chaoseffect |

Based on this description of a powder horn, it sounds like its just a storage container to keep your black powder from exploding; looks like black powder sold separately.
The starting pistol can be upgraded via the Gunsmithing feat you get for free:
"Special: If you are a gunslinger, this feat grants the following additional benefit. You can use this feat to repair and restore your initial, battered weapon. It costs 300 gp and 1 day of work to upgrade it to a masterwork firearm of its type."
Note that has the exact same material cost as the spell Masterwork Transformation, but it is actually cheaper to just do it yourself if you factor in NPC spell casting costs. The downside to that is that it'll take you a day to do instead of an hour from the spell.
Is there anything else bothering you about guns in particular?

prong999 |

It's one powder and one bullet per shot. (Yes, that's 11gp per time you fire) However, I believe if you put one skill point into craft: alchemy, you can make powder for half price.
At level one, you really have to manage your ammo. You should probably pick up a sling or something as a back up, and use that on weak enemies.

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In a normal game, Gunsmithing lets you make your own bullets and powder for 1/10 cost...so 1 gp, 1sp per shot. And with one rank in Craft (Alchemy) it lets you make Alchemical Cartridges at 1/2 cost as well, so paper cartridges for 6 gp.
I'm not positive how that works in PFS, though I suspect it's similar (given how necessary that rule is to making Gunslingers work). If it is allowed, it'd be a specific exception to the general 'no crafting' thing...but it still seems likely since there's no PFS thing replacing the Gunsmithing class feature/feat, unlike, say, Wizards and Scribe Scroll.
Check with someone who knows PFS better, or on the PFS board.