Iron Gods Fan-Made Goodies!

Iron Gods

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Another AP, another opportunity to make free goodies for fellow-fans to use and enjoy. And with this AP, barring serious injury or death, I'm in it to the end, baby. :D

Gearsman 1-Page PDF of minis
Larger-sized gearsman art

First in what I hope to be piles and piles of Numerian freebies designed by yours truly. I've been waiting for a Numerian AP since at least 2009, and its imminent release has me going bonkers with joy.

Seeing as the AP itself isn't out until August (the first volume, at least), I'll be whipping up a few Numerian goodies when possible through then, and kicking it into a higher gear when the AP comes out. Tentative plan is:

Now to June: Art and minis for robots released to date (the annililator, the gearsman, and the myrmidon)
June to August: Art and minis for Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars, People of the River, and People of the Stars
August to February: Art, player handouts, minis and such for the Iron Gods AP and relevant upcoming products

Anyhoo, enough jib-jab. Enjoy the freebies!

N'wah wrote:

Another AP, another opportunity to make free goodies for fellow-fans to use and enjoy. And with this AP, barring serious injury or death, I'm in it to the end, baby. :D

Gearsman 1-Page PDF of minis
Larger-sized gearsman art

First in what I hope to be piles and piles of Numerian freebies designed by yours truly. I've been waiting for a Numerian AP since at least 2009, and its imminent release has me going bonkers with joy.

Seeing as the AP itself isn't out until August (the first volume, at least), I'll be whipping up a few Numerian goodies when possible through then, and kicking it into a higher gear when the AP comes out. Tentative plan is:

Now to June: Art and minis for robots released to date (the annililator, the gearsman, and the myrmidon)
June to August: Art and minis for Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars, People of the River, and People of the Stars
August to February: Art, player handouts, minis and such for the Iron Gods AP and relevant upcoming products

Anyhoo, enough jib-jab. Enjoy the freebies!


Thank you so much! I'd be more than happy to put your creations to work, come August!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Happy to oblige, guys! Seeing as I have until June to do a whopping two more minis, that oughtta be covered right quickly. And assuming Numeria's book is anything like the other Campaign Setting books, I should easily have those done before the AP drops. The extra Player's Companions might only inspire a piece or two in and of themselves, but still extra is good. And who knows when the random art bug might bite once we get some more ideas for Numerian locals and whatnot. :D

You are a gentleman and a scholar!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Seth Parsons wrote:
You are a gentleman and a scholar!

I'm neither of those things, but I play both on TV. :P

Are you currently taking commissions by any chance? ^.^

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Are you currently taking commissions by any chance? ^.^

I can prolly squeeze you in. :)

Send me a PM and we can hash out details.

Nice gearsman, man. M'wah, N'wah.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Heh, last year at PaizoCon I got to meet a lot of board folks for the first time, and a lot of them walked up to me and said, "nwah?" It sounded like the kissy noise. The name's an insult from the Elder Scrolls games and is pronounced "En-Waugh", so at first I was completely confused about the random dudes walking up and asking for kisses. :P

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Alright, I've got a body (including tail) and front eye for an annihilator robot done. I need to do the top of the head, body armor, and the legs, and it'll be done. Then I'm on to the myrmidon in my spare time.

I'm gonna try to get an annihilator printed out before I release the PDF so I can be sure it all comes together. I think the legs are gonna come off the base of the mini, but I think that'll be alright for a six-legged scorpion-bot.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Myrmidon Art

Minis page to come in... oh, a few?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

A few it is!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Eh, I'm gonna bag the 3-D annihilator concept. I might give it a go later.

I'll probably have a 2-D version tonight.

Any Numeria requests (Numerequests?) when I'm done? Bear in mind, any art I do before the books come out might not match the final art.

Radioactive zombie? :D

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Annihilator robot arted and mini-fied.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm working on a Numeria map with hexes on it, each representing 12 miles like the ones from Kingmaker. The current master file is designed to be printed out with each hex taking up about an inch.

The map is over 41" x 24", making the second-largest digital illustration I've ever worked on.

It won't be done 'til after the Numeria book comes out, obviously, but I'll mark what we do know about on it and add stuff once I know more.

