caliga |
I have a rough concept of an Eidolon form in my head. Now it's a matter of putting it to paper. I should note that this is for a synthesist summoner, and that the DM is requiring a rough build and level break out to go over before allowing in game. Considering the largest issue that is often run into with Summoners is their Eidolon being created improperly, and I haven't made one before I turn to the boards for assistance! As I believe in working things out somewhat in advance, I have until Saturday to submit my rough build to the DM.
Biped Form with 4 arms (claw or slam attacks), 1 bite attack, a tail stinger with at least 5ft reach (even better if the poison evolution could be added but not required), and wings for flight. I'd like to go Large size at some point and get the Frightful Presence evolution. Also working toward to max it's physical stats out.
Since the party's only other melee will be a rogue, who is more of a face/skill monkey and perhaps a Warpriest I'd like something that can dish out decent damage and still survive the inevitable retaliation.
1. Does the Imp. Damage evolution stack with improve natural attack?
2. What are thoughts on getting around DR?
3. Instead of spending the evolution points to make your natural attacks magic, is taking the feat Eldritch Claws a better route?
4. Only Bite has an evolution to add 1.5 strength, are all other primary natural attacks limited to just strength?
5. Slams vs Claws whats the difference when adding extra limbs? Is it the fact that you can rend with claws, in which case does that mean you could potentially rend more than once if you hit with 4 claw attacks?
Additional thoughts on useful feats for the Eidolon would be helpful as well.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
caliga |
The problem with the quadruped form is that without adding a random arm that has a hand you can't cast spells while combined. I recall seeing that debate in the "One Synthesist thread to rule them all" with a reply from SKR saying that. Additionally I think the campaign will be Skull & Shackles, and I'd like to have hands to help out on the boat even while "suited up!"
I'd like to try to get the maximum I can out of my above concept.
I did not note a race though, and I think that will come in to play. I'd like to try to stick with Undine race, since if I'm understanding correctly while merged you still keep all of your own racial bonuses. This would include the swim speed that Undine have, and I would probably swap out a racial ability for the amphibious quality noted in the ARG. I am willing to give if to meet my concept I need to play a Half-Elf for the additional EPs.
Gregory Connolly |
I have to agree with keerawa here, why do you want a biped? I have issues with synthesist summoners because they get pounce at level one. But your group seems to be a good one to play one in, because you lack a dedicated melee character to outshine. I am not an expert on summoners, but it seems the path to power is getting as many arms as possible, multi weapon fighting and a kukri for every hand then pouncing.
Raymond Lambert |
Consider playing a Gillman for their amphibious trait. The water dependant trait may not be so bad in a pirate campaign. You may not want to try that though unless you can get another player to agree to always take the spell create water just to be on the safe side. Their con bonus is always.good for extra survival, hp & fort. Cha for bonus spells, DCs ans social skills.
It seems to me you picked way too many evolutions. An AP is long enough to get that many but are you starting from level 1 or joining a preexisting group at a higher level?
1- I think so in regular play. Not in PFS because only animalompanions may take thy feat in PFS.
2- Speak to your gm about weather or not a amulet of natural attacks will overcome DR if it has at least a +1 to hit. I think it was recently F.A.Q.ed but don't remember. If you get the ok on that, then a +3 gets past more DR, same at +4,+5. I forgot the order so look it up in the core rulebook. Admittedly, I decided to just go with acid on my second PC's Eidolon. I liked the Eldridge Claws on one Eidolon but skipped it on another and just carry some scrolls/wand of magic fang. Sucks when each only works on a single attack but I fund DR mag to be rare anyway. Greatter magic fang can hit all the Nat att at +1 each. A few scrolls of that might be worth while. You could instead try to just grapple(pincers) /trip/cast spells when DR is a problem. Also ask for the align fang spells from 3.5 to get around DR alighnment, just a scroll or 2 should do fine as you are not playing an AP known for outsiders.
3- evolutions can be swapped out every level. A feat stays with you. Extra evolution could be that one magic evolution, or simthing else. Eldritch claws takes a long time to get. A better question on a non synthesyst since it becomes an ssuw of the summoners feat vs the eidolons feat.
4- all primary att are at full strength, all secondary are at -5 to attack and only 1/2 strength bonus damage. I would say do not bother with the bite evo for damage unless you are really worried about DR, by even then, it would only help with one attack.
5- slam(singular) is a single attack, not one on each hand. It does d8 bludgeon, could help vs DR. Not sure if slam can be.purchased per hand hand or set of arms. Claws(multiple) are 2 att for d4 slash each. Weapon focus claw could easily apply to 4 or more att each turn where as it would not apply to the slam, bite, tail.
As a biped, you only get one free set of claws, popular on feet, even for a biped so you could use your hand for a wand, scroll, longspear, ranged weapon, ect. You have to pay for any other set on other arms, same way you would have to pay for a slam, bite, pincers, ext.
I do not think the rules are written clear enough on rend cincearning if you can rend multiple times if you have mire than 2 claw att.. I believe people are expected to know you can only rend once per turn. I really like the rending fury feat. Note that feat's example is not consistent with the format of the girallon it uses as an example, at least not in my app.
- Combat reflexes, Reach on bite with trip is a very nice combo.
- If the suite gets a statbump at 4hd(cannot recall if they do), consider outing it on con to boost your hp/fort.
- with so few Eidolon hp suite points, rmor evo is good at low.level, same.for.mage armor, DR is valuable at high levels.
- flight all day us one.if the best abilities ever, at level 5 no matter we hat you otherwise have to put off
- accept that move and attack will be very weak, you make.up for it in full att. Also a reason to hit via range, and tempt them to come to you provoking att if op, fromreach/trip.
- gnome with pyromaniac is a.nice race or elf with bow might work with above.
- might want to take.less then maximum number if attacks so you can full att faster. This is also helpful to avoid the rogue.or ftr player, and GM from complaining you do too much damage compared to their weak choices.
- tail/poison is pretty weak, for.late or mot at all. It us a.pian/annoyance to constantly remind gm about poison. will you even remember?
- both swim.and water breathing evo sound like a real boon in shakles AP.
- staff of minor arcane power somewhere around 8/9 k is a nice range att with a fair UMD skill when you can afford it, especially considering both the limited nature of the Summoner lust and few slots per day.
LazarX |
The problem with the quadruped form is that without adding a random arm that has a hand you can't cast spells while combined.
You mean you don't want to be Baron Karza?