Wrath of the Righteous statblocks document

Wrath of the Righteous

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Mactaka wrote:
Seannoss wrote:

I found the same thing with the party I'm running. Even without your additions but with help from the NPCs Vahne was a very mobile combatant that could hit very hard and often. My PCs were very scared of him.

Generally PCs in a similar situation would just kill the enemy. NPCs?

The enemies have a vampire in their entourage!

Here my suggestions.
classical corruption strategy that goes wrong:

1) Day 1 - the Pc is tortured by the succubi for info and also subject to strange rituals. If pcs are brave enough, they can try to rescue him.

2) Day 2 - at midnight, the Pc is turned into a Vampire by the vampire they have there. The rituals made while he was alive where to speed up the process in a matter of minutes and not days after he died. The idea was to make him possessed by the evil of the worldwound, by they where too quick and things go a little wrong. the character became evil vampire (LE i believe, since paladin), but nothing is actually keeping him in check. Let's rule that, by spending a mythic point, he can overcome the control of his sire for 8 minutes at time, or force a will confrontation. So you can
a) Have a sidequest in which this character kills off some main baddies by himself.
b) Have this character (and the info he know) being used against pcs in an ambush/assault. Then, in the middle of it, you give back the pc to your player and let him play.

3) After the conquering of Drezen, the pcs have this new problem: kill and try to resurrect their friend before he loses himself (or tries to kill/infect them) or allow him to stay in that condiction and use his "evil" against a bigger evil, making his return to mortality a mythic quest.

I know that the all vampire thing is overused, but i always like of drama, and when you are a paladin, the only way to make such characters more interesting is try to taint their purity. Also, this adventure needs more than 1 vampire.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Does anyone else find the abundance of errors in major NPCs extremely aggravating? It has gotten to the point where I don't trust any stat block anymore.

Are all APs this poorly checked?

I bring this up in this thread for you Scorpion...as you copy/pasted Minagho's Dex bonus...it is wrong. 24 Dex is a +7 bonus. (if you wish to change it, not criticizing you...this is great work)

Seannoss wrote:

Does anyone else find the abundance of errors in major NPCs extremely aggravating? It has gotten to the point where I don't trust any stat block anymore.

Are all APs this poorly checked?

I bring this up in this thread for you Scorpion...as you copy/pasted Minagho's Dex bonus...it is wrong. 24 Dex is a +7 bonus. (if you wish to change it, not criticizing you...this is great work)

No worries! Any error you find, let me know and I'll correct it.

In this case though, I suppose you are referring to the Dex bonus indicated in the AC breakdown. A maximum of +5 bonus is right because Minagho wears a studded leather armor, and its maximum Dex bonus is +5. The +7 modifier is applied to all other Dex based modifiers, such as Reflex saves or Initiative.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oops...on my part. Guess I'll give her better armor then.

Deciding on if i should use this for my party im not sure. Was this just a fix or were you flat out just making them more difficult?

Both of them. I need to fix the encounters for my experienced players, so I have made them more difficult.

I have a mix of players. A TWF fighter who is really good at two weapon but with lower defenses, a maximized color spray oracle who is a 1 trick pony doesnt seem to do much else. A charger cavalier more inexperienced, and a drow rogue they may or may not be gaining a sorcerer blaster. But for them it seems the line between too hard and too easy seems to revolve around if they can color spray it. They are level 6/1 will be 7 soon coming up on the mythic chimera shortly and the highest AC among the party is 21. The Nabasu at the chapel gave them grief but they have been rolling everything else. Really am trying to avoid them color spray and coup de grace on the mythics.

Color spray is in no way affected by maximize, are you thinking mythic?

The save is the big one. Remember the surge die especially if it's targeting a particularly weak save. Later they're going to be pretty infamous among their enemies so spell immunity for the ones they use often would not be out of hand.

Scarab Sages

He's not talking the maximize feat. He's talking about the Awesome Display revelation of the Heavens Oracle, which maximizes Color Spray's usefulness. For a Mythic party, it's going to be even worse.

