet.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
FiddlersGreen wrote:

But I'm not enchanting the assemblage as a whole. Only the mithral armored coat (light armor) will be enchanted, and worn over the non-magical mithril full plate.

As for the armor, the full plate is actually the non-negotiable part of the concept, for thematic reasons. The brawling property is very tasty gravy if I can get it.

The problem is your full plate will negate ALL of the properties of your armored coat INCLUDING THE ENCHANTMENT.

That's the thing about the game, you have to make choices, and certain doors opened, will close others.

Something else you could consider is maybe the Armored Kilt or enchanted Bracers to try and grab an additional effect. Probably opening up another can of worms.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Deadalready wrote:
Something else you could consider is maybe the Armored Kilt or enchanted Bracers to try and grab an additional effect. Probably opening up another can of worms.

Which still won't work, since he wants to wear a full set of plate armor in addition. And you can't cheese things by wearing +1 bracers with qualities. the Paizo folks specifically closed out that 3.5 loophole.

Dark Archive

and if you add Mithral scarf and mittens?

LazarX wrote:
FiddlersGreen wrote:

But I'm not enchanting the assemblage as a whole. Only the mithral armored coat (light armor) will be enchanted, and worn over the non-magical mithril full plate.

As for the armor, the full plate is actually the non-negotiable part of the concept, for thematic reasons. The brawling property is very tasty gravy if I can get it.

The problem is your full plate will negate ALL of the properties of your armored coat INCLUDING THE ENCHANTMENT.

That's the thing about the game, you have to make choices, and certain doors opened, will close others.

I see no reason for a magic armored coat to cease functioning when combined with a nonmagical full plate considering the item description even says it can be worn over other armor.

You know looking at mithril I don't think it changes the armour catagory for anything other than the penalties associated with wearing the armor.

Mojorat wrote:
You know looking at mithril I don't think it changes the armour catagory for anything other than the penalties associated with wearing the armor.
Mithral wrote:
Most mithral armors are one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations.

Edit: Where does it say that Lazarx?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Robert A Matthews wrote:
LazarX wrote:
FiddlersGreen wrote:

But I'm not enchanting the assemblage as a whole. Only the mithral armored coat (light armor) will be enchanted, and worn over the non-magical mithril full plate.

As for the armor, the full plate is actually the non-negotiable part of the concept, for thematic reasons. The brawling property is very tasty gravy if I can get it.

The problem is your full plate will negate ALL of the properties of your armored coat INCLUDING THE ENCHANTMENT.

That's the thing about the game, you have to make choices, and certain doors opened, will close others.

I see no reason for a magic armored coat to cease functioning when combined with a nonmagical full plate considering the item description even says it can be worn over other armor.

No reason... other than that the rules clearly say it does.

Well, the idea is Weapon Master Fighter would be +20 BAB + WT 5 + Gloves of Dueling +2 + 1 WF + 1 GWF + 8 Str + 2 Brawler + 5 Amulet of Mighty Fist -5 Power Attack= 39 Hit.

Damage is 1d3 + 8 Str + 2 WS + 2 GWS + 5 Amulet + 2 Brawler + 12 PA + 5 WT + 2 Gloves =1d3+ 38 damage.
Reminder that he Crit multiplier x3 auto confirming. X/day, he gets x4 Crit Multiplier.

Later maybe a full Build.

Sure, we could add other cool things like haste, etc but this is basics.

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