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Here's the story. I joined PFS way back at PAX East 2012,assuming I'd be able to find a local playgroup. Turns out, not so much. I've played a grand total of TWO PFS sessions since then, both with pregens at conventions. Well, PAX East 2014 is almost upon us, and I hope to get to play in one or may even two PFS sessions there, so that means I'm going to hit level 2 and therefore need to finalize a character build. I've got some ideas, but I want advice.
My Requirements:
1.Core and APG only. I have friends that own the other books for home games, but I'm not buying my own copy for the sake of a character that I only get to play once or twice a year.
2.Must be able to "do its thing" straight out of the gate. I'm not building a character around a class feature or item I won't be getting for another three or four years.
My current ideas:
Kyra was one of the two pregens I played, and I liked it well enough, but I also like the idea of a spiked chain and Inflict spells. I'd probably start with Weapon Finesse to go with my DEX bonus, and act as a melee blaster with some support spells on call. I know the table won't be thrilled that their cleric channels negative energy, but I'll keep Bless memorized and that should make them happy enough.
Roleplay-wise, I'm imagining that he lost his parents at a young age and turned to religion to hear bear the grief. And what better deity to help cope with the pain of loss than the god of pain and loss? I'd roleplay him as "in mourning", having memorized all the platitudes by rote yet not really taking any comfort in any of them.
The idea here is that he's a half-orc who's determined to prove that half-orcs are good for more than just hired muscle. Trouble is, he himself isn't good for anything more than hired muscle-- not with his 7 INT and CHA. He joined the military to prove he was more than a mindless brawler, and because there's a prestige to a man in uniform. Trouble is, the military he joined was in Galt, and the general organizing the army were soon overthrown. He escaped the guillotine only because he wasn't high-ranked enough to be worth executing. He still identifies as a military man, though-- his armor is a military uniform, he introduces himself as "Private", and he carries the book on politics that his former CO gave him, so people can see him read it.
Mechanics-wise, I'm thinking Weapon Master archetype, but what weapon? Polearm and spiked gauntlet? Maybe sword-and-board? What weapon most suggests "rank and file soldier" yet is still effective? In my group I'm usually the arcane caster, so straight-up martial could be fun for a change of pace (and you don't have to wait around for the good spells).
I've had good luck with half-casters like bards and inquisitors, but my group frowns on alchemists ever since one fateful session where bomb splash damage killed more PCs than the enemies. I'd like to try one out, but how best to build one? Since it's an APG class, I can't use any archetypes or non-APG discoveries; was the alchemist robust enough to run with fresh out of the gate? Can you focus on bombs in PFS without killing strangers' characters and getting beaten up in the parking lot? Is "mutagen melee" worth it, or are you basically a rogue who thinks he's a barbarian?
Any and all suggestions welcome!

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Well unfortunately bite claw claw is not a standard rank and file attack routine, I suggest going with the Polarm arch-type that allows you to use a polearm with a shield. I believe it is call a Phalanx soldier. There is a lot of fun to be had there. The other one I would consider is the Two Handed Fighter with a reach polearm. This way you get to enjoy double your strength bonus instead of 1.5 damage if you plan on being very mobile.

Renegadeshepherd |
When in doubt of what to play in PFS I point at diverse classes so a person, whose tastes I do not know, has the option to be involved all the time. Since many of the faction submissions are based on being a mouth or some such skills, I recommend this even more if u want to pursue prestige. Along this lines an archeologist bard, inquisitor, and oracle (lore) are my top recommendations. Those three also are very upfront but scale well for all the other levels as well.
That said u presented ur own ideas and asked for advice on em...
I cannot help with alchemist as I lack proper experience.
The half orc I have 2 ways to go, chain fighter and reach weapon. Chain weapon works if he remained a captive long enough to fight and a chain is certainly fun to play but less potent. The second with reach is simple and I like to go STR 18 with power attack an shield of swings feats. This nets u +4 AC and +1 damage to ur STR mods of +4 to hit and damage plus weapon. It's semi cheesy but at low levels ur hard to hit and still hitting often and decent hard. When u really need to go offensive just drop ur +4 AC. Ur diverse but fun in battle. Be sure to grab sacred tattoo alternate racial trait and fates favored trait (think both are APG).
Ur cleric is already themetically solid. I would ignore weapons though and just focus on channeling and casting. Take selective channeling for first feat or the group will kick u out of the building, being serious here.