Awesome Display drops the enemies' HD for consideration by your Cha bonus. Starting with an 18, +6 from items, +10 from Mythic, +4 from levels. Without any work at it (or extra in game bonuses), everything's HD is considered 9 lower for Color Spray. Then stack on top of that Mythic Color Spray which adds your Tier to the maximum HD consideration.

The only Feat you ever would pick up would be Heighten, to keep Color Spray's DC hilariously high.

Yeah its driving me up the walls as a gm

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Learn how to advance creatures by HD and not templates? And a lot less solos for you. At least he has to be very close to the creature to hit it.

Scarab Sages

Also Ocule, things with blindsense/sight, undead, and other mind effecting immune creatures.

Also, once the enemy learns of their favored tricks UMD'd or cast scrolls of silence will be hilarious. Cast it on the enemy meat shield, he runs up. 20' of silence keeps the Oracle outside of effective range.

What about on fights like Soltengrebbe or Eustorax where they are a solo

Scarab Sages

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Eustorax should start the fight out in the body of a vampire (or at least a spawn), as an undead is immune to mind-effecting.

Soltengrebbe should have SR, and if you want to get really mean he's got three heads, so each head should save or be stunned. The entire body doesn't fall unless all three heads can't control it.

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Gwenton wrote:

I'm Sword of Valor it's noted Aponavicius has three pets she subjected to the Nyhandrian Elixir, but only the chimera survived. But since there's a dragon shortage at my gaming table, her pet red dragon will have survived as well, and thanks to those awesome mythic dragon stats, will be a fight to remember.

On a very odd side note: I put a short sidetrek in after Worldwound Incursion, where they had to kill a demon-infested dragon, since one of my players said he thought dragons were cool. Long story short, at my table of gaming veterans, none of the PCs had ever fought a dragon.

Although I haven't run the encounter with the Woundwyrm yet, I've decided to replace her with Aponavicius' pet red dragon who was brought back to life with raise dead. I kept Scorizscar as the dragon's name.

I used the mythic red dragon as a base, but tweaked to taste here and there. Hopefully all the numbers are accurate. I gave her 3 negative levels, which I think amounts to a -1 CR. This brings her down to CR 16, which is close to the Woundwyrm's CR 15.

Scorizscar as a mythic adult red dragon. I tried to use a similar format as Sc8rpi8n_mjd, but some of it got borked when I uploaded it.

EDIT: I should note that I'm particularly unforgiving when it comes to dragons. My players know that I don't pull any punches with them. I'm a lot more forgiving when it comes to everything else, but I had too many bad experiences in 2nd Edition with pushover pansy dragons. :)

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Here's my take on Xanthir Vang. I added a new room to the Ivory Sanctum to account for the fact that the two existing summoning circles are in tiny rooms. It would be impossible for him to have summoned Huge retrievers in either of those rooms.
When alerted to the PCs presence, he calls the four blackfire adepts from Q15 and they head into the new room I added. There, they help him cast planar binding to summon a glabrezu. Once this begins, the PCs have 10 minutes to clear out the rest of the sanctum, or they have to face another glabrezu when they encounter Xanthir.

Slightly Modified Ivory Sanctum Map.

Modified Xanthir Vang.

I rearranged Xanthir's prepared spells and feats slightly to make him a bit more effective. He now has the Mythic Spell Lore feat so he has 8 mythic spells instead of 4. It came at the expense of a few of his hit points, but I doubt they would have made a huge difference once a mythic champion got their hands on him anyway, DR 15/- or not.

That's why I also completely rewrote his tactics. He no longer opens up with disintegrate against the most heavily armored target. That's... suboptimal to say the least, especially since that's the paladin in my group. Instead, he hides behind his mythic globe of invulnerability and mythic wall of force while summoning things. The globe should make him immune to virtually any spell the PCs can throw at him, as long as he stays inside of it.

I also gave him an ability called Blackfire Prodigy. All it does is bump his caster level up from 11th to 12th by giving him full spellcasting progression for the first level of the prestige class (doesn't affect later levels, if you decide to advance him). I wanted him to have a couple of extra 5th and 6th level spells without having to monkey around with adding another level to him.

The newly expanded Q18A is large enough to accomodate Xanthir's retrievers, his four blackfire adepts, and anything he wants to summon (like the mythic conjure black pudding spell I gave him). I think it will make for a much more challenging encounter than the tiny room he's normally in.

