My rant on bad DMs


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Well, these actions were certainly chaotic. Breaking into a dungeon? That's a little chaotic in the first place, or at the very least not lawful. Seeing friend hurt and going into a blind rage? That's definitely chaotic (there's reasons why Barbarians are not lawful). Going against an offered rules of engagement of a duel? Extremely chaotic (and slightly evil considering it wasn't necessary but revenge was on the mind).

Now were these actions evil? Well, they weren't good. That part is clear. Neutral? Maybe.

The difference to consider is, was he killing enemies in combat, or was he going on a murderous rampage. It sounds a little in between.

As to "is he a bad GM"? I see no evidence of that. GMs know things that you do not. It was stated that this dungeon was run in an evil kingdom, so it certainly makes sense that the Paladin was tortured.

Did the guards above ground know what happened below ground? Yes. Is this meta-gaming? Maybe not. It is very reasonable that an evil king would have people in his employ have contingency spells or scrying devices in his dungeon. Honestly if a kingdom doesn't have any form of protection against people waltzing into their dungeon and going on a murderous rampage, I'd consider the leader incompetent.

Coming to the boards seeking justification and telling your side of the story in a rant? I worry more about the player's attitude than the GM at this point.

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Goldenfrog wrote:

Only if the DM says something like"guys I want to DM this adventure and it's all I'm really into at the moment" and then the players buy in.

Otherwise just because the adventure is on the high seas,there is nothing bad/wrong with the party wanting to head inland and find the ancient lost dwarven hold.

That doesn't mean it's not annoying as all get out for the DM though.

It's not bad/wrong, but it's also not bad/wrong for a gm to say "I don't have anything prepared for that, so if you want to do that we'll have to stop here and start up again later". Some DMs don't improvise well. Even if they do, I think it's also not bad/wrong for a DM to decline to run a game just because it's what you want to play. After all, if I started a game and everyone brought a standard party, then as soon as we started they immediately started playing as evil characters, I think I'd say "sorry, I don't like running evil games, please let's rein it in or find another DM".

Dark Archive

If your dealing with a terrible GM, quit. It's obvious his actions upset you, and will probably continue to upset you. You don't have to play in his game. Just like he doesn't have to run it. Nobody gets paid for their time and effort writing, prepping, planning and running adventures for players. They do it because it's fun. When it stops being fun, it becomes work, unpaid work. If my job didn't pay me I'd quit.
So you really have 2 options.
1. Come to an agreement and put it behind you and continue playing and have fun.
2. Quit. Just leave. Don't be a jerk, don't go off, and don't try to get others to leave with you.

Then you will have free time to GM a game the way you feel one should be run.

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