Drasven Hammers |

lol. I still need to reach that 4th level. :P

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Ravengro has a bank if you want to take out a line of credit. It is called The Silk Purse. You could request magical items to be made or weapons to be enchanted in town. Annual interest rate is typically 50% without collateral and 20% with collateral that values half of the loan. For example, you can sign over your 100 platinum from Professor's will for collateral for up to 200 platinum loan. You must pay the loan back within a year's time with additional 40 platinum interest. Or you can borrow at 50% interest with no collateral for a maximum amount of 500 platinum loan and 250 platinum interest. Two of your party members must co-sign the loan and will be responsible for its repayment for zero collateral loans only.

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Waiting until tomorrow for purchases or town interactions then moving you back to Harrowstone. You have two future promised rewards. Professor's 100 plat after 1 month and Hearthmount's 100 plat after solving the mystery of the "necromancer". Either can be used for collateral "Payday Loan" at 20% interest.

Drasven Hammers |

I'd rather not...Rest and heal then we go after the area once more.

nDevere Lvvais |
initiative almost followed our marching order.
Windom (22+7) perception== 11
Cassandra (22+3) perception== -1
nDevere (19+5) perception== 7
Zavar (19+4) perception== 5
Drasven (17+0) perception== 0

Drasven Hammers |

My condolences on your loss. Wishing you all the best.

Drasven Hammers |

This goes out to all my games.
The worst has happened. The event that I've being dreading has occured. I'll be unable to post as I deal with the loss of family, namely my mother. I'm sorry for the lack of posting lately and truly am sorry for springing this upon all of you.
I'll be back once things have settled down more.

Drasven Hammers |

Am Back. Am slowly reading through the posts.

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You will not level again until the next book or as quickly. However, the transition between books will give you some downtime to retrain, research new spells, earn money, craft or enchant items. Check the Ultimate Campaign link for a list of activities.
If you are pursuing a multi-class or prestige class, then you need to located a mentor. Ravengro is a pretty small town, but they can put you into contact with a specialist through correspondence. There are a few trainers in Ravengro, so just tell me what you're looking for.
Retraining would take place out of game and will cost a variable fee. Training in a new class will typically involve a favor.

Drasven Hammers |

How long a downtime?

Drasven Hammers |

A little short of gold there for the above lol.

Cassandra Corvellis |

Perhaps at the moment, but, maybe we find money, or other valuables within this place that we can utilize.

Drasven Hammers |

Drasven calls dibs on axe. lol. The items looks really good.

nDevere Lvvais |
All packed up for gencon. Then I'm moving from Maine to Arizona. So, starting tomorrow my internet access will be limited to hotels and rest stops until September 8th. I should still be able to post but it will be limited.
Also, I noticed the potions are still listed by color on the loot list. If taking ten is permissable nDevere IDed them by taste (take ten perception…=21), and after dealing with the chains she will lable them.

Drasven Hammers |

I'll be gone from 21st to 29th Aug on training camp so Logging on may not be easy for me.

Cassandra Corvellis |

Have fun, and good luck. We'll keep things moving as best we can.
I am open to wearing Lady Vess's wedding ring until we need to return it to her. Anyone else?

Drasven Hammers |

All my warpriest characters levelled lol and me not yet reading through the acg lol.

Drasven Hammers |

My Posting will be slowed due to work.

Windom |

Who wants to be in charge of splitting up and selling the loot?
Windom is going to be carrying
12 silver arrows
10 +1 arrows
2 +2 undead bane arrows
Scroll of hide from undead
Remove Disease potion
Also, I say that we buy a wand of cure light wounds (750 gp) out of the party funds before dividing up the shares.
Will be purchasing.
3 oils of magic weapon (150 gp)
2 potions of protection from evil (100 gp)
2 thunderstones (60 gp)
1 pound sack of flour, yard of canvas, and twine (1 gp)
garlic cloves (thrown in for free because of buying over 300 gp in potions)
and 13 skeleton keys (on a big creepy key ring) (10 gp?)
if there is another handy haversack (2,000 gp) he will purchase it if he gets enough from his share of the loot.

Drasven Hammers |

Crafting might be the way to go.
Drasven can wait for his share of the gold as he's not very pleased with himself.

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Just drop a message here to note what you want crafted. Selling everything should net you each 1,200-1,500. Someone could even sell the brass ouiji board for more if he wanted to participate in the bartering rules for unique items.
Step 1. Setting the Asking Price
Seller - No skills; sets price from 75% to 150% of value
Step 2. Evaluate Item (opposed check)
Seller - Bluff
Buyer - Appraise, Sense Motive, or other relevant skill
Step 3. Determine Undercut (opposed check)
Seller - Sense Motive
Buyer - Bluff
Step 4. Set Offers
Buyer - Appraise or Sense Motive
Step 5. Bargain
Seller - Diplomacy (vs DC 15/20/25 + buyer's Cha mod, depending on Final Offer determined in Step 3.)
So, as the seller, someone with a high bluff, sense motive, and diplomacy could potentially receive up to 50% more proceeds. This is for special items only. Not your run of the mill +1 weapon or bundle of scrolls. Windom or Zavar would be excellent barters.

nDevere Lvvais |
purchasing: block & tackle, spelunking kit
putting it in the haversack.
how are we handling healing? we rested/leveled but several of us were down HP. just want to be aware of what resources have been spent in that regard.

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Did Cass have have enough channels or healing spells left before resting? Windom and Drasven were healed in jail but no one else requested it. If she did, she can roll those now. Also Windom and Drasven are fatigued unless they have lessor restoration cast on them as they failed to get a good night's sleep.

Drasven Hammers |

Drasven will keep up. Also smelling salts would be nice to pick up.

Cassandra Corvellis |

There are two unclaimed Lesser Restoration Potions. Windom, Drasven, Drink them now. You will no longer be fatigued.
I was out of channels when we retreated, but had one or two spells left. Since I cannot recall before resting, I will go with just one.
CLW: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
No idea who needs it, since no one said anything about it.

Cassandra Corvellis |

OK, looking over the loot list, and everything that people have indicated they have taken, we are left with the following items and their 100% price:
6 Holy Water: 150 gp
5 +1 Ghost Touch Arrows: 830.25 gp
1 Scroll of Detect Undead: 25 gp
1 Scroll of Hide from Undead: 25 gp
1 Darkwood Case: 50 gp
12 MWK Silver Holy Symbols: 900 gp
MWK Silver Flute: 75 gp
2 Vials of Antitoxin: 100 gp
2 Vials of Antiplague: 100 gp
3 Doses of Bloodblock: 75 gp
2 Vials of Soothe Syrup: 50 gp
1 Potion of CLW: 50 gp
Bronze Medallion: 40 gp
Stavian I Painting: 100 gp
MWK Punching Dagger: 302 gp
MWK Silver War Razor (if this wasn't kept for evidence): 328 gp
1 Potion of CMW: 300 gp
At 100% that equals 3,500.25 gp.
Typically items sell for 50%, which is 1,750.125 gp
This is not enough to buy any weapons, and barely enough to buy a wand.
That does not include the 500 gp that appears to have already been split 5 ways in the spreadsheet.
This also does not include the confiscated Greataxe and Warhammer. Nor does it include the spellbook, which I do not believe anyone has even looked in.