Shadows_Of_Fall |

Basically I'm creating a War Priest 6/Duelist 4/Hierophant or Champion 5 character. My race is Tiefling with Vestigial Wings trait. I'm looking for a reliable way to fly and all I see are Wings of Flying which, at level 10, severely break the bank.
I was looking at other work arounds and the legendary item ability caught my eye. Specifically, the art of armor with wings. If I choose the legendary item ability and give my armor flying, could it theoretically allow me to fly, since I'm wearing the armor?
It's a neat idea and is a better option that taking the dual path feat and then choosing the mostly useless Archmage (useless given my classes) to allow me to fly.

deuxhero |
Not really familiar with the mystic rules, but I can tell you Wings of Flying, Lesser cost only ,a still expensive but possible, ~20,800 GP (1000 GP mundane component which is cheaper if you make it yourself, 19800 to enchant with appropriate reductions from crafting) if made with Griffon's Mane.

Shadows_Of_Fall |

Core as in only the core line, which includes Core Rulebook, APG, ARG, UM, UCombat, UE, UCampaign, Mythic, B1-4, NPC. I meant no AP books or supplementary/campaign setting/player companion books or anything.
Headband of Aerial Agility +6 is even more expensive than the Wings of Flying.

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Winged Boots are cheap as far a flying items go. I dunno how well those fit into your definition of reliable though.
Also, play an aasimar and investing in the feat chain from ARG that gives you wings would cost no gold, but you'd have to spend some feats.
I'm pretty sure the animated armor won't work though. Generally, if you find a work around that's too good to be true, it's broken and you probably shouldn't use it. But, then again, this is mythic, and mythic is all about being OP. See if your GM's cool with it.
What's up with the price restrictions though? You guys are level 10 with five mythic ranks, shouldn't that give you a hefty amount of cash?

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Basically I'm creating a War Priest 6/Duelist 4/Hierophant or Champion 5 character. My race is Tiefling with Vestigial Wings trait. I'm looking for a reliable way to fly and all I see are Wings of Flying which, at level 10, severely break the bank.
I was looking at other work arounds and the legendary item ability caught my eye. Specifically, the art of armor with wings. If I choose the legendary item ability and give my armor flying, could it theoretically allow me to fly, since I'm wearing the armor?
Yes, but with a caveat. It would be as if you were Ironman, but J.A.R.V.I.S was in constant control of the suit's flight. You would literally have to tell the armor what to do, and that could be problematic if you got silenced.

Shadows_Of_Fall |

Winged Boots are cheap as far a flying items go. I dunno how well those fit into your definition of reliable though.
Also, play an aasimar and investing in the feat chain from ARG that gives you wings would cost no gold, but you'd have to spend some feats.
I'm pretty sure the animated armor won't work though. Generally, if you find a work around that's too good to be true, it's broken and you probably shouldn't use it. But, then again, this is mythic, and mythic is all about being OP. See if your GM's cool with it.
What's up with the price restrictions though? You guys are level 10 with five mythic ranks, shouldn't that give you a hefty amount of cash?
My last character was an Aasimar Paladin and the Tiefling fits WAAAY better with the campaign. The boots...ehh...I kinda want to have something...safer than that. Or rather more reliable.
Weird twist though, I am the DM. For now. I came up with a setting in a forest in Cheliax based on Innistrad (from MtG, basically Ustalav) where we can run one-day adventures. Our group consists of 4 total (so 3 players) and we all go to college/have jobs. So if we ever can't all make it we have this side campaign I came up with. Whoever wants to DM and has an idea/can make it DMs the session. The "campaign" theme itself is comedic horror.
Anyway we each have a character (though we can swap them for others down the road) that we'll use in whatever session. The limited cash is kinda due to the circumstances of the set-up. The Mythic 5 is to help off-set the only 2 players at a time but the cash is limited at a normal amount so no one ends up over-geared. Money will be gained slowly but should probably be spent on consumables.
The other DMs basically said "It sounds like it could work, what do the message boards say? We'll see what they say."

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I dunno about "sounds legal..." To me this is falling under the magic item creation rules, and it's PRETTY clear that 4500 gp to give your armor permanent flight is wayyy out of line with the prices for existing magic items.
But again, while I'll argue that it's no where close to legal per the existing RAI, if your group's cool with it, do it. I've done it in one of our games, except it was a flying chair. It worked out fine for us.

Claxon |

Maybe using the broom of flying would be the best example.
It would be reasonable for a GM to say that instead of having an extra item (broom or carpet or whatever) that you could instead just have this apply to your armor as a non-scaling enhancement (like the Comfort enhancement). 17,000 gp for overland flight for 9 hours a day attached to your armor seems reasonable to me. Anything less than that just seems too cheap in my opinion. Flight is a very powerful affect, and the price and benefit shouldn't be trivialized.

Shadows_Of_Fall |

Maybe using the broom of flying would be the best example.
It would be reasonable for a GM to say that instead of having an extra item (broom or carpet or whatever) that you could instead just have this apply to your armor as a non-scaling enhancement (like the Comfort enhancement). 17,000 gp for overland flight for 9 hours a day attached to your armor seems reasonable to me. Anything less than that just seems too cheap in my opinion. Flight is a very powerful affect, and the price and benefit shouldn't be trivialized.
But with mythic you could get fly from a single use of mythic power at tier 1. At tier 6 it automatically (IIRC) becomes permanent fly speed. I'm talking about Eldritch Flight, which comes at the same time as the ability to make your weapon legendary and then later an artifact.

Shadows_Of_Fall |

That's actually a third tier ability and it never becomes permanent, it just changes from a spell-like ability to a supernatural ability.
Sorry I meant 3rd, dunno why I didn't say it. And in what way would a supernatural fly speed at all times not be considered permanent? Sure it's knocked out by some spells and such, but it is still for all intents and purposes permanent under any normal circumstances.