Scarab Sages

1. Xanthir likely created, not summoned, the retrievers.
2. Spell effects, such as summons, cannot be cast through a wall of force.

Thanurel wrote:
Gwenton wrote:

I'm Sword of Valor it's noted Aponavicius has three pets she subjected to the Nyhandrian Elixir, but only the chimera survived. But since there's a dragon shortage at my gaming table, her pet red dragon will have survived as well, and thanks to those awesome mythic dragon stats, will be a fight to remember.

On a very odd side note: I put a short sidetrek in after Worldwound Incursion, where they had to kill a demon-infested dragon, since one of my players said he thought dragons were cool. Long story short, at my table of gaming veterans, none of the PCs had ever fought a dragon.

Although I haven't run the encounter with the Woundwyrm yet, I've decided to replace her with Aponavicius' pet red dragon who was brought back to life with raise dead. I kept Scorizscar as the dragon's name.

I used the mythic red dragon as a base, but tweaked to taste here and there. Hopefully all the numbers are accurate. I gave her 3 negative levels, which I think amounts to a -1 CR. This brings her down to CR 16, which is close to the Woundwyrm's CR 15.

Scorizscar as a mythic adult red dragon. I tried to use a similar format as Sc8rpi8n_mjd, but some of it got borked when I uploaded it.

EDIT: I should note that I'm particularly unforgiving when it comes to dragons. My players know that I don't pull any punches with them. I'm a lot more forgiving when it comes to everything else, but I had too many bad experiences in 2nd Edition with pushover pansy dragons. :)

May i suggest to fuse the two things, so that this red dragon does resurrect into a red dragon woundwyrm, mixing immunities and special abilities?

A cool idea may be that the red dragon ad been killed and that normal resurrecction does not work on artificial mythic beings, and therefore the xabacra and the dragon where left and buried. How ever, other ways of resurrecction are aviable: one, for example, is to put the red dragon body into or near an abyssal fissure. This eventual resurrecction the dragon in a wound form. The creature it's week at first and needs time to recover power by standing near the fissure and/or feeding of other mythic creatures. So, when the playes discovers of his esistance, They can either attack while he's still weak or wait and face it when it has folly recover ed.

Lochar wrote:

1. Xanthir likely created, not summoned, the retrievers.

2. Spell effects, such as summons, cannot be cast through a wall of force.

I believe summon can be done from a wall of force, as long They are in range of the spell. If i'm correct a summon is basically to make happear a creature in a point you wish to fight for you. It's not a beam that must pass throught an object.

Otherwise, he could not even dimension jump around

Lochar wrote:

1. Xanthir likely created, not summoned, the retrievers.

2. Spell effects, such as summons, cannot be cast through a wall of force.

1. Retrievers are crafted by demon lords (and other high CR demons, no doubt). I think they're a bit much for a 12th level caster with Craft Construct to create, mythic or not. While he could certainly have figured out the method for doing it by working for a demon lord, he's not even high enough level to make an iron golem.

d20pfsrd wrote:
In the darkest corners of the Great Beyond, certain powerful demon lords have mastered the art of shaping the raw, protoplasmic flesh of the Abyss into hideous monstrosities devoid of life, emotion, and the will to resist control.

2. Rightly or wrongly, I was under the impression that summon monster and other such conjurations did not require line of effect. I know most spells require line of effect and can't be cast through the wall, which is why I had the adepts dimension door from behind it to cast their grease and magic missile spells.

Scarab Sages

Specifics over generalities.

PRD wrote:
Breath weapons and spells cannot pass through a wall of force in either direction, although dimension door, teleport, and similar effects can bypass the barrier

Unless you're going to call summons the same as teleports.

Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:
May i suggest to fuse the two things, so that this red dragon does resurrect into a red dragon woundwyrm, mixing immunities and special abilities?

I didn't really like the woundwyrm to begin with. The idea of abyssal energies weakening true dragons to such an extent just didn't seem right to me.