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4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Numeria Map with Hexes

Shrunk down to fit on an 11 x 17 sheet of paper.

That is awesome, N'wah! I love it!

What do you use to create your maps, out of curiosity?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Photoshop CS4. I've got a bunch of Photoshop tileable textures from a now-defunct free Photoshop texture site, which I use with the pattern stamp tool with the aligned box unchecked. For a lot of the background, I use a standard Photoshop circular brush with the hardness set to 0%, then adjust colors of the patterns with the Hue/Saturation settings.

The bushes and trees and mountains are a stone pattern stamp done with brushes from a DaviantART user's brush collection: Tora's Big Ass Brushset

I'm still fiddling with how I do rivers and water. It'll prolly be easier when I get my tablet plugged back in.

Oh, yeah. I did this with my laptop touchpad for some reason. Don't ask me why.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I realized I hadn't posted up my art on dA for one of my PFS PCs, a Numerian bloodrager named Sokya Tenkiller. She's fitting for a thread of Numeria/Iron Gods art and supplemental material, so here you go.

You can also read her PFS stats and backstory here. I'm planning on adding her to some Iron Gods material I'm whipping up in my spare time, and at her current level she makes a potential cohort for some PCs in Iron Gods if they pick up Leadership. Never hurts to have another option. :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Alright, so there won't be much at all on the free goodies front 'til the Numeria book's out in June, but I'll be back to it soon as that drops. I might do some extra Numerian barbarians and maybe another gearsman or two, time permitting, to fill the empty month.

EDIT: OH! In addition, when Numeria drops, I might grab some parts of it and add extra material of my own making.

Dear god man, you're a machine! Considering that we don't even have the first support books yet, I'm amazed we've got this much.

Truly you are a king amongst men!

I'll be pointing the guy who's volunteered to run Iron Gods for me in this direction later on :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you so much! It really helps inspire me when it's an AP I've waited for years to see, and was sure for as many years it would never happen.

And everyone, feel free to point your GMs (or yourself if you ARE the GM) to the thread for more goodies. Since I'll be running it for my own home group, I'll be getting a GM's-eye view on this one, and should want whatever I'm producing for y'all as much as you do.

Anyhoo, think I might go plug in the tablet and see what pours out. :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Look what you made me do. :P

Notice the armor made from scavenged gearsman parts, stripped of the brass-colored coloring.

Are you only doing this for Iron Gods or also for other AP's and Bestiaries?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Gancanagh wrote:
Are you only doing this for Iron Gods or also for other AP's and Bestiaries?

Right now, just for Iron Gods. I started the Pathfinder Paper Minis line, but doing the art as a job kinda drove me insane, so these I'm doing as a freebie.

Fortunately, you can get some minis I did there (though the artist in me is completely dissatisfied with pretty much all of them now), as well as way more done by some very talented artists. :)

I know it would probably kill you, but I would die for a collection of your pawns of ALL 4 bestiaries combined :-p

That would be SOOOOO unbelievable awesome, spectacular, insane and even more awesome :-p

I've bought a couple of your work (I think, if you did the ones from Serpent AP bestiary) and I loved them. Some poses (like the Impundulu and the Fleshdreg Swarm) were even cooler than the artwork in the real bestiary :-p

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Bestiary: "More than 350 different monsters"
Bestiary 2: "More than 300 different monsters"
Bestiary 3: "More than 300 different monsters"
Bestiary 4: "More than 300 different monsters"

That is "more than" 1,250 monsters. So yes, it would kill me. And/or take about 3 1/2 years, assuming one illustration per day, every day, on average. ;)

Serpent's Skull minis were Todd Westcot, if I recall. I did a couple sets for Legacy of Fire and a few small monster sets.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Not specifically Iron-Gods-related, but I could see 'em popping up in a game set there, if someone or something is technologizing up local critters in your game. Gross, semi-techno-wolf monster from a 3PP book, commissioned by a Paizo board regular.

