Pomkin |
2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |
In the wyroot description it says "When a weapon constructed of wyroot confirms a critical hit, it absorbs some of the life force of the creature struck. The struck creature is unharmed...."
Does this mean that the critical hit does no damage, or that draining the life force doesn't cause any damage?
One of my players is trying to claim the former, while I'm convinced it's the latter.

Mechanical Pear |

I could be totally wrong, but I believe it deals zero damage. Which means, you could coup de grace over and over and wrack up and blah blah blah, it's banned in PFS. But, that's just what I think I remember reading. It'd make a good houserule, though, that the draining doesn't do any extra damage, on top of the crit.

Pomkin |
I could be totally wrong, but I believe it deals zero damage. Which means, you could coup de grace over and over and wrack up and blah blah blah, it's banned in PFS. But, that's just what I think I remember reading. It'd make a good houserule, though, that the draining doesn't do any extra damage, on top of the crit.
That doesn't make much sense to me. I feel like if it does no damage on the crit, it would be explicit that the critical hit does no damage, not that "the creature is unharmed", that is vague. Why would they ban if from society if it was that lame?
I think it needs to be FAQ'd.

Rerednaw |
Well, theres that, and how it can be difficult to keep track of the points in the wyroot weapon from game to game
I thought in PFS you cannot carry over effects more than one day and wyroot
unspent life points dissipate at dusk.
Though subject to exploitation I totally get. Ring of Arcane Mastery allows you to store 4 AP for 20k. A wyroot club (+1,000 gp) allows for almost unlimited recharges...which is why I guess they banned it from PFS.
Still would have liked an in-between option for Society...AFAIK you have the feat...or raising int for arcane pool points. Neither of which are particularly inexpensive.