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Offering some of my upgraded creatures for use for other groups with larger parties.
Miranda (i cant remember how her name is actually spelled so i change it to make it easier to remember for me.
Female Android Cleric of Hellion 5/ Ranger 1 Marshal: 3
Initative: +10, Senses: Darkvision 60’, lowlight vision Perception: +14
AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 17 (+5 armor, 2 deflection, 2 dex) +4ac mage armor
HP 74 F: +9 Ref: +6 Will: +7
Constructed: +4 vs poison, para, stun, mind effects
Immune: Disease, emotion, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, sleep
Speed: 30’
Melee +7 Spiked gauntlet +1 1d4+2+1d4 acid
Ranged +10 TOUCH +1 Infernal pistol 1d6+1 Fire
Channel Negative energy DC 12 3d6 3x a day
Favored Enemy: +2 vs Humans
Nanite Surge:+11 to any d20 roll, circuity glrows with torch light for 1 round.
Domain SAL (CL5 +8 concentration)
-Vision of Madness 6x per day
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL5 +8 concentration)
3rd Dispel Magic, magic Vestment, Searing Light
2nd bull’s Strength, Cure Moderate, Sound blast (dc 15), touch of idiocy
1st Cure Light, Cure Light, Divine favor, lessor confusion (dc14) shield of faith
0th Create Water, Purify food/drink, stabilize
Domains: Entrophy and Madness
Actions – Buff Self (bulls, vestment, faith)
Combat – searing light, sound blast, lesser confusion.
Uses deadly aim with each shot.
STR 12 DEX 16 CON 16 INT 12 WIS 16 CHA 28
BaB: 4 CMD: +5 CMD: 19
Feat: Weapon Focus: Firearms, deadly aim, firearms, technologist
Skills: +6 engineering, +7 religion, +6 linguistics, +13 perception, -1 sense motice +6 spell craft, +11 survival
Gear: Black Nanite hypogun (5 charges), Chain Shirt, spiked gauntlet, +1 Infernal pistol, Nanite canisters (2) white access card, bedroll, cold-weather gear, travelers outfit, waterskin, winter blanket, 11 silver disks, 62 gp
MP: 11
Surge: 1d8
Divine Surge: 1MP Cast any known spell once without having to memorize it
Recalled Blessing 1MP Cast a spell and no expand a slot
Divine Guardian: 1MP Summon Repair Drone
Divine Guardian: 2MP Summon CR7 Robot
Might Summons 1MP Anything Summoned gains DR 5/ Epic
Ability: 1MP Anytime you Augury,
The voice of Hellion speaks and deals 1d6 per tier and knockback 15’ DC 16 Fort for half.
Mythic Feat Deadly Aim -2 Hit +4 Damage
Mythic Feat Mythic Weapon Focus: Firearms +2 Hit
Legendary +1 Infernal Pistol
Difficult to Destroy
Mythic Bond: Meyanda
Intelligent: INT: 12 WIS: 12 CHA:12 EGO: 10
DC 16+2+2+6(+4 if non-mythic heroes) Willpower DC 26, 30 if non-mythic WILL for a sending to go off anything servents of the Diety’s are attacked with the weapon.
Speech, Common, Andorran
30’ senses. CN
Upgradable: Costs HALF GP Value when upgrading the enhancement bonuses on it
Undetectable: When holding this weapon the bonded user is utterly undetectable while invisible
Added a summoner to follow her around.
Level 7 Summoner:
Init: Darkvision: 60, lowlight vision Perception
AC Touch: Flat:
Constructed: +4 vs poision, para, stun, mind effects
Immune: Disease, emotion, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, sleep
Speed: 30’
Melee +6 Dagger 1d4+1,
Ranged +8 Acid Splash 1d3
Nanite Surge:+10 to any d20 roll, circuity glrows with torch light for 1 round.
S 12 D16 C16 I12 W12 C18
HP: 42+21
F2 R2 W2
Life Link: Sacrifice HP to prevent DMG to one Eidolon at a time.
Summon Monster IV: 3+3 per day.
1@4th Clockwork Swarm.
Bond Senses: Standard to share senses with Eidolon
Shield Ally: if within reach of Eidolon gain +2 AC, +2 saving throws.
Makers Call: Standard to summon Eidolon to side.
Spells per Day DC 10+4+Level
1 2 3
5xxxxx 4x 2
Weapons: Simple
Armor: Light
Cast Spells Known:
6/6 0: 6 detect magic, detect technology, acid splash, mending, read magic, open/close
4/5 1: 5 Rejunivate Eidolon Lesser, Detect Metal, Alarm, Enlarge person, Mage Armor,
