Xenomorph 27 |
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Dogfolk = 9 RP
Humanoid (dogfolk) (0 RP)
Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed
Normal Speed (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers
Flexible (+Wis, +2 Cha) (2 RP)
Standard (0 RP)
Racial Traits
Defense Racial Traits
Eternal Hope (2 RP)
Feat & Skill Racial Traits
Skill Bonus (Sense Motive) (2 RP)
Skill Bonus (Survival) (2 RP)
Movement Racial Traits
Sprinter (1 RP)
Senses Racial Traits
Color Blind (-1 RP) (Homebrew)
Low-Light Vision (1 RP)
Alternate Racial Traits
Bite (1 RP) (replaces Sprinter)
Scent (4 RP) (replaces both Skill Bonus)
Dogfolk Racial Traits
+2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: Dogfolk are observant and sociable.
Dogfolk: Dogfolk are humanoids with the dogfolk subtype.
Medium: Dogfolk are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Dogfolk have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: In dim light, dogfolk can see twice as far as humans.
Color Blind (Ex): Dogfolk cannot distinguish colors.
Eternal Hope: Dogfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects. Also, once per day, after a natural roll of 1 on a d20 roll, dogfolk may reroll and use the second result.
Comprehensive: Dogfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive and Survival checks.
Bounding Gait: Dogfolk gain a 10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run or withdraw actions.
Languages: Dogfolk begin play speaking Common and Dogfolk. Dogfolk with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Hafling, Orc, and Sylvan.
Alternate Racial Traits
Bite: Some Dogfolk have a stronger and more develop bite than other members of their race, and can use it to make an attack. Dogfolk with this racial trait gain a natural bite attack, dealing 1d3 damage. The bite is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if wielding manufactured weapons. This racial trait replaces the bounding gait racial trait.
Scent: Some Dogfolk favor a keen sense of smell over other senses. Dogfolk with this racial trait gain the scent ability. This racial trait replaces the comprehensive racial trait.
Dogfolk Racial Feats
Fetch (Combat)
You are skilled at dragging foes around the battlefield.
Prerequisites: Dogfolk, Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1, bite racial trait.
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a drag combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to drag a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense when an opponent tries to drag you. You can do all of this with just your mouth, allowing you to attack without the restrictions of a light or one-handed weapon.
Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a drag combat maneuver.
Unnerving (Combat)
You are skilled at causing fear in those you brutalize.
Prerequisite: Dogfolk, Intimidate 1 rank.
Benefit: Barking at your enemy, you can make an Intimidate check to demoralize your target as a free action. If you are successful, the target is shaken until the start of your next turn.
Dogfolk Random Starting Ages
Adulthood ♦ Intuitive 1 ♦ Self-Taught 2 ♦ Trained 3
15 years ♦ +1d4 ♦ +1d6 ♦ +2d6
1 This category includes barbarians, oracles, rogues, and sorcerers.
2 This category includes bards, cavaliers, fighters, gunslingers, paladins, rangers, summoners, and witches.
3 This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, monks, and wiazrds.
Dogfolk Aging Effects
Middle Age 1 ♦ Old 2 ♦ Vererable 3 ♦ Maximum Age
35 years ♦ 53 years ♦ 70 years ♦ 70 + 2d20 years
1 At middle age, -1 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
2 At old age, -2 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
3 At venerable age, -3 Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Dogfolk Random Height and Weight
Base Height ♦ Base Weight ♦ Modifier ♦ Weight Multiplier
Dogfolk, male ♦ 4 ft 10 in ♦ 120 lbs ♦ 2d8 ♦ x 5 lbs
Dogfolk, female ♦ 4 ft 5 in ♦ 85 lbs ♦ 2d8 ♦ x 5 lbs
Physical Description
Dogfolk resemble that of a dog, body covered in fur, along with a tail. Dogfolk have some variation in fur patterns, but they tend to resemble long-muzzles and perky-ears. Pitbull or Cane Corso breeds dwell in Cheliax. Hound breeds are present in Ustalav and further north in Ulfen territory, such as Wolfhounds. Pinschers in Taldan, German Shepherds and Labradors in Absalom. Siberian Husky breeds can be seen around Irrisen and the High Ice. African Wild Dogs are prevalent in Garund. Even Chow Chows in Tian Xia.
Most dogfolk dwell among nomadic packs, natural explorers who rarely tire of trailblazing, though some packs have acclimated well to urban environments. As a culture, dogfolk are predatorial toward suspicious outsiders, yet they exude loyalty and generosity. They like belonging to a group whose members work together to accomplish great deeds and enriching rewards. Most individual dogfolk enjoy attention, and they tend to be expressive in body language in dog-like ways, wagging of the tail, position of the ears, and growling when angry.
Adaptable and curious, dogfolk get along with almost any race that extends reciprocal goodwill. They can prolong an grudging acclimation to other races upon instinctual or wary predation. Dogfolk and elves share a passionate nature. Humans make natural companions for dogfolk. The feral nature of gnolls stirs revulsion among dogfolk, as they don’t understand savagery and propensity for wanton destruction. Dogfolk are quick to anger by catfolk, as they disdain playful deception and sultry innuendo. Many assert this resentment in accordance with an old tale about extending the first friendship to one catfolk, only to be swiped across the eye, asserting this is the reasoning behind not being able to distinguish some colors.
Alignment and Religion
With community and good-natured at the center of their culture, as well as a willingness to adapt to the customs of many other races, most dogfolk tend toward good alignments. The gods Erastil and Sarenrae speak to the souls of dogfolk, and many packs depict them as dogfolk themselves.
Natural born trackers, the huntergatherer aspect of their packs pushes many dogfolk toward occupations as rangers and druids.While some dogfolk paladins and inquisitors are a common sight due to their mindset of steadfast dedication to a cause. Their impact upon Golarion is far spread and very diverse. Some Dogfolk are guardians for Osirian temples and Katapesh nobles. Others operate under an exclusive and secretive pack or order for the Hellknights. While others are exemplified for their bravery and unflinching resolve deep within the Worldwound.

