Dimensional Dervish Sorcerer?


So, I'm looking at the aforementioned feat, and it would appear as it would be most useful to a melee build. So, my question, is there a way to consistently use this with a non-melee Sorcerer? Should I be focusing on touch attacks? If I do need to focus on touch, how would I even go about making that work?

Thanks for the help. =3

For the sorcerer touch spells are not great. There are only 14 touch spells maybe more in 3rd party but still.

Alright, but what would I do to make them hit consistently? Or is there another way to use Dimensional Dervish that I'm not seeing?

are you trying to stay pure caster?
If your not meleeing at all, why do you want to use this?
(asking cause im not sure not bein snarky :p)

You cant like cast blasts and teleport between them..

The first one isn't too bad since you could DD then move.. but you can't really charge as a non melee user,
i guess with the full attack one you could use it with a cross bow full attack or something.. kinda not that useful though

as far as touch spells.. you'd need multi uses like that frost touch thing.
but the main problem with the touch spell thing is that in theory you would have to cast the touch spell, hold it then cast DD. but casting DD you would lose the touch attack.

If your ok with a little melee.. I guess look at Dragon Disciple? you can stay pretty casty but get stat, hp, and melee buffs from it.

I'm mostly doing it for flavor, and I'm looking for a way to actually get some use from it. I'd be willing to do melee, but I want to try to keep the high level spells. See, I'm the parties strongest caster.

Battle Scout Ranger focused on stealth(mostly does recon)
Magus that has a thing for fire
Crusader Cleric with the Toil Domain
And myself, a Sorcerer of the Starsoul Bloodline that really wants to put a lot of focus on teleportation.

I'll take a look at the Dragon Disciple bit, see is my GM will maybe let me reskin it, but I would prefer to find a way to use this without multiclassing. =l

Ah couldn't take Dragon Disciple anyway. Gotta have Dragon bloodline.
Hm.. I guess you could help someone flank for a round by D.dooring and attacking with some sorta weapon (even if you miss you flank)

With the first feat where you can D.door and take remaning actions still. you could quick cast it to move to nicer position.

Actually, just finished talking to my GM(Gotta love the internet) and he said he'd be fine with me classing into a homebrewed Dragon Disciple class reflavored to work with the Starsoul Bloodline. Still have to figure out the specifics, but I would gain all the melee advantages.

Shiny shiny

probably not hard to refluff..
The dragon breath i Imagine looking a lot like a scene from digimon haha.
Space dragon XD

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