Robert Hodgson |
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Personally, I'm running an investigator as a bit of a melee glass cannon. I picked up Mutagen ASAP, and use a 2-handed weapon. You've got a lot of options that make melee more viable, so get Power Attack and then Extra Inspiration so you can blow Inspiration points right and left and you can't go far wrong.
As an alternate build, go Empiricist Investigator, Pick up Unarmed Combat, and Snake Style. With the right talents, you can get your Sense Motive to truly hilarious levels, and then use that for your AC. Investigators get a lot of shapeshifting magic that could mesh well with this, but talk to your GM first.

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I personally like inspired blade swashbuckler 1/Empiricist investigator X.
I grab fencing grace and Dex mutagen for early levels.
I then grab fast study at HD 5. Between mutagen, cats grace, studied combat you will be doing well with a great AC due to Dex. Plenty of skills and utilities like invisibility for scouting.
Your never going to keep pace with the real heavy hitters but your not suppose to. You have tools they wish they had.
Since most campaigns never reach 20 I don't mind the dip because your not getting the capstone. If you go 20 levels then single class it.