Oha |
Searched the boards but to no avail. How do your parties store all of their coin and loot. I seem to remember something about a small vault under Deverin's office but nothing that could handle the level of wealth they'll eventually be encountering. Do they need t keep their valuables in Magnimar for safe keeping?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts!

Tangent101 |

My PCs are using the Ultimate Campaign rules and are building the Heroes of Sandpoint Bank. The Scarnettis protested but were laughed out of the meeting as several players (including one bastard Scarnetti who is the reason the Scarnettis are against anything the PCs do) basically put such a smackdown on Titus Scarnetti that Titus is now looking to hire an assassin to do away with his upstart bastard half-brother (who doesn't realize he's a half-brother, he thinks that Titus is his uncle).
Actually I need to come up with a couple ideas of what the Scarnettis can do to start causing the PCs actual problems. No idea what, outside of the assassin, however. (Red Mantises are out, they're too expensive. The Scarnettis are cheap after all!)

CrazyGnomes |

There is a jeweler in town, but more importantly, the Sandpoint Cathedral includes acolytes of Abadar. As the god of banking, his priests often provide banking and money changing services.
I imagine once they acquire a bag of holding, it won't matter much anyways.

Digital Mystic |

also trap and or murder the labor that built the underground location and lock or stuff them in a bunch of 10x10 rooms:)
And animate them as undead servitors who guard your goods and do day to day vault cleaning duties. I recommend Skeletons. They tend to not ooze all over the place.

Peet |

The Town Government, the Mercantile League (which is kind of the real government anyway) and the church of Abadar are all reasonable organizations which could issue promissary notes that would be accepted widely. The church of Abadar is probably the best in this case since it is represented internationally.
Also the noble houses of Sandpoint are also noble houses in Magnimar. A letter of credit from them would also carry weight in Magnimar (probably not Kaijitsu though as that house is nearly dissolute with Ameiko having little desire to engage in life as a noble). But the other houses are well known in Magnimar, and letters of credit would be accepted there.
Normally an organization would expect to take a small percentage when doing this, but a house like the Deverins might do this for free for the characters in light of their service to the town.

captain yesterday |

captain yesterday wrote:also trap and or murder the labor that built the underground location and lock or stuff them in a bunch of 10x10 rooms:)And animate them as undead servitors who guard your goods and do day to day vault cleaning duties. I recommend Skeletons. They tend to not ooze all over the place.
dont forget an ogre or two to keep them in line, also a gibbering mouther for ambience