Ravager Morgech

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm really hoping for a Numeria Blog preview soon. I'd really like to get to work on some Numeriart.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Iron Gods #1 cover got leaked, so I got at least one quantity arts to do tonight/tommorrow. I'll post it soon as I'm done. :D

N'wah wrote:
Iron Gods #1 cover got leaked, so I got at least one quantity arts to do tonight/tommorrow. I'll post it soon as I'm done. :D


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Fires of Creation Cover Character

This is just part of the lineart; I'll be updating the file throughout the day, and won't be doing color 'til the cover hits the Paizo store or I otherwise get a better view of it. But still, better than nothin'. :P

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

K, I'm kinda effed, since my laptop took a tumble a couple days ago and the screen broke. I've got a monitor to hook it up to, fortunately, but the setup's kinda bulky. But I've decided that doing a standard Ashton art version of the IG cover NPC is worth doing some work on, since it lets me kinda take my own spin on the art, so I'm hoping to get that done sometime this week.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

...And done.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Soon I'll be on to the Numeria goodies full-on. Already got some concept erts done for some stuff. Expect a link-dump in a week or two.

Are you by any chance planning to draw things that thematically fit the adventure sites described in the new Numeria book?
(Particularly: the chapel of rent flesh, crowhollow, and the hollow garden?)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The Friendly Lich wrote:

Are you by any chance planning to draw things that thematically fit the adventure sites described in the new Numeria book?

(Particularly: the chapel of rent flesh, crowhollow, and the hollow garden?)

Oh, like locations? It wasn't on my list (aside from maps, and even among those, most will be my take on extant communities with a few others thrown in), but let's say if I got the free time I might give it a go. Scenes aren't my strong suit but I'm willing to experiment.

I was more thinking about lots of character portraits for technology themed Kytons and their test subjects, for example. But if you feel the urge to experiment with environment scenes, I certainly wouldn't mind either.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The Friendly Lich wrote:
I was more thinking about lots of character portraits for technology themed Kytons and their test subjects, for example. But if you feel the urge to experiment with environment scenes, I certainly wouldn't mind either.

Ah. Ooh. Hmm.

Yes. Once any of the "official" art, as well as my group, is done, if I've got spare time I'm jumping on stuff associated with Numeria but not covered whole-cloth by the Iron Gods AP. But it's more spare time work as opposed to something that's my main focus. That said, Alling Third is in the Numeria book, so you'll get art for him bare minimum. I'm saving him 'til near the end for time to art-savor, in fact.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

K ,so I'm starting with the Bestiary entries first; got 14 or so of those left. After that I'll go the full-body characters floating around the book. Time permitting I might take a whack at full-body art for some of the headshot PCs (at least one I assume will get a full-body illo later, so that one, at least, has to sit and wait).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Got art coming out in drips and drabs on my Tumblr, so keep an eye out. There's already a decent amount up.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Tablet's being a punk so I'll have to reinstall the drivers again and it's too hot to want to do anything at this immediate moment. That said I'm getting to some fun ones in the Numeria book so I'll hopefully pull myself off the ground long enough to get the drivers going again and art something up tonight.

In the meanwhile, here's a post with all the art so far listed with links for easy download. The PDF minis sheets made to date can all be easily found on my DeviantART page. I'll be moving things more or less to my Tumblr as I go on, and I'll put up those PDFs there as well.

Inner Sea Bestiary
Robot, annihilator
Robot, gearsman
Robot, myrmidon

Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars
Android impostor
Blood brush
Capacitor ooze
Golem, robot
Gray goo token
Machine slayer
Mutant, orc

Pathfinder Adventure Path #85: Iron Gods- Fires of Creation
Cover Character

Numeria map w/hexes
Hajoth Hakados
Blackpipe (no official map)

Other Relevant Art
Kellid rogue (IG home game PC)
Numerian barbarian, male
Sokya Tenkiller
Sandtongue, Akitoni lizardfolk inquisitor (IG home game PC)

I understand some folks take donations for this stuff, and I'm not in the least too proud (or rich) to turn that down. If you feel like doing so, feel free to Private Message me here on the Paizo page or e-mail me at

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Numerian fluid scavenger! YAY!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Numerian gunslinger.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Arachnid robot.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Mannequin robot.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Scrapyard robot.

One more robot, two more humanoids, and two horrible monstrosities left to go and the Bestiary entries are done! :D

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Torturer robot.

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