How would YOU go about making an unarmed, contortionist, dance-battler monk?


Silver Crusade

Playing around with a monk/bard(perform:dance) concept again. Just wondering how others would go about achieving that kind of flavor.

Figuring maxed Acrobatics and Escape Artist along with Skill Focus would cover the contortionist side of things. Wondering if there may be something else that could feed into that flavor though.

Shattered Star spoilers:
Basically working out two potential ally/recruitable NPCs for the Kaer Maga chapter, two Vudrani slave-monks raised and partially "de-programmed" by a guardian naga.

See if you Dm will retrofit the Deadly Courtesan racial archetype as a ninja archetype instead of rogue, take unarmed strike trick, flavor as needed. (or take ninja tricks with rogue)

Get inspiring dance, shuriken flinging, and sneak attack as primary class feature, no need to multiclass.

or 1 level dip in monk and the rest in dervish bard? (low BAB for a scrapper)

Silver Crusade

Hadn't considered vishkanya as a possibility, but it's remarkably appropriate for these characters. Considering that ninja approach for one of them at least, thanks. :)

You could reflavor the sensei archetype, maybe instead of perform (oratory) he has perform (dance)? You can also mix it with ninja for the acrobatics trick and the vanishing trick, as well as reflavoring snake style.

The most standard way to do it is monk 3 for the monastic legacy feat / bard 17.

The Dawnflower Dervish/Dervish of Dawn's Battle Dance certainly nails the dance aspect. Ignore the scimitar and pick primarily unarmed combat / style feate, maybe a dip in Flowing Monk or the like? As an example, Janni Style is noted for smooth motion and flowing legwork that makes bystanders mistake the practitioner for dancers.

That said, the feat chain itself is... Not amazing.

Silver Crusade

Monastic Legacy(keep forgetting about that one) and Flowing Monk sound like definite candidates now. Thanks guys.

Grand Lodge

What books are allowed?

What races are allowed?

What is the point buy?

Silver Crusade

Any official PF books.

Races are thematically restricted to Vudrani human or, at most, races that could naturally look like a Vudrani human or half-elf.

20 pt. buy for a PC version, heroic array for NPC versions.(15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8)

Grand Lodge

Just how "unarmed" do you need to be?

Are you looking to focus on damage, or maneuvers?

Silver Crusade

Totally unarmed, save for allowance for ranged weaponry when need be.

For the two NPCs, maneuver-focus would be more likely, though personality-wise one would probably focus more on damage.

Grand Lodge

Well, I asked, because the Bladed Scarf seems fitting.

Are the ACG Playtest classes available?

Silver Crusade

Actually, bladed scarf could be suitable for them as an optional performance weapon. It thematically fits. It's just that I'd prefer to be able to have them work with unarmed strike as their primary combat style.

And yep, ACG Playtest would be available, although the Brawler's feat-switching ability is a headache and a half for me.

Thanks, by the way!

Grand Lodge

The Kapenia Dancer Magus is an option.

Swashbuckler is another option, and works unarmed with Hamatulatsu.

Warpriest allows for scaling unarmed damage.

Just don't limit yourself to Monk and Bard only.

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