Magus build (multiclass or not)?


Ok, there’s been a lot of different magus build around in the last 2 years…

Now, assuming the traditional intensified shocking grasp strength build magus (with magical lineage and such)….I’m pondering the value or not of a 1 level dip in sorcerer or wizard and would like some feedback experience on which of the following cases is best (for sake of discussions, assume a 11th level character, but the question could be for any level):

A) Magus 11th (Full Magus, no dip)
B) Magus 10th/ sorcerer 1(orc/draconic x-blooded)
C) Magus 10th/sorcerec 1 (orc/ marid or shaitan x-blooded)
D) Magus 10th/ wizard 1 (admixture evoker)

A) You want to get full progression. Going full magus would be good because you don’t want to lose a level for your BAB, spells progressions and class features. However requires the Elemental Spell feat to change damage type of shocking grasp.
B) The benefits of this multiclass would be to increase considerably the level of damage of shocking grasp. On average, a 10d6 shocking grasp would do 55 hp instead of 35 (110 vs 70 on a crit). When empowered , that would mean, 82.5 hp instead of 52.5 (a 57% increase in damage). So damage boost is huge, but only when using shocking grasp…Taking the dip makes me lose +1 in bab, delay spell progression, delay class features, etc. Charisma is also not a good stat for the magus
C) The benefits of this multiclass would be to increase moderately the level of damage of shocking grasp while allowing the possibility of changing the damage type of shocking grasp to something other than electricity. Same negative impact as previously
D) The benefits of this multiclass would mainly be to allow the possibility of changing the damage type of shocking grasp to something other than electricity. Intelligence is also key feature for magus so good combination. On the bad side, bring same negative impact as mentioned before. So is taking the Elemental Spell feat better than taking this dip?

On a side note, If you take a dip, at what level is it optimal to take the dip?

So advise????

A few notes:

1) Crossblooded is not necessarily a good dip, dont forget it gives you -2 on all will saves.

2) Shocking grasp is a first level spell, which elemental brings to a second. Thus, you can use a lesser rod of elemental spell for almost nothing (about 3000 gold I think). So for 9000 gp, you can cast shocking grasp as any energy type you like, 3 times per day each type, with a first-level slot.

3) Elemental spell is not a feat worth taking, if only because of is limited to a single energy type.

4) Magus abilities: I dont know how far you want to go, but I generally dont want to slow my arcane pool advancement.

My general belief is that a straight magus, with smart choice of items (in this case metamagic rods) will be much better off. Either that or use different spells; force punch is a good one that doesnt have resistance problems.

Dark Archive

williamoak wrote:

A few notes:

1) Crossblooded is not necessarily a good dip, dont forget it gives you -2 on all will saves.

2) Shocking grasp is a first level spell, which elemental brings to a second. Thus, you can use a lesser rod of elemental spell for almost nothing (about 3000 gold I think). So for 9000 gp, you can cast shocking grasp as any energy type you like, 3 times per day each type, with a first-level slot.

3) Elemental spell is not a feat worth taking, if only because of is limited to a single energy type.

4) Magus abilities: I dont know how far you want to go, but I generally dont want to slow my arcane pool advancement.

My general belief is that a straight magus, with smart choice of items (in this case metamagic rods) will be much better off. Either that or use different spells; force punch is a good one that doesnt have resistance problems.

Generally true but don't forget the normal magus cannot use a metamagic rod with spellcombat so that can change the importance of the elemental spell feat.

The sorc dip is good for balsting and shocking grasp crit fishing. It is not as good if you would rather have a build based on monstrous physique spells and debuffing.

Well, the -2 to will for crossblooded is not so much an issue for me since the sorcerer gives +2 , so it comes down to a net +0 (but i get the point of not getting the +2 for not x-blooded)

The sorcerer dip is indeed good for lot of damage, just wondering though (considering the number of times that we use shocking grasp) if it is worth the delay in the core class (magus)....

For example, at low level, won't use a lot of shocking grasp, so the sorcerer dip is probably not worth it before 7-8 th level...when is the right time to dip?

and based on your experiences, what do you use to convert damage type to something other than electricity when using shocking grasp: dip in other class, elemental spell focus, or rods (although rods limits the combination of spellcombat and spellstrike with your main weapon)?

If you dip, dip at 3 lvl (after spell combat and spell strike). Take the elemental spell feat.

So you would take the orc/draconic x-blood and elemental feat? What energy type would you select?

I mean't for the elemental spell feat?

It depends on your DM and campaign.
If your DM metas against his players so that every single monster suddenly has resist electricity, go with x-blooded marid/shaitan just to keep him on his toes with the different energy types(electricity, cold & acid) (maybe also take elemental spell for fire to have all 4 types covered); otherwise I'd go orc/draconic for sheer damage.

You seem to mainly be interested in shocking grasp crit fishing, so the dip is appreciated. Take the elemental feat (acid).

Taking wayang spell hunter (fireball) is a good investment for the higher lvls too. The more ways you take advantage of the dip, the better it is.

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