Ignore v5

Website Feedback

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Ignore v5

1. Mozilla Firefox
2. Greasemonkey
3. paizo_ignore.user.js

- Your old ignore list will not be preserved in the upgrade. (Sorry)

- The "Ignore" link has been renamed "Block User". The function is still the same.

- There is now a "Hide" link. Per a brilliant suggestion by Maizing, this link will hide the specific post without blocking everything else the user has ever written.

- The lists to Un-Hide posts and Un-Block users are still at the very bottom of the page. Scroll all the way down, and click to remove it from the list.

- The Un-Hide list is quite cryptic; sorry about that. Hopefully you won't need to un-hide too many times.

Thank you!

Is anyone having issues with version 5? I can't get Firefox to open the Paizo messageboards now that I have Ignore v5. To see the boards, I have to use Chrome, which of course won't let me use Ignore.

Mage, thanks for your work on this. Hopefully this is just an issue on my machine, and everyone else has it working properly.

Mythic Super Jager Overlord wrote:
Is anyone having issues with version 5? I can't get Firefox to open the Paizo messageboards now that I have Ignore v5. To see the boards, I have to use Chrome, which of course won't let me use Ignore.

Thank you for the bug report. It looks like this was due to a jQuery conflict.

Please reinstall the ignore script (same location as above) and the messageboards should work again.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you! Very much appreciated!

Now, to look for a post from that one guy, so as to not see him anymore...

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:
Now, to look for a post from that one guy, so as to not see him anymore...


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

You just made my day. Thanks!!!

you kids and your delicate sensibilities....

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Now, to look for a post from that one guy, so as to not see him anymore...

Oh, I'll know. When the level of trollitude drops down to manageable levels, he's on ignore.

Awesome job Mage! Thanks a lot.

Awesome, you're the man AM =D Thanks a ton!

Thank you wise owl!

But who are you talking to?

Is there any way to get this script to work in Chrome? Please? All of the previous versions seemed to work fine except this one.

Thanks for any help you can give in advance.

Silver Crusade

Best Thread Ever!

ShinHakkaider wrote:
Is there any way to get this script to work in Chrome? Please? All of the previous versions seemed to work fine except this one.

I've mostly abandoned Chrome as a development platform because Google is going to require Chrome extensions to be hosted on the Chrome Web Store, at least for Windows users.

On which platform are you using Chrome?

It looks like Tampermonkey might be worth a shot, as it might allow Chrome to run the Greasemonkey version of the script. (You may need to rename it "paizo_ignore.tamper.js" instead.)
I'd try it myself, but I've got some pegged dependencies that won't let me install the latest version of Chrome.

Can you give that a shot and let us know if it works?

Why would hosting it on the web store be a bad thing?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Bob_Loblaw wrote:
Why would hosting it on the web store be a bad thing?

Google says hosting it on the web store is for security; the user's own protection. I agree 100%. I know a protection pitch when I hear one...

Guido wrote:
That's a real nice extension you've got there. It'd be a real shame if your users couldn't install it.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:
Oh, I'll know. When the level of trollitude drops down to manageable levels, he's on ignore.

You know, I just tested it out on a certain individual and was amazed at how effective it is.

another_mage wrote:
ShinHakkaider wrote:
Is there any way to get this script to work in Chrome? Please? All of the previous versions seemed to work fine except this one.

I've mostly abandoned Chrome as a development platform because Google is going to require Chrome extensions to be hosted on the Chrome Web Store, at least for Windows users.

On which platform are you using Chrome?

It looks like Tampermonkey might be worth a shot, as it might allow Chrome to run the Greasemonkey version of the script. (You may need to rename it "paizo_ignore.tamper.js" instead.)
I'd try it myself, but I've got some pegged dependencies that won't let me install the latest version of Chrome.

Can you give that a shot and let us know if it works?

I'm using Chrome on OS X. UGH. Darn you Google!

Anyone else getting an error when they try to install this? Mine's popping up:

Download Error wrote:

Error downloading URL:


Unknown error.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Did Orthos post anything? If yes, please tell him that his grandma said 'hi'!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Why grandma, what big teeth you have.

Scarab Sages

But what if I ever find myself needing a mystic love voodoo crystal healing hindu practitioner of zoroastrian sex techniques spell charm potion shinto priest of Hanuman the Monkey King, Baba-ji?

What will I do then?
Will I have missed my chance for to live long happy life love fulfilled with partner come back faithful?

Orthos wrote:

Anyone else getting an error when they try to install this? Mine's popping up:

Download Error wrote:

Error downloading URL:


Unknown error.

Looks like userscripts.org is down for the count.