I admit, their entropic theme was neat, but, I just didn't like the idea of the entire creature. It lacks age categories and 'feels' like it's not a true dragon at all, but one of dragonkind's weaker cousins. Also, it has a fly speed of 60, which is pathetic for a dragon. Yes, it's so it doesn't slam into the first mountainside it comes across, since its blindsight is only 60', but even with average maneuverability, it's too slow.

The fact that one of my players has a fairly high fly speed, combined with Arueshalae's arrows, played a factor in my decision to make Scorizscar so fast.

Lochar wrote:
Unless you're going to call summons the same as teleports.

I think it's fair, they rely on similar principles. But you're right, as written, summons likely don't fall under the 'similar effects' category in the spell description.

It does work that way at my table, as PCs and NPCs alike have done it in my games, but your mileage may vary.

@Thanurel -

I definitely like your take on Xanthir Vang. The Globe of invulnerability helps prevent things like Mythic Augmented Black Tentacles completely shutting him down (along with anything else that lacks Freedom of Movement to be honest), and having him efficiently summon a bunch of allies in a relatively short period of time does make him feel more like a conjurer rather than a poorly built blasty wizard.

I also like the Mythic Scorizscar, and even though my party has already faced the Woundwyrm I think I'm going to have them run into this dragon at some point later. It's canon that Aponavicius fed one of the elixers to a Red Dragon, so I can just change the name and still use the encounter. This won't matter much because I'm scrapping the combat rules and narrating fights, but I think the backstory you have written for that encounter might lead to an interesting roleplay encounter. My PC's might just try to earn the Dragon's favor by curing the negative levels.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

@Aldarionn - I would love for you to fully describe what you mean by narrating the fights. Will you ask the PCs what they are doing? And if it is scripted, doesn't that take away any chance of a failure?

As someone who is planning on running this AP later this year, I am avidly looking for how everyone has done it. To better help my cause.

I have updated the document with ancient apocalypse locusts, to replace those that come out of the portal below Drezen.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
I have updated the document with ancient apocalypse locusts, to replace those that come out of the portal below Drezen.

The Death Throes ability is a nice touch. Stackable boosts to everyone else when they go down---nasty!

We've been playing Shattered Star, but I think we'll return to start book 6 once you've finished up with Aponavicius's lair. I'm looking forward to trying these guys out!

Scarab Sages

Dude, awesome as hell.

Is the poison 6 Con damage or drain?


With the death throes ability, you can make a group of these guys (module 6 uses only four of them but you can make the group larger) or put them in a demon army so enemies get a nice boost when the locusts explode.


Unless otherwise noted, poison is ability damage. But since you pointed it out, I decided to change it to drain :-)

I have addded a new grapple-related ability to the locust's statblock. For some reason I forgot to add it when creating the monster.

Thanurel wrote:
Lots of good stuff

Thanks for contributing, Thanurel!. I'll definitely study your Xanthir when my players approach the Sanctum (we are near the end of SoV). Nice work with the map, too.

I noticed that Vang no longer has mythic toughness, so you may want to remove the reference to that feat from the "Quick Reference" section.

Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
Thanurel wrote:
Lots of good stuff

Thanks for contributing, Thanurel!. I'll definitely study your Xanthir when my players approach the Sanctum (we are near the end of SoV). Nice work with the map, too.

I noticed that Vang no longer has mythic toughness, so you may want to remove the reference to that feat from the "Quick Reference" section.

Oops, missed that. It's been removed, thanks :)

Also, thanks for your entire document. It's going to make the AP much more challenging for my players. I'm just sad that I didn't see this thread until book 3.

Unfortunately, my group's paladin one-rounded Staunton before he could even act. Your upgraded encounters should, hopefully, prevent such embarrassing boss fights in the future. Crits with a x3 multiplier and smite evil can really ruin your day.

Mogloth wrote:

@Aldarionn - I would love for you to fully describe what you mean by narrating the fights. Will you ask the PCs what they are doing? And if it is scripted, doesn't that take away any chance of a failure?

As someone who is planning on running this AP later this year, I am avidly looking for how everyone has done it. To better help my cause.

Well, I have not yet run a session using this technique. Our first session with this new setup is going to be tonight so I will certainly let you know how it goes.