0/4 2: 4 Protection from Law: Communal, Force Anchor (3d4 Force + anchor slows down %T), Ant Haul Communal, Create Pit( 30x30x30 deep) 8 rounds. REF=land safely outside pit.
1/2 3: 2 NonDetection, Invisibility Greater (6rounds at start of fight)
Eidolon Serpentine
Size: Large
Speed: 20’ Climb:20’
AC: 25 +10 Natural, 1 dodge +4mage armor (+4vs AOO)
BAB: 5 CMB:13 CMD:28
F: 7 R:8 W:5 +4 vs Enchantment Immunity: Electricity
P Bite 1d8+11
S Tail Slap 1d
P Claw 1d +1d6 Bleed
P Claw 1d +1d6 Bleed
HP: 90
CMB: +1
CMD: +1
Reach: 10’
-2 Fly, -4 Stealth.
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
Evasion (Ref=1/2 Spell)
S 24
D 16
C 20
I 07
W 10
C 11
Clockwork Beetle Swarm (1500 flying bolts)
Fly: 50’ 10 squares
AC: 20 Touch: 16 FF:16 DR: 5/Slashing
HP: 60 F2 R5 w3
Melee: +6 Swarm 2d6
If Hit +Poison DC14 Fort 1/r for 4r fail=sleep for 1 minute. (any heal cures)
If hit +Nauseate (bad cramps, unable to act)(DC:13 Fort)
Space: 10’
1 Life is directed motion.
2 The spirit is the spark of life.
3 Sentience is the ability to learn the value of knowledge.
4 Intellect is the understanding of knowledge.
5 Sentience is the basest form of Intellect.
6 Understanding is the True Path to Comprehension.
7 Comprehension is the key to all things.
8 The Omnissiah knows all, comprehends all.
D8 Roll if any match.
1 The alien mechanism is a perversion of the true path.
2 The soul is the conscience of sentience.
3 A soul can be bestowed only by the Omnissiah.
4 The Soulless sentience is the enemy of all.
5 The knowledge of the ancients stands beyond question.
6 The machine spirit guards the knowledge of the ancients.
7 Flesh is fallible, but ritual honors the machine spirit.
8 To break with ritual is to break with faith.
Aldronard's Grave
Male human fighter 4 AntiPaladin 6, Agile Trickster 1
CE Medium Human
Init: 27/07 Perception: 5
AC 21 Touch 13 Flatfooted 18 (8 smart armor armor,1 dex) Hard Light Shield ( +2 Force ac, )
HP: 60 F13 R7 w8 +1v fear
Bravery +1
60’ Speed
Attacks: Dual initiative, +20, +0
+1 Keen Handaxe +14/9 1d6+5 19-20 x3
+1 Keen Handaxe +14/9 1d6+5 19-20 x3
Cranial Bomb: Deals 2d6 Blunt/2d6 Fire 5’ burst dc13ref. Clockwork DC 10+DMG Fort or be unrevivable.
S14 d16 c16 i08 w12 c14
Bab: +10/5 CMB: 7 CMD 19
+4 to Confirm Crits
Feats: diehard, endurance, toughness, 2wpn fighting, wpn focus handaxe, wpn spec handaxe, Evasion, Improved initiative, Critical Focus, Mythic Sustenance
Skills: Intimidate 15 Percpetion5 Bluff 10 K-Religion 5 Disguise 10
SQ: Armor Training 1, Strong Aura of Evil, Detect Good, Smite Good (2+2 vs good on hit/dmg. +16 on first successful hit. and+2 to Armor Class. ) Aura of cowardice: -4 save vs fear effects w/in 10’ Nothing is immune to fear within 10’
5x Gas Grenades
20’ spread of foul smelling toxic gas. Dc14 fort Nauseated 1d4+1r
Gas lingers for 5r. new save each round.
3x Soothe
Heals 1d8 hp. Immune to bleed 10r +2 vs fear.
-Wirejack Tendons +2 Dex (24dc)
5x Touch of corruption 3 + 2 per day TOUCH 3d6Standard.
DC 13+2 FORT
IF make it are Shaken for 6 Rounds, IF Fail are staggered for 3 Rounds
Channel negative energy 3d6: (2charges)
Tier 1 Champion. MP: 7
-1 MP Surge Immediate +1d6 to any D20 Roll.
-1 MP Sudden Attack SWIFT 1 attack at highest +Hit, roll twice take highest, ignore DR
-1 MP Amazing Gain extra Standard Action
MF: Critial Focus : Auto Crit vs non-mythic creatures.
Spells 3 @ 1st
-Death Candle Living Touched creature Fort to negate. 1r/ HD of subject.
Summon small fire elemental last 1r per HD of creature touched.
-Protection from GOOD +2 AC +2vs saves
I didnt tweak stuff in book 2 too much, side from hellion, who im not yet totally happy with so not sharing it just yet. As i wanted the party to at least make it to hellion's domain by last game session, so that two of my players could see it before they went on the road with renn fairs for 6 months.

