What happens if I steal a Paladin's bonded horse?


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Silver Crusade

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A note of advice, arrange your funeral and your payment BEFORE attempting to steal a paladin's bonded mount

Tinalles wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Best bet?

Apple of Eternal Sleep, a cart, and some sneaky(and strong) people to haul it.

This is a good plan. But the Apple of Eternal Sleep should be for the paladin. Once the paladin is snoozing permanently, store him someplace safe and the horse can be delivered to the purchaser secure in the knowledge that the paladin won't be coming to punish the miscreant who dared touch his horse.

>DC 19 Will

On a Paladin.


SAMAS wrote:
Lamontius wrote:
♫ sommmmmmmmmmmmeone is going to gettttttt smiteddddddddddd ♪
I believe the correct term is "Smote"

Actually, I think you'd say "get smitten."

I have a feeling this guy's gonna end up with a horseshoe tattoo.

Googleshng wrote:
The closest I can think of to any official source talking about what happens to a dead paladin's mount is in Pathfinder #22, where the familiar of a long dead wizard is still generally loitering around where he died, several orders of magnitude older than his lifespan would normally allow, still unusually intelligent, and in possession of some innate magical abilities, and still totally loyal to his master. If the PCs resolve things properly with regards to his dead master, and any of them have a familiar/animal companion type class feature and inclined to get a new one, he's willing to switch over to them.

But then, there are other APs (#26, for instance) featuring familiars of dead masters who have no bonus abilities at all.

Shadow Lodge

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Ashtathlon wrote:

you piss off a horse, a paladin, and a god..generally in that order. :)

Feh. If Iomedae wants to get all angsty about it, she can come and express her displeasure to my face.

If the paladin is 11th level, the horse has the Celestial template. -- It'll buck you off and then Smite you while you're prone.

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