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(Sorry to continue the derail Hangnail! Hope the answers helped!)

Of course it isn't that simple. Few things worth doing are. ;)

But, obviously Paizo knows the numbers. They know how many subscribers they have, roughly how many copies of a module, a map, a box of pawns, will be purchaced. Yet, if they can afford to make these items individually, it confuses me as to why they would be able to make a profit as a package.

I suppose it could be time spent in production, or the relatively specialized use of the product. Yet look at the Beginners Box. It was just reprinted, no? It is essentially exactly what I was hoping for. It seems to sell well.

Hobbun wrote:
el cuervo wrote:
I wanted to add that I think it's a shame that Paizo doesn't offer full-sized color maps for their APs. I would pay an arm and a leg for a portfolio of full-sized versions of all the maps in the AP.

You and me both. I would pay good money for full-sized maps on nice vinyl for their APs. I'm about to start RotRL myself and would purchase maps for several of the locations.

Isn't there a company that already does this for WotC? Gale Force Nine, or something along those lines. Would love to see the same kind of treatment for Paizo APs.

Ditto. What they don't release an adventure with full sized maps and pawn I will never understand. Would the price really make it not affordable?

Oh, and Hangnail, currently my preferred method is to have the maps on a large screen TV, deleting sections not revealed yet in MSPaint, then undoing as they discover more, AND have the players draw out the area on a large Chessex vinyl battle mat (DO NOT use dry erase on them. -.-).

Very true.

Thanks for the input Ruyan!

Yeah, I looked that up Misori. Fifth level for a standard bearer cavilier mount. I'm assuming the mount would be, and stay, 4 levels behind?

Ha! That's great!

I can see Narrow Frame being handy if Shadowmist is accompanying the party into dungeons for sure.

As others before me have, I decided Shadowmist would make a convienent animal companion for a ranger in the party. It also adds to the story I think. But, in deciding to do so, I have traveled down that dark rabbit hole of horses, advanced horses, war horses, animal training, primary and secondary hooves and bites... It seems bottomless. So, in an attempt to extricate myself, I have come to the forum for some input and clarifications.

Shadowmist is a heavy horse, which is a horse with the advanced template, giving it +2 natural AC and +4 to all abilities except intelligence. This gives him str 20, dex 18, con 21, int 2, wis 17, cha 11, with an AC of 15 (+4 dex, +2 natural, -1 size), 19 hp (2d8+10). As a heavy horse he has a bite for 1d4 and 2 hooves for 1d6 each. I decided that Shadowmist was pretrained and therefore came with handle animal combat training. As such, he no longer has docile, thereby making his hoof attacks primary. I calculate this giving him 3 primary attacks on a full attack of +5 bite (+1 base, +5 strength, -1 size) (1d4+5), +5 hoof (1d6+5), and +5 hoof (1d6+5). Is this accurate?

Now, there are noticible differences between Shadowmist and the druid companion house: the ability scores of a druid horse are slightly lower, worse saving throws, and it get a natural AC bonus of +4. I was thinking I would just go with the Advanced Horse stats and ignore the ones for the druid horse.

Once the ranger turns 4th level, effectively taking Shadowmist as an animal companion, do you think I should add the first line of the druid companion table to his stats, or only columns that are missing such as skill, feat, bonus trick, and special? Should I wait until the chart exceeds his stats before continuing with the table?

Your thoughts and opinions are much appreciated!

Personally I think Nualia would act with disgust towards the fellow aasimar as it is something she dispises about herself. Roleplaying wise that could lead to attacking that character primarily, insults, an offer to assist in turning them as well, or dying words about how their kind are only freaks to others.

Sandpoint Town Hall is said, in the appendix, as having a vault in the basement that has "functioned as the town bank for decades." Surely the "Hero's of Sandpoint" would be allowed to store their treasures there.