GM Facepalm |
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I made a tech vehicle since book 3 suggested it. Made a hover cycle. Used two in the arena. Working on Dusklight.
Technological Artifact
Graviton Cycle
Slot none; Weight 425 lbs.; Capacity -; Usage -
The graviton cycle is a technological vehicle comprised of little more than a sturdy metal frame, a power source, a seat, and no wheels. The graviton cycle hovers just above the ground and is not affected by difficult terrain. The cycle is remarkably sturdy and well suited to the rigors of Numeria’s barren wastelands. Due to its size, the vehicle is only considered a Medium object when not in use.
Large Land Vehicle
Squares 2 (5 ft. by 10 ft.; 5 ft. high)
AC 13 (+4 armor, -1 size); Hardness 15
Hit Points 116 (57)
Base Save +2
Maximum Speed 120 ft.
Acceleration 60 ft.
Attack ram 1d8
CMB 1; CMD 11
Propulsion Graviton Drive (1 square of energy drive; hardness 10, hp 60; extreme device); graviton drive located within the driving space, beneath the driver
Driving Check Acrobatics or Knowledge (engineering)
Forward Facing the vehicle’s forward
Driving Device steering bar, throttle and brake
Driving Space a single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that contains the steering bar, throttle and brake that serve as the cycles’ driving device; the driving space is located directly in the middle of the vehicle’s space, and shares this space with the vehicle’s energy drive.
Passengers 1 (a single medium passenger may share the driving space, just behind the driver, however, this causes the space to become cramped, imposing a -4 penalty to the driver’s driving checks.)
There is ample room along the rear of the vehicle, in which 2 backpacks may be mounted for storage utility.
Glaucite Armor (light): The vehicle gains a +4 armor bonus to AC from a lightweight polymer resembling glaucite.
Illuminators: A pair of bright technological lights are mounted on the vehicle. These give off normal light in a 60 foot cone in front of the vehicle and increase the light level by one step out to a 120 foot cone beyond that. These draw upon the same power source that powers the vehicle, allowing them to give off light as long as the vehicle’s engine is powered. The pilot can light or douse these lights as a swift action.
YIELD 100 FORT +5 Hardness 10 HP 60
EXPLOSION 3d6 bludgeoning, 3d6 electricity, and 3d6 force (25-ft. radius; Reflex DC20; see text)
A graviton drive functions as a portable graviton reactor and functions in the same manner as a power generator. The graviton drive produces a low yield of self-sustaining energy. It’s fairly quiet while running, generating little more than a low-frequency hum. Damage caused by a graviton drive consists of an implosion rather than a classic explosion. On the round following this implosion, all objects and creatures in the blast radius suffer the explosion damage again as they are then hurled back outward. No radiation is generated by a portable graviton generator, and creatures and objects outside the blast radius can escape relatively unharmed (apart from possible damage resulting from objects that are hurled beyond the blast radius). It is unknown how long a uniquely rare portable generator can sustain itself.

