March announcements?

Paizo General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Is it just me or have they more or less skipped the March announcements? All I see announced in March is the Mummy's Mask Player's Guide and Pathfinder Battles Caustic Stalker?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Look here.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry for being unclear, I meant the new products that get announced in March, not the products that come out in March. :)

Although I'm not sure if you have a monthly thing... I'd thought that sometime every month you announce some new products, but maybe it's not every month.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Samy wrote:

Sorry for being unclear, I meant the new products that get announced in March, not the products that come out in March. :)

Although I'm not sure if you have a monthly thing... I'd thought that sometime every month you announce some new products, but maybe it's not every month.

Generally we try to make announcements on a fairly regular basis, but they're usually timed when we send out solicitations to distribution. Hopefully I should have something in the next couple of days for y'all. :D

Liberty's Edge

Yay! I've been waiting so very eagerly. Can't wait to see what's next in the pipeline!!

Me too. It seems like ages since the last trickle of new product discussion threads. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Yes, I'm eagerly awaiting to hear about the next Miniatures evolution set or builder sets :D

Hopefully we hear soon!

Liberty's Edge

Thank you Liz! :)

Webstore Gninja Minion

Samy wrote:
Thank you Liz! :)

You're welcome!

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