One Eye Yellow |
I know this was asked a thousand times before, but I am too illiterate to find it I guess. Sorry.
Can a rogue use acrobatics to get behind an opponent to do a backstab, using Mobility to allow the AoO w/+4 to AC. If the opponents attack misses, and the Acrobatic roll vs CMD is made does the rogue get the flanking attack?
Personally I like Errol Flynn moves by rogues, but I hate allowing overpowering moves. But that is just my opinion. I just wanted to get the community feedback on the game rules/mechanics.
Thanks in advance
mln84 |
The rogue would use a move action to move through the threatened squares at half speed. If the rogue's acrobatics roll equals or beats the cmd of the opponent (with penalties as discussed in skill description), there is no AOO. If the don't, they suffer the AOO- mobility gives them the +4 AC against this attack. Either way, if they end up in a flanking situation, the rogue can now use sneak attack.