Teleportation Creativity!


So, looking through all the Teleportation Subschool spells, I saw some really fun things you could do.

I'm not going to bore you with the details, but in our current campaign, we're very likely to each wind up in control of our own kingdom.

So, I'm here to ask you, were you to have all the powers of a 20th lvl Teleportation based Sorcerer in control of an entire kingdom... What creative things could you come up with to do?

Ummmm...sorcerers don't get schools, they get bloodlines.

Wizards get schools, and by extension can choose a subschool.

Edit: Just noticed you're talking about conjuration spells that allow for teleportation.

At 9th level you have access to pretty much only Dimension Door and Shadow Step as far as spells that allow for teleportation of a sort. And with those spells...not very much can be done for a kingdom.

I meant 20th lvl, not 9th lvl lol. That's what I get for posting when I'm sick lol.

Okay, thats very different.

The main thing I could see for a kingdom is permanent circles of teleportation being set up with every major trade partner you could establish. Both ways. This will bring hustling and bustling trade to your city like no other. Especially if you're without access to ports (landlocked). You should keep it limited to mostly business which have to pay a certain amont of tax to use them based on the products being brought in, and maybe allow individuals/groups to use them for a not insignificant fee. With this level of teleportation going on you should probably dimensionally lock most areas where you don't want people teleporting into. And I would recommending placing all the circles outside the city walls.

Having the ability to spur economic trade and travel via a system of teleportation circles would honestly put your kingdom in a very powerful position.

*Note, if you create the portal you get to choose the destination, so the ones you make for cities you trade with can be set only to go to your city. Which you should do to maintain your power as a trading city.

That, is genius, and I thank you kindly for that good sir.

I'd also like to make note of the military applications of potentially teleporting entire armies.

Reinhardt wrote:

That, is genius, and I thank you kindly for that good sir.

I'd also like to make note of the military applications of potentially teleporting entire armies.

It's possible, but remember once you create a teleportation circle its destination is set for as long as it lasts. So, unless you plan to invade your trade ally the permanent trade circles wont be useful in that capacity. But you are right that if you find yourself in a war with someone you could create the a circle and set its destination to a location that would be very advantageous for you.

*And note its not automatically two way, so unless they have high level casters they would not be able to respond in kind.

Liberty's Edge

I would teleport into random houses at night and lick the food in their pantry, or shorten the leg on one of their chairs by a quarter-inch.


The reason that war would even be an issue would be due to an NE Ifrit Magus in our group who is striving for his own kingdom. Said Magus is my stepbrother, and I trust him about as far as I can throw him(which now that I think about it, is actually a considerable distance).

Currently I'm just trying to line-up any advantages I can get right now, which those at my disposal seem considerable. =3

Edit- Also, I am absolutely making full use of both of those ideas Axebeard.

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