Goblinworks.com Error Reporting

Pathfinder Online

CEO, Goblinworks

This thread is for the use of people who need to report a problem with the new Goblinworks.com website (not the Goblin Squad Store). We'll be keeping an eye on this thread to help us find and fix problems with the site so please don't use this thread for comments about the game. Much appreciated!

(note: the new site is at http://goblinworks.com, not https://.

Goblin Squad Member

It seems that the links to the Blogs from the older Blog Discussion Threads don't work. I realize that's not really a problem on the Goblinworks.com site, but hope it can be resolved since the Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links list can only List the Discussion Threads.

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

It seems that there is an SSL error on the goblinworks page whenever I try to load the server in google chrome. When I looked into the error it seems that this is due to some kind of certificate error. I tried to load the same page in internet explorer and had the same problem, I assume this is because I am using the same settings for both. Additionally I was able to get into the site via a friend sending me a link for the thunderstrike update which is reason why I was able to find this thread. I hope this helps you troubleshoot the issue and let people know if this is an issue they need to fix individually or if it is a server problem... either way I'm sure you guys will be able to figure it out, it would be nice not to have to ask my friend to send me a link anytime I want to get on the site. Thank you guys for being so awesome!

Goblin Squad Member

Gerrik wrote:
It seems that there is an SSL error on the goblinworks page whenever I try to load the server in google chrome.

If you're using a bookmark, it probably contains "https" and you should only be using "http".

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

They're working on the http -> https SSL issue now.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nihimon wrote:
It seems that the links to the Blogs from the older Blog Discussion Threads don't work. I realize that's not really a problem on the Goblinworks.com site, but hope it can be resolved since the Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links list can only List the Discussion Threads.

I've asked Mark to look into making those references go somewhere useful on the new site.

Goblin Squad Member

Not a major issue but the footer entries of Paizo Publishing, LLC need to be changed to the newer Paizo Inc. title.

CEO, Goblinworks

@Nukruh - great catch!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

...and the copyright date should be extended to 2014.

CEO, Goblinworks

Especially since I've taken the past two days to rewrite nearly all the text. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I haven't read all of the pages yet, but the 'Features' and 'Sandbox' pages need to be proof-read for minor things like missing/juxtaposed letters.

I wish it was wiki-style so I could help you guys out: I know these sorts of things are not exactly on top of your priorities list right now!


Goblin Squad Member

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Any chance we could get a Search function on the blog?

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:
Any chance we could get a Search function on the blog?

In the mean time, adding "site:goblinworks.com" (without quotes, naturally) to a Google search will do it.

Edit: For example, typing

site:goblinworks.com "stand and deliver"

Gives you this: http://www.google.com/#q=site:goblinworks.com+%22stand+and+deliver%22

Goblin Squad Member

Much appreciated, sir. Much appreciated, indeed.

Goblin Squad Member

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A couple of spelling corrections for the new blog:

Features -> Abilityes -> "Skills are all perquisites for character abilities" should be "prerequisites"

Features -> Roles -> "and eventually we'll do the same for all the other base classes in the core Pathfdinder roleplaying game book" should be "Pathfinder" without the extra "d".

Goblin Squad Member

Drakhan Valane wrote:
Nihimon wrote:
Any chance we could get a Search function on the blog?

In the mean time, adding "site:goblinworks.com" (without quotes, naturally) to a Google search will do it.

Edit: For example, typing

site:goblinworks.com "stand and deliver"
Gives you this: http://www.google.com/#q=site:goblinworks.com+%22stand+and+deliver%22

Thank you very much.

Goblin Squad Member

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I can't find any errors personally. But in terms of "Goblinworks/Pathfinder in the news!" and links to articles that Ryan's taken time to do [4 pillars of PFO, differences between TT and MMO game-making, Crowdforging, expectation setting, pricing models, sandboxes, pvp original sin, MVP], that sort of section might be quite good to add as it shows interaction and dissemination (healthy sign of activity I think):

"Here's one I made earlier": Recent-Distant sorting:

Massively: Pathfinder Online's Ryan Dancey on crowdforging a 'minimum viable product'

MMORPG.com: Pathfinder Online Interviews: We Want to Under Promise and Over Deliver

MMORPG.com: Pathfinder Online’s Ryan Dancey Defends Elder Scrolls Online and Subscriptions

Massively: Pathfinder's Dancey on the 'broken AAA themepark financial model'

Warcry: Tabletop to Desktop: Making Wizards Work in Pathfinder Online

Forbes: An Interview With 'Pathfinder Online' Developer Ryan Dancey

Youtube: PaizoConPathfinderOnlinePresentation


Also checking over the GenCon Slide Presentation, there's a lot there that would look wonderful on the website:

1. At some stage a panoramic view in-game (there's an early screen-grab showing the potential here).
2. Some of the concept art -> in-game asset process flow-diagram at some stage to show some dev output again would show how Goblinworks are making PFO. Making of section can be good? The concept pic of settlement is very "stirring". I suppose these get people's expectations up but atst fire the imagination; so a balance as per from concept to sketch to in-game asset is a good way to present things possibly (fair and inspiring atst)? Similarly the color art of the character clothes is very inspiring I think.
3. A bit more lore on pathfinder could go down well with TT-RPG fans interested in mmos maybe.
4. The map of the region of this world would be excellent if it shows the density of information that players interact with via gamesystems, imo too as a top-level grasp of how the game intends to work/be played. Harad's map already taps into this in some ways.

Goblin Squad Member

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Totally agree. I always thought the "News" section of the GW site needed at least a link to every new blog that was made: right now the last news dates from December 2012, and that conveys "dead,abandoned website" to me. Only when people would find the page with the blogs, would they see that PFO is indeed very much alive, and being worked on very hard.

I think the "News" tab should be called "News/Press" since enough press articles are circulating on the web now.

The new "Features" and "Sandboxes" items are great: a really good description of what people can expect from PFO.

I like Your suggestions, Avena, about the GenCon Slide presentation. The map (with a big disclaimer that it is a temp map)could work very well, however since PFO will only start off in a small section, I would also put that bigger map of the River Kingdoms up next to it. Else people could argue that the map of the Echo Wood area has too little variation in it when it comes to landscape features. So a small explanation of how the game will expand in the River Kingdoms, so people have something bigger to oogle. The smaller Hex-map itself does indeed look very intriguing when it comes to the game-systems of PFO.

I also think the armors/clothing we have seen so far are detailed, realistic and colorful. I would definately showcase some of that more prominently somewhere on the site.

Goblin Squad Member

Wanted to add a little comment about the "Join Enrollment Today" picture + link to the Store on the Home-page: it consists of orange lettering on a fiery-orange background and is not really easy to read.

Because the message does not really stand out due to the coloring, at first it appeared to me as some sort of colorful advertizing banner of something else. Also because of the elongated, "banner-type" layout and positioning on the page. I pretty much glossed over it, untill I inspected it more closely, to find out it is in fact a very important link to the new Goblinworks Store!

So I think that lettering should stand out better against the fiery background, maybe some kind of greenish lettering?

Goblin Squad Member

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I noticed you took away the News section, and made the "Join Early Enrollment Today" banner much more readable with a huge BUY button. :D

CEO, Goblinworks


Goblin Squad Member

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Not an error but a detail: I noticed there is no link to the forum on the goblinworks website main page(at the top). It is usually one of the first things i click when i visit a game website since forums is usually the place where the most recent information is (and the action!).

Or can we expect new forums soon at goblinworks itself maybe?

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