Finiens - Orthos, EbonFyre, Scintillae, et al's Homebrew World

Homebrew and House Rules

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Monrail wrote:
Having already been intrigued by the various lore snippets provided in your campaign journals, now I would really like to see an overview of your homebrew campaign setting somewhere!
It's been something I've been meaning to do... I'll see about posting it up somewhere in homebrew =)

You could start a blog {nudge, nudge}... easier to do in installments and update/edit/expand previous entries as you go.

You too, Mikaze.

Here goes nothing!

Thanks, Orthos, this is great news! Now off to subscribe to your RSS feed...

So at the moment, the first thing I want to do - obviously - is lay out the Creation Myth, which goes up through the creation of the Aspects and the first Avatars, the formation of life, the Schism of the three worlds, and the beginnings of mortals. After that though, where I go is going to be up to you guys.

What do you want to see first? Overviews of the major cultures in the world? A look at the races? Details on the Avatars (the gods of Finiens)? More on the Five Aspects themselves? Or something completely different? I imagine it'll take a bit to get through the rest of the Creation Myth, so plenty of time to pitch in suggestions.

Added to bookmarks.

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I would very much like to hear more about the major cultures and races of Finiens.

Dotting, listing, and favoriteing.

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So noted Monrail =)

New post up: The Five Aspects create the world, a great Devourer comes, and a curious but friendly Alien mind watches. Mikaze will probably like the latter.

The OOC history post was fascinating.
Awesome stuff, all around.

Silver Crusade

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Awesome stuff! I second the motion for the major cultures and races

Thanks =) I was worried me blathering on about my gaming history might be boring, hence the TLDR tag.

Warning about the cultures and so forth: Many are stable, having long been decided, but a few are in flux as we iron out details in our discussions. :)

Not sure which should go up first, major races or major cultures. One gives way to the other. And we have a LOT of playable races already.

Sovereign Court

As long as I am represented!

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Well, we have orcs, elves, dwarves, and hobbits/halflings.

On the other hand, they're nothing like yours. Especially the orcs and dwarves. Elves are probably the closest.

ebon_fyre wrote:
Warning about the cultures and so forth: Many are stable, having long been decided, but a few are in flux as we iron out details in our discussions. :)

And a few are still in the active development stages *coughStolenLandscough* ;)

But yes, there is a possibility that something said now may be contradicted down the road with "we changed our minds" or "we thought this direction/development was better".

courtesy of Scint and her Latin expertise

Enh...expertise is such a strong word. I break grammar and pronunciation rules with it left and right for whatever sounds better to my anglophone ear. Fair warning for any hardcore Latin people hereabouts.'s gonna hurt.

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ebon_fyre wrote:

Warning about the cultures and so forth: Many are stable, having long been decided, but a few are in flux as we iron out details in our discussions. :)

Not sure which should go up first, major races or major cultures. One gives way to the other. And we have a LOT of playable races already.

I'd vote races just based on that. I don't think the stats and origin lore are like to change that much. The cultures, however...

Let's just say a lot of stuff hinges heavily on us not doing something stupid...more stupid than usual...when we pick KM back up.

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Lilith did NOT mean to create a whole new race by a single kiss!


Silver Crusade

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Gotta say, the One Become Five, Nidhoggar, and Zshagothotha are suitably mythical in tone. Also mighty curious about Zshagothtotha now(as expected ;) ).

Orthos wrote:
On the other hand, they're nothing like yours. Especially the orcs and dwarves.


In case I ever lose the link...


Carry on!


-- C.

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Mikaze wrote:
Also mighty curious about Zshagothtotha now(as expected ;) ).

A bit of a teaser: Zshagothotha's basic theme is supposed to be Friendly Cthulhu, with a lot of "Space isn't scary! Space is fun! Come play!"

There's some definite cosmic horror and eldritch evil in Finiens - but it's wrapped up in something that'll be introduced later called The Dark Song. Zshagothotha is kind of their native opposition.

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The first Soul is crafted, the first Avatars are made, and Life - first bestial, then intelligent - comes to Finiens.

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The breaking of the Five, the threefold sundering of the world, and the coming of the Outsiders.

Bumping this for others to learn about Orthos' new blog. BTW, I'M really not that much into gods and creation stuff but I find yours to be really well thought-through (is that correctly hyphenated?) so far.

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Thanks =)

And it looks right to me.

The Creation Myth just seemed the right place to start, really. It's about over - all that's left is the creation of the setting's first mortal races (since the prior creation before the Lost War became the Fae) and the fall of the Elves. After that, while there's a great deal more in the history of the world (the scattering of the old kingdoms, the Age of Avatars, and some other things), they're enough post-creation that I don't feel the need to add them to this particular story.

After that I'll get into the races themselves, followed by the various countries and cultures, as requested. =)

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A short one today.

The first mortal races are created, as are eight great destroyers.

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And another.

A Fey Queen is banished and a new race comes to the Material.

And that's the last of the Creation Myth. Next I'll be starting on the individual racial profiles, and after that the various countries and cultures.

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Just FYI, I haven't forgotten about this =) I'm just busy working on a thing for Raging Swan. I'll be back on this once that's done!