Bad News: The Ignore script pulled a dependency from there. Greasemonkey isn't going to like not being able to download that. :-(

Good News: The dependency is easily replaced. I'll get v6 up shortly.

another_mage wrote:
Good News: The dependency is easily replaced. I'll get v6 up shortly.

Ignore v7 is now in place.

Follow the same directions at the top of the thread.

Happy, err... Ignorance is bliss! :-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Unless I am mistaken, it doesn't seem to install properly. I open the link, it says "downloading" and sometimes it downloads, sometimes it doesn't. Even if it does, pressing the install button doesn't do anything (or is grayed out, if it didn't dowload). Looking at the user script tab, a few times it mentioned that v6 was installed, but after closing the browser and opening it again, the script was gone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:
Unless I am mistaken, it doesn't seem to install properly. I open the link, it says "downloading" and sometimes it downloads, sometimes it doesn't. Even if it does, pressing the install button doesn't do anything (or is grayed out, if it didn't dowload). Looking at the user script tab, a few times it mentioned that v6 was installed, but after closing the browser and opening it again, the script was gone.

Sorry for the delay, my Internet connection at home has inoperative all weekend.

If you do run into trouble installing v7, you may need to:
- Click the Greasemonkey menu (small arrow next to the monkey icon)
- Click "Manage User Scripts..." on the drop-down menu
- Find "paizo_ignore" in the Add-ons Manager tab
- Click the "Remove" button on the right-hand side

After that, just click this URL to install Ignore v7:

With the old version removed and the new version in place, everything should work. Go into a thread on the Messageboards and see the Hide / Block options show up.

Let me know if this works, magnuskn. :-)

v7 seems to be missing the section under "Script Settings" for "Included Pages". Older versions had http://*.paizo.com/, http://paizo.com/*, and a couple others there; v7 is blank.

Orthos wrote:
v7 seems to be missing the section under "Script Settings" for "Included Pages". Older versions had http://*.paizo.com/, http://paizo.com/*, and a couple others there; v7 is blank.

Looks like this is a difference between the @include and @match tags.

Older versions had a metadata block like this:

Ignore v4 wrote:

// ==UserScript==

// @name paizo_ignore_v4
// @namespace http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~meade/greasemonkey/
// @description Ignore posters on Paizo's messageboards
// @include http://paizo.com/*
// @include http://*.paizo.com/*
// @include https://paizo.com/*
// @include https://*.paizo.com/*
// ==/UserScript==

And the latest version has a metadata block like this:

Ignore v7 wrote:

// ==UserScript==

// @name paizo_ignore
// @version 7
// @updateURL http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~meade/greasemonkey/paizo_ignore.user.js
// @namespace http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~meade/greasemonkey/
// @description Improve signal-to-noise ratio on Paizo's messageboards
// @match http://paizo.com/*
// @match http://*.paizo.com/*
// @match https://paizo.com/*
// @match https://*.paizo.com/*
// @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.0.min.js
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

Note that all of the @include tags became @match tags.

Greasespot.net wrote:

The @match metadata imperative is very similar to @include, however it is safer. It sets more strict rules on what the * character means.

For details, see the documentation on Match Patterns for Google Chrome. Chrome implemented @match first, and Greasemonkey has been designed to be compatible.

Source: http://wiki.greasespot.net/Metadata_Block#.40match

However, just as you pointed out Orthos, it appears that @match tags DO NOT show up in the Script Settings.
I just checked, and it looks like there is an open issue about adding this feature to Greasemonkey:

Display and edit @match rules in 'clude editor #1703

So it appears the script will keep working on the specified pages. It just won't show up in Greasemonkey's include/exclude list yet.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hiya! :) It worked a few days ago, I am not sure what changed, since I repeated the same steps I had done before. In any case, many thanks again for this invaluable script. If only Paizo would see the benefits of this function, it really helps with keeping the trolls suppressed.

Thanks for this script. Hopefully I don't feel the need to use it very often.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:
Hiya! :) It worked a few days ago, I am not sure what changed, since I repeated the same steps I had done before. In any case, many thanks again for this invaluable script. If only Paizo would see the benefits of this function, it really helps with keeping the trolls suppressed.

We need this now more than ever. Or maybe a max damage acid energy admixed flamestrike.


The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Goodness - we still need this sort of thing. Anyone know if there is a current Version of Ignore that works?

The Paizo Forum Tools browser extension (available for Chrome and Firefox) has a user blacklist feature.

So how does this work? I need to ignore someone.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Firefox version is available here or here.

Google Chrome version is available here.

Check the links for the browser you use and install the extension from there.

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