When the players don't successfully bypass combat with roleplay, I intend to describe their opponents, then come up with a short narration of how they defeat their foes based on their strengths and weaknesses. For more epic, boss level fights I plan to pre-write a script for how the battle goes. This does effectively remove any chance for combat failure, but realistically the players are always supposed to win. I don't think they should always crush their opponents, but TPK's are a DM failure in my opinion.

I have further thoughts on this matter but in an effort to avoid derailing the thread I'm going to put them in spoiler tags. Feel free to reply by PM if you want.


The GM's job is to lose, not to destroy his party. Sometimes players are defeated and retreat, and in unlucky circumstances a PC can die, but the Mythic rules make this increasingly difficult to balance. It turns to rocket tag very quickly, with the PC's either absolutely demolishing the enemies in a round, or being demolished themselves so badly they cannot recover. By skipping this part entirely the GM can narrate consequences of a fight, potentially having PC's injured or afflicted by dangerous effects that the party must spend resources on and roleplay through after the fact.

The specific issue I am running into with my group (and why these stat blocks have helped, but not been quite enough) is that three of my four players do not seem to enjoy combat, and the one that does is highly skilled at crafting characters - so much so that he breaks the game without trying sometimes.

Player 1 - Kitsune Sorcerer - This player enjoys all aspects of the game, including combat, but is something of a power gamer. His current character is a powerhouse but he is limiting himself with what the character can do for story reasons. We have come to something of an understanding, so for the most part I don't worry about this guy.

Player 2 - Elf Wizard - Enjoys RPG's and the story progression but hates combat and feels that the combat rules are poorly designed. He is a self-proclaimed rules lawyer and always looks for the swiftest and most efficient method of ending combat. His current character has an initiative bonus north of +20 at level 10, so he almost always goes first. He also has Wild Arcana and a high enough Knowledge (Planes) skill to know what spell(s) he should cast in every situation. He tends to cripple or incapacitate enemies before they get to act with very few chances for failure. This is getting more difficult to balance against as he gains levels and Mythic Spellcasting, and when Paizo insists on throwing single, un-supported enemies at the party at a slow pace.

Player 3 - Human Paladin - Enjoys building and roleplaying characters, but has serious distaste for rocket tag. He tends to phone it in when it comes to combat because the Wizard usually neutralizes most things before they are a real threat, and when things are overly tough he is frustrated when his character can't do anything useful.

Player 4 - Dwarf Cleric - Makes unusual characters and roleplays them beautifully, but completely checks out during combat. I've caught him falling asleep when it's not his turn before, and when it is his turn he just follows everyone else's suggestions for what he should do. He likes playing characters, but doesn't do well with learning the rules system and doesn't find combat engaging at all.

Now, for my next campaign I am looking for new blood, but these are the people I have to play with right now. Clearly just increasing overall difficulty is not going to do what I need - I tried it (using these stats) and the players complained. We ended up in some rather heated discussions about rules and game balance, and they felt that I was taking too much of a DM V Party stance when my job is just to lose. So I said that if all they want to do is always win combat with an easy button using Mythic rules, why have the rules there at all? I can just narrate combat where the PC's win, and have the roleplay be the important part where everyone feels engaged. it's more fluid and everyone can have a say in what is going on rather than having to wait their turn to roll dice. I can also give them chances of failure at roleplay situations, where if they mess up a roleplay encounter that results in combat they feel they have lost something.

Hopefully this works out for my group - it's something I have never tried before but I've heard of people using it. We shall see.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey Scorpion,

Did you have any thoughts about changing Nezirrius' race? I'm thinking of changing it to a more generic outsider, fey are way too weak to throw against high level characters. Even with your adjustments a +22 to hit for a combat character is too low.

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I agree with you that high level fey are difficult to use because even if they have a lot of hit dice, half BaB means they usually have trouble hitting.

I like Nezirrius, so I'll try to use her. However, your comment has made me realize that I forgot to add something to deal with that low to hit bonus. Pulling an old trick from Paizo, I have given her a new ability that gives a profane bonus equal to her hit dice to his natural and manufactured weapon attacks. This was used in the Age of Worms AP to allow those poor 3.5 half-BaB undead to actually hit something.