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First racial entry: Humans

My personal opinions on Humans in Fantasy, why I like exotic races, how my previous RP experiences have painted my allowing of races in games, and how I balanced it all

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And have another: Halflings

How justifying Halfling racial statistics while trying to avoid Hobbitification and Kenderification led to The Story of Everything

Lovin' the concept of The Story, Orthos. I'll probably borrow this idea for my own homebrew setting. Looking forward to the next entry!

Sovereign Court

Just stumbled across this Edge... I mean Orthos (I will never be used to your Paizo name). Looking forward to reading about your world.

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Hey everyone, long time no see. Been a busy couple of months for various reasons. Here's why if you want to know.

Let's have some Dwarves!

Why my Dwarves aren't your stereotypical Scottish miners.

The post about dwarves reminds me of my desire to create a sea and air-based setting composed of great number of archipelagos and islands with only a few larger islands. Also possibly including lots of islands floating on air and airships.

Floating islands and Airships are the domain of my Gnomes =) I'll be getting to them eventually - there's a bit before we get to the continent they originated from.

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Elves, the Fallen People

Why Elves tend to bug me, a long rant about bad players and how they seem to gravitate toward Elves, and why I like them anyway despite mostly hating them.

The Shadow Curse, why there are no Drow in Finiens, and how Mikaze pointed out that damnation with no saving throw is a bad thing

Posted a comment.

Huh. The infertile Shadow Curse thing is new to me. I'd argue that the nature of the curse wouldn't affect the offspring, since it's not a literal disease/physical thing that could be passed down. That said, it's a minor quibble.

Of note, probably should be noted in the Shadow Curse, half-elves have a chance of not being effected, or only partially effected. (Remember, this is why Bella was thrice-cursed insane!) Their non-elven blood allows a portion of the soul to fight the curse. At least, that's how I vaguely recall it.

Will we be posting the racial stats for stuff eventually?

ebon_fyre wrote:
Huh. The infertile Shadow Curse thing is new to me. I'd argue that the nature of the curse wouldn't affect the offspring, since it's not a literal disease/physical thing that could be passed down. That said, it's a minor quibble.

Multi-generational curse?

ebon_fyre wrote:
Huh. The infertile Shadow Curse thing is new to me. I'd argue that the nature of the curse wouldn't affect the offspring, since it's not a literal disease/physical thing that could be passed down. That said, it's a minor quibble.

Yeah, I mentioned I added that when I went into detail on the curse itself. It seemed a logical addition.

Of note, probably should be noted in the Shadow Curse, half-elves have a chance of not being effected, or only partially effected. (Remember, this is why Bella was thrice-cursed insane!) Their non-elven blood allows a portion of the soul to fight the curse. At least, that's how I vaguely recall it.

That's correct, though I'd forgotten about it =) Hence why Bella could still have children, as well, so that fixes that potential plothole. I think we also decided that Half-Elves don't go quite as berserk as their full-blooded kin.

Will we be posting the racial stats for stuff eventually?

I have been for those whose racial stats differ from Paizo's defaults, such as Halflings having the (Human) subtype and Dwarves using the Saltbeard racial package by default. When I get into the custom races, I'll post their full stats.

Should we regret telling you to watch Hot Fuzz?



Sovereign Court

Interesting stuff. So, do cursed elves work with each other? Or total loners?

They'll work together from time to time, as if they have a sort of sixth sense telling them whether another Elf truly is Cursed. But inherently their antisocial natures will eventually lead to backstabbing whenever an opportune moment presents itself. Unlike Drow, they don't have a social structure of any sort, so they have no risk of displeasing a leader or breaking a custom or hierarchy to worry about maintaining.


Why Kobolds are awesome and why I made them not a "monster" race.

Unsurprisingly, your material is a good read. I look forward to reading more.

As a side note, I resolved the snooty elf issue a bit differently: the best example I could find to keep this brief is the Quarians and the Geth from the Mass Effect universe (save that my "geth" are a highly mutable reptilian race, which I ended up using to explain the sudden inclusion of Summoners in the setting).

I am absolutely in love with your Shadow Curse and Pantheon.

Glad to see another fan of Kobolds. :) I cursed my elves too, coincidentally, although the PCs triggered that.

Sovereign Court

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I am completely shocked by your love of the Draconomicon and Races of the Dragon. Shocked! :)

Da'ath wrote:

Unsurprisingly, your material is a good read. I look forward to reading more.

As a side note, I resolved the snooty elf issue a bit differently: the best example I could find to keep this brief is the Quarians and the Geth from the Mass Effect universe (save that my "geth" are a highly mutable reptilian race, which I ended up using to explain the sudden inclusion of Summoners in the setting).

I am absolutely in love with your Shadow Curse and Pantheon.

One of these days I need to get around to playing Mass Effect.

Good series, easy to get emotionally invested in. Some fridge logic issues here and there, but quite enjoyable. My favorite species are the krogan, ended up modeling my catfolk around them (major step away from the cute girl with cat-ears Paizo gave us).

Yeah Ebon's recommended it on several occasions, she's played through the whole series so the references will probably make more sense to her =)

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