Antiplague during onset

Rules Questions

What effect would an Antiplague have on a character who is already infected with a disease but still in the onset time? None, or would he re-roll the first infection check?

Shadow Lodge

Most diseases give you one save per day to overcome the effect. If you drink the antiplague after already having made (and failed) the initial save then it will give you one more save immediately. You wouldn't re-roll the initial save as that counts against the "2 saves that day" for antiplague. Now, if you drank it the following day before making your save then you just roll 2 at the same time and use the better one.

Thank you, Anthony.

The problem is when do you drink the antiplague? Since antiplague's effects only last 1 hour. Which hour during the day is the save made? Is it exactly 24 hours later?

How would the PC know when to drink the antiplague so the bonus to his save corresponds to when he has to make the save?

When you drink an antiplague before being affected by a disease, it gives you a +4 during 1 hour. If you drink it on any day you must check for a disease you are already affected by, the effect changes and allows you to check twice that day.

The question was about drinking it while you are going through the onset time. The first day you already checked to catch the disease, but the +4 of the antiplague arrives late for that, because you already caught it. Would you get a second check (as you would on a day after the onset) to definitely keep the disease out in its preliminary phase?

You're right KalEl my mistake for not going back and actually looking up the item. anthonydido is completely correct.

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