Threeshades |

Ciaran Barnes wrote:What does color blind do? I mean, aside from what it says.Hmm. Immunity to color spray, prismatic spray/sphere/wall et al?
I would suggest -10 to appraise checks (its not easy telling gold and silver apart when both of them are a metallic grey) and -5 to all knowledge checks to identify anything that looks like something else of a different color.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:I would suggest -10 to appraise checks (its not easy telling gold and silver apart when both of them are a metallic grey) and -5 to all knowledge checks to identify anything that looks like something else of a different color.Ciaran Barnes wrote:What does color blind do? I mean, aside from what it says.Hmm. Immunity to color spray, prismatic spray/sphere/wall et al?
Sure. But don't forget that gold and silver metals smell very differently. So this would need to be moderated by whether or not scent is involved. Looking at a picture of silver and gold coins - yes - the dogfolk might be impaired and be unsure what is being represented. Placing gold and silver coins in front of them, no problem - just sniff 'em.
Also: Rifts Dogboys FTW. ;)

Liam Warner |
Ciaran Barnes wrote:What does color blind do? I mean, aside from what it says.Hmm. Immunity to color spray, prismatic spray/sphere/wall et al?
Colour spray maybe definately not the prismatic ones as they are just a colour = effect not colour affects you this way. That is a blue ray does X, a red ray does Y its more about identification than anything else.

Ciaran Barnes |

Sure. But don't forget that gold and silver metals smell very differently. So this would need to be moderated by whether or not scent is involved. Looking at a picture of silver and gold coins - yes - the dogfolk might be impaired and be unsure what is being represented. Placing gold and silver coins in front of them, no problem - just sniff 'em.Also: Rifts Dogboys FTW. ;)
OMG Rifts, the years I wasted when the guys I gamed with at the time decided apocalypse RPG was better than fantasy.
Anyhow, the reason I think "What does colorblind do?" is important is that is has been used to apply -1 RP to the build of the race. I don't think role-play opportunity is enough to essentially buy yourself an RP. The drawback for it is very situational, and entirely subject to wether or not the GM decides to make it a thing - more so than a mechanical drawback. Most of the time color-blindness will not severely impact the creature's life, especially when the creature has other, more developed senses. Color blindness can still be part of the race, but call it 0 RP and I think you haven't actually hindered it.