Feat Requirements and Magic Items

Rules Questions

If a Feat requires an Ability Score of 19 (Ex: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Dex 19) and a PC has an Ability Score of 17 with a magic item that increases his Ability Score to 19 (Ex: Belt of Incredible Dexterity), does he qualify for the Feat? I think no, however a lot of players discuss casting higher level spells by wearing a headband deapite having a lower base Ability Score. I wondered if there was a similarity or difference in function. Thanks!

I may be wrong, but I believe that you qualify as long as you've have had your belt on for at least 24 hours.

Valantrix1 wrote:
I may be wrong, but I believe that you qualify as long as you've have had your belt on for at least 24 hours.

IF that is the case, do you lose the Feat afterwards if you were to have removed the belt?

Liberty's Edge

After wearing a belt/headband for 24 hours the increase become permanent and allow you to qualify for a feat.

PRD wrote:

Permanent Bonuses: Ability bonuses with a duration greater than 1 day actually increase the relevant ability score after 24 hours. Modify all skills and statistics related to that ability. This might cause you to gain skill points, hit points, and other bonuses. These bonuses should be noted separately in case they are removed.


PRD wrote:


Some feats have prerequisites. Your character must have the indicated ability score, class feature, feat, skill, base attack bonus, or other quality designated in order to select or use that feat. A character can gain a feat at the same level at which he gains the prerequisite.

A character can't use a feat if he loses a prerequisite, but he does not lose the feat itself. If, at a later time, he regains the lost prerequisite, he immediately regains full use of the feat that prerequisite enables.

The only problem what will make you lose the ability score increase.

It is a bit silly to think that your character will have to wear the belt/headband all the time or lose the bonus for the next 24 hours.
He really go to bed wearing belt and headband, take a bath wearing them and so on?

We had a thread about that a few months ago. The general (non RAW) consensus is that after the initial 24 hours attuning period you can remove the headband/belt without cancelling the attunement, you only suffer a temporarily decrease in attributes that can make some feat, spell or skill temporarily unavailable, but you will get them back as soon as you don again the belt/headband.
You can have only 1 ability enhancing item attuned in each slot (1 belt and 1 headband), so donning a different belt/headband will delete the previous attunement and start the timer to attune the new item.

Silver Crusade

I've been looking and don't remember where it is posted but the answer is yes. However once you take off the magical item the feat stops working.

GM Kyle wrote:
If a Feat requires an Ability Score of 19 (Ex: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Dex 19) and a PC has an Ability Score of 17 with a magic item that increases his Ability Score to 19 (Ex: Belt of Incredible Dexterity), does he qualify for the Feat? I think no, however a lot of players discuss casting higher level spells by wearing a headband deapite having a lower base Ability Score. I wondered if there was a similarity or difference in function. Thanks!

I don't see why he shouldn't. After 24 hours of wearing the increase is no more temporary, so he has an effective score of 19. Of course, a Dsipel Magic (that make the item cease to work for 1d4 rounds), removing the item, or similar things, provoke a loss of the feat until he restore the ability score requirement. After all, nothing in the rules let me think that you cannot satisfy the requirements with magic items.

GM Kyle wrote:
Valantrix1 wrote:
I may be wrong, but I believe that you qualify as long as you've have had your belt on for at least 24 hours.
IF that is the case, do you lose the Feat afterwards if you were to have removed the belt?


Permanent Bonuses: Ability bonuses with a duration greater than 1 day actually increase the relevant ability score after 24 hours. Modify all skills and statistics as appropriate. This might cause you to gain skill points, hit points, and other bonuses. These bonuses should be noted separately in case they are removed.

After 24 hours, It counts. And if you lose it, is just like permanent ability score loss; you lose access to his feats and abilities requiring a minimum score until you achieve the minimum again "permanently" .

Thanks everyone!

Diego Rossi wrote:
He really go to bed wearing belt and headband, take a bath wearing them and so on?

Who take a bath anymore ? Prestidigitation, my friend, prestidigitation!

HectorVivis wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:
He really go to bed wearing belt and headband, take a bath wearing them and so on?
Who take a bath anymore ? Prestidigitation, my friend, prestidigitation!

I presume that as long as you take it off for less than a day, it is still "attuned" when you put it back on; you do lose the benefits in the interim, but they are still "permanent" when you regain them by putting the item back on within that window.

Diego Rossi wrote:

After wearing a belt/headband for 24 hours the increase become permanent and allow you to qualify for a feat.

PRD wrote:

Permanent Bonuses: Ability bonuses with a duration greater than 1 day actually increase the relevant ability score after 24 hours. Modify all skills and statistics related to that ability. This might cause you to gain skill points, hit points, and other bonuses. These bonuses should be noted separately in case they are removed.


PRD wrote:


Some feats have prerequisites. Your character must have the indicated ability score, class feature, feat, skill, base attack bonus, or other quality designated in order to select or use that feat. A character can gain a feat at the same level at which he gains the prerequisite.

A character can't use a feat if he loses a prerequisite, but he does not lose the feat itself. If, at a later time, he regains the lost prerequisite, he immediately regains full use of the feat that prerequisite enables.

The only problem what will make you lose the ability score increase.

It is a bit silly to think that your character will have to wear the belt/headband all the time or lose the bonus for the next 24 hours.
He really go to bed wearing belt and headband, take a bath wearing them and so on?

We had a thread about that a few months ago. The general (non RAW) consensus is that after the initial 24 hours attuning period you can remove the headband/belt without cancelling the attunement, you only suffer a temporarily decrease in attributes that can make some feat, spell or skill temporarily unavailable, but you will get them back as soon as you don again the belt/headband.
You can have only 1 ability enhancing item attuned in each slot (1 belt and 1 headband), so donning a different belt/headband will delete the previous attunement and start the timer to attune the new item.


This totally non-raw option takes care of all the sillyness with intelligence headbands and the other sillyness with baths and sleeping.

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