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

I made a tech vehicle since book 3 suggested it. Made a hover cycle. Used two in the arena. Working on Dusklight.
Technological Artifact
Graviton Cycle
Slot none; Weight 425 lbs.; Capacity -; Usage -
The graviton cycle is a technological vehicle comprised of little more than a sturdy metal frame, a power source, a seat, and no wheels. The graviton cycle hovers just above the ground and is not affected by difficult terrain. The cycle is remarkably sturdy and well suited to the rigors of Numeria’s barren wastelands. Due to its size, the vehicle is only considered a Medium object when not in use.Large Land Vehicle
Squares 2 (5 ft. by 10 ft.; 5 ft. high)
AC 13 (+4 armor, -1 size); Hardness 15
Hit Points 116 (57)
Base Save +2
Maximum Speed 120 ft.
Acceleration 60 ft.
Attack ram 1d8
CMB 1; CMD 11
Propulsion Graviton Drive (1 square of energy drive; hardness 10, hp 60; extreme device); graviton drive located within the driving space, beneath the driver
Driving Check Acrobatics or Knowledge (engineering)
Forward Facing the vehicle’s forward
Driving Device steering bar, throttle and brake
Driving Space a single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that contains the steering bar, throttle and brake that serve as the cycles’ driving device; the driving space is located directly in the middle of the vehicle’s space, and shares this space with the vehicle’s energy drive.
Passengers 1 (a single medium passenger may share the driving space, just behind the driver, however, this causes the space to become cramped, imposing a -4 penalty to the driver’s driving checks.)
There is ample room along the rear of the vehicle, in which 2 backpacks may be mounted for storage utility.
Glaucite Armor (light): The vehicle gains a +4 armor bonus to AC from a lightweight polymer resembling glaucite.
Illuminators: A pair of bright technological lights are mounted on the vehicle. These give off normal light in a 60 foot cone in front of the vehicle and increase the light level...
What is the "drive" skill for this?

kurohyou |
Tablet's being a punk so I'll have to reinstall the drivers again and it's too hot to want to do anything at this immediate moment. That said I'm getting to some fun ones in the Numeria book so I'll hopefully pull myself off the ground long enough to get the drivers going again and art something up tonight.
In the meanwhile, here's a post with all the art so far listed with links for easy download. The PDF minis sheets made to date can all be easily found on my DeviantART page. I'll be moving things more or less to my Tumblr as I go on, and I'll put up those PDFs there as well.
Inner Sea Bestiary
Robot, annihilator
Robot, gearsman
Robot, myrmidon
Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars
Android impostor
Blood brush
Capacitor ooze
Golem, robot
Gray goo token
Machine slayer
Mutant, orc
Pathfinder Adventure Path #85: Iron Gods- Fires of...
So, these links appear to no longer work. thanks for all the great goodies N'Wah.

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Hey guys, I am not the best at doing this sharing thing and I don't have my own website but I am gonna put a link up to a lazer shotgun I made, it is heavily influenced by the Halo 4 Scattershot and the Geth Plasma Shotgun from Mass Effect 2 and 3. I just felt like the Tech Guide was missing a good shotgun.
I know the formatting may be off, I couldn't get the text to be justified like in the books as I did this all in Photoshop. Either way, I think its passable, let me know what you guys think or if the link doesn't work.
If you guys want to download it and use it, by all means. If you have suggestions on if I could better balance it I'd appreciate that as well. I am not much of a designer.

MasterZelgadis |

Meraki |

Killer Power |

I recorded the Chrysalis final report and put it on Google Drive here:Chrysalis Final Report . I set the volume high on my laptop top and had it cued up so when someone touched the envoy mouthpiece it immediately played. EVERYONE jumped, since we had just been doing a spooky ship search. I recommend this tactic to others!
Unfortunatly this file doesn't exist anymore... Can anyone share a link with the file? I would love to use it in my campaign!

MasterZelgadis |
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Made some more Resources, I want to share with you. Mostly in german. But with the included Photoshop psd files, you can change that to any language you want
Access Cards: Colored access cards for opening the doors (already posted above)
Computer-Displays: Some displays and controls to show to your players
Tokens: Tokens for players and NPC (for roll20 or for printing)
Handouts: Some letters and notes
NPC Face Cards: DIN A6 NPC cards (front: face, back: statblock)
Pinterest NPC-Collection (Fantasy)
Pinterest NPC-Collection (SciFi, for access cards)
The Resources are far from being complete, but I will add some more, as we prograss in the campaign

Jeremias |
Made some more Resources, I want to share with you. Mostly in german. But with the included Photoshop psd files, you can change that to any language you want
Great stuff! As I am planning to start the campaign tomorrow and considering my wife doesn't speak english I love german stuff.