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Cleric- You will be disappointed because you won't have the skills to be a shining star outside combat.
Half Orc Fighter- See above. Everyone will be rolling skill checks and you will be wishing you had something to do besides power attack and cleaving your way through your problems.
Alchemist- This would be your best route. You will have skills to Have fun when your not in combat, you will have good combat abilities, and don't throw you bomb into your group without Precise Bomb where you can select out your Party members. I can recommend you a Alchemist Build but I recommend staying Away from Mutagen Combat without an Archetype. Go the ranged option for best bombs and the ability to shoot a bow to conserve on Bombs per Day..... and don't forget to Poison your Arrows when you are forced to Use it. =)
Human 20 point Buy:
Str: 12, Dex: 16, Con: 13, Int: 16, Wis: 10, Cha: 10
Traits: Reactionary +2 Initiative
Recommend one that gives Know Local or another Highly used Skill.
H-Point Blank shot
1-Precise Shot
7-Rapid Shot
Good Feats to consider- Extra Discoveries, Iron Will, Improved Precise Shot, Extra Bombs, Focused Shot, Improved Initiative, and
2-Precise Bomb
8- Fast Bombs
Good Discoveries to consider-
For battlefield control: Smoke Bomb>Stink Bomb>Poison Bomb
For the Diverse Bomber: Frost Bomb, Force Bomb, Concussive Bomb, Sticky Bomb
Discoveries that are always good Choices regardless of Style choice - Force Bomb, Infusion, Eternal Potion, Elixir of Life.
Craft Alchemy: (Max this!)
Perception: (Max This)
Use Magic Device: (Priority Skill)
Disable Device: (If you want to cover traps and locked doors)
Know Arcane: (Knowledge is power.)
Know Nature: (A few points doesn't Hurt here.)
Spell Craft: (You wont be crafting but Knowing what Spell that was helps.)
Heal Survival and Slight of Hand are good flavor and Helpful. If you take a trait to give you Knowledge local I would max that. If your into Skills.
Lastly if you do drop any money on a extra source a great feat in the Cheliax Companion is Accelerated Drinker. Doesn't work with extracts but it should allow you to use alchemical allocation and drink a potion as a full round action. Other then That you wouldn't need to get any other sources.

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I encourage you to check out playing online. There's a vibrant online PFS scene that always needs more GMs. Online game play with a solid Virtual Table Top (e.g. Roll20.net) and voice chat (e.g. Google Hangouts) is quite comparable to all being in the same room. It works better in a lot of ways. For example, maps, splitting the party, and secret messaging all work better online.
I have no shortage of in-person gaming groups, yet after several years of playing online I now prefer online RPG play. I say this as I'm about to walk out the door to a terrific weekly in-person game I've been involved with for six years.

Rogue Eidolon |

Here's the story. I joined PFS way back at PAX East 2012,assuming I'd be able to find a local playgroup. Turns out, not so much. I've played a grand total of TWO PFS sessions since then, both with pregens at conventions. Well, PAX East 2014 is almost upon us, and I hope to get to play in one or may even two PFS sessions there, so that means I'm going to hit level 2 and therefore need to finalize a character build. I've got some ideas, but I want advice.
My Requirements:
1.Core and APG only. I have friends that own the other books for home games, but I'm not buying my own copy for the sake of a character that I only get to play once or twice a year.
2.Must be able to "do its thing" straight out of the gate. I'm not building a character around a class feature or item I won't be getting for another three or four years.My current ideas:
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Hey Silent Saturn--PAX and PAX East tend to have very short slots, so it's likely you'll be playing the 1-hour PAXPort to the Inner Sea series, which uses pregens, unlike the somewhat surreal PAX East 2012 where we ran half-scenarios and then just hoped that people came to both halves and/or tried to run super-fast scenarios quickly enough for a PAX slot.
If you're at all local to the Boston area, check out our Warhorn and our website.

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In THIS thread I made some characters that are CRB only for new PFS players.
They are better than the pregens (although that is not saying much), pretty simple, and perfectly viable builds. Feel free to use or modify as you see fit.

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@Rogue Eidolon: Are you saying that I won't even need to make up a character for PAX? If not, how will the modules I play in count towards my experience saved up?
@Fruian: I do seem to recall the modules I've played being long on skill checks, so maybe Pvt. Half-Orc isn't the way to go. It's just so rare that I actually get to play The Big Guy. I might take a look at an Alchemist guide-- I was sort of thinking Elf for the DEX/INT bonuses and weapon familiarity, but I was a little worried that an Alchemist who can't grow extra arms isn't worth running.
@Magda: Can you PM me some links? I'm interested but my work schedule is pretty erratic-- I can't commit to the same time every week.