Cleave through air?

Rules Questions

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

what if your character breathed water and had a fish bowl on his head?

Sure you can, of course now the air is your foe, and as such you cannot move through it's square. And since there is no listed CMD for Air due to GM prerogative it now has a CMD of 99.

And since you can't occupy the same square as an enemy the air moves out of your square on it's turn, and you suffocate to death without being able to move. Congratulations on that Great Cleave though. Worth?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
gnomersy wrote:

Sure you can, of course now the air is your foe, and as such you cannot move through it's square. And since there is no listed CMD for Air due to GM prerogative it now has a CMD of 99.

And since you can't occupy the same square as an enemy the air moves out of your square on it's turn, and you suffocate to death without being able to move. Congratulations on that Great Cleave though. Worth?

air has a CMD of 10 at best, it has no strength or dexterity... or anything, it's not even got hp so no matter how easily it is to hit it i can't kill it either...

edit: actually what if your had a burrow speed?

Bandw2 wrote:
gnomersy wrote:

Sure you can, of course now the air is your foe, and as such you cannot move through it's square. And since there is no listed CMD for Air due to GM prerogative it now has a CMD of 99.

And since you can't occupy the same square as an enemy the air moves out of your square on it's turn, and you suffocate to death without being able to move. Congratulations on that Great Cleave though. Worth?

air has a CMD of 10 at best, it has no strength or dexterity... or anything, it's not even got hp so no matter how easily it is to hit it i can't kill it either...

edit: actually what if your had a burrow speed?

Show me where it says that in the rules? If you can't find it then the air has whatever CMD the DM decides it has. Likewise with burrow you would never be able to surface and therefore suffocate to death.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
gnomersy wrote:
Bandw2 wrote:
gnomersy wrote:

Sure you can, of course now the air is your foe, and as such you cannot move through it's square. And since there is no listed CMD for Air due to GM prerogative it now has a CMD of 99.

And since you can't occupy the same square as an enemy the air moves out of your square on it's turn, and you suffocate to death without being able to move. Congratulations on that Great Cleave though. Worth?

air has a CMD of 10 at best, it has no strength or dexterity... or anything, it's not even got hp so no matter how easily it is to hit it i can't kill it either...

edit: actually what if your had a burrow speed?

Show me where it says that in the rules? If you can't find it then the air has whatever CMD the DM decides it has. Likewise with burrow you would never be able to surface and therefore suffocate to death.

nah man, when you breathe you kill your enemy.

at the first thing it's more like people have base 10 CMD, and since they don't have a str or dex stats their modifiers are assumed to be 0(like everything else that doesn't have a stat in something). Air as a race doesn't have any feats altering CMD, so it has 10.

edit: breathing should be a grapple attempt against air.

By the rules, I think you can't cleave through targets when they are not next to each others. Which make sense because you will have to carry your weapon across at least 5ft horizontally before hitting the next target. And mechanically you will be cleaving all the time.

However, depends on your level, team build, champaign and your GM, you may ask if rule of awesome applies. It's basically a house rule when a martial or specialist character up to a certain level when magic is so powerful and other class can't do anything. They can instead act awesomely with related rolls in order to achieve things they class should do but can not do due to failure in game design. For caster, same rule applies, but if you are a caster and you still need it, you are shameful to the players that played casters unless you are at very low levels. Other than that, I don't think you can do what you want to do by the rules. So it's best to ask your GM.

Marthkus wrote:
Sgt Arpin wrote:
Is the air considered a foe?
Well I do hate it for being in-between my foes. Which I guess that makes it one of my mortal enemies.

And thereupon rises my dislike for the Cleave feat tree.

Actually, just pencil me in for disliking about 75% of all feats.


Ah... the "cleaves the grass and moves 400 miles in one round" question. Short answer: NO!

AS GM I'd allow you to do it 19 times, then I get to break your weapon on a fumble. Fair enough?

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