Merisiel vs Ogrekin

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Im very confused about Merisiel's evade when used against Ogrekin. When you encounter ogrekin you have to roll a D4 and one of the results says you cannot evade Ogrekin.

However I always thought evade means you are not really encountering the bane and even before the encounter events don't apply. Have I been playing that wrong? So if Merisiel turns over the enchantress and evades, does she still take the one damage?

"When/if you encounter" effects always happen whether you evade or not. "Before the encounter" effects do not. It's a mess. Dont think too hard about it. They are fixing it for the next adventure path.

For future readers of the post: the long answer is in this other thread.

And the short answer is that the die roll determines what words are actually on that card you just encountered, thus do that before you hit the first step of the encounter.

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