I'll try to use Nezirrius as an opportunistic killer, hitting the PCs when they should be most vulnerable. I may even use her along with Minagho to set up a nasty encounter.

If you don't want to use her as-is, I suggest taking a shadow demon and improving it in some way. Since this assassin should be (IMO) mythic, you can use Eustoyriax's statblock as the base and work from there. The supplement "Demons Revisited" has a nice shadow demon cleric of Nocticula 15 (CR 19) that can be used as a replacement.

As we are talking about The Midnight Isles, I think it's worth mentioning that I plan on expanding the combats in the Battlebliss, so the PCs have to defeat several of Nocticula's champions before facing Gelderfang. The Pathfinder module

The Moonscar
has several high-level non-mythic enemies that can be useful for this purpose. One of them is even related to Queen Galfrey.

Scarab Sages

I'm going to end up using Nezirrius as a twice paid killer. Jerribeth(who I made a megalomaniac and Divine Source x2) survived her encounter with the party and the Exposed to Awfulness trait PC took Divine Source as well. So the two are currently in a fight over the same followers.

So Nezirrius is going to make the same offer about Minagho as normal, but not mention being hired by Jerribeth as well. So, if all goes to plan, part way through the fight Nezirrius is going to turn on the PCs and try to collect all the bounties.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I like the idea of an expanded Battlebliss. It would also solve the (likely) only one fight that day. I'll have to go pick up Moonscar.

The profane bonus will probably work, if not I was thinking of adding class levels. I suspect that my PCs will accept Nezirrius' offer so she should be able to hit Minagho at least.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How was Gelderfang built by the rules, do you know? Are there rules for 4 armed individuals? Is it just 2 wpn fighting that lets him attack with his off hands? If so would imp 2 wpn fighting give all of those weapons an additional attack?

Well, usually creatures with more than two arms have the multiweapon mastery SQ, and the ability itself can be different.

Gelderfang is built in a weird way. I think at first he was a standard incubus with two arms, that could explain why he was given the Two-weapon Fighting and Double Slice feat.

This was another thing that I wanted to change but forgot in the end. Thanks to you, I have added the multiweapon mastery to Gelderfang, and updated his attack/damage values. This of course makes the TWF and DS feats obsolete, so I have changed those. The document has been uploaded again.

I think he makes more sense now from a rules perspective.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Okay...cool, so they kind of made it up.

A design philosophy question: why remove champion as most of us believe that tiers are more powerful than ranks?

I built my Gelderfang out without adjusting his level, just changing around feats and abilities and achieved nearly the same results as you. (other than the ultra powerful dual initiative...which I suppose could be the answer about ranks)

Also as a note, the two weapon warrior archetype fits Gelderfang perfectly.

In my opinion, ranks are more interesting than tiers for the following reasons:

1- They give more hit points (10 vs 5 in Gelderfang's case)

2- The monster adds the rank as a natural armor bonus, wich is important to keep the AC high.

3- The 1+rank mythic abilities can include any ability you can come up with, including those in mythic paths or that are given to any mythic character as they go up in tiers (such as amazing initiative).

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Last week I ran two sessions, and used two statblocks from the document (kiranda and Eustoyriax). We finished Sword of Valor yesterday.

Kiranda was waiting for the players in the dungeon along with Chorussina, Barrid (he fled two times in previous fights) and a group of demons (4 brimoraks, 3 schirs, 4 babaus, 1 shadow demon summoned by Eustoyriax and 1 kalavakus)

The fight was long, and the group was forced to expend a lot of their resources. They thought that killing the "bosses" would make the rest of the demons flee (they where right), so they focused their efforts on them and also in destroying the big crystal as they recognized it as being the focus of the ritual.

Of course the demons didn't make it easy, and when Kiranda joined the fight, she was able to knock the already injured inquisitor into unconsciousness (he was 3 hit points away from death) with a full attack and two confirmed criticals. Players where definitely scared.

In the end Barrid and Chorussina died, so Kiranda teleported after that. She had already fulfilled her mission to get as much information as she could about the group.

The Eustoyriax fight went well, and was interesting even if there was only one enemy. These are the changes I implemented:

- The purple crystals radiate energy that is harmful to non-demons. At the end of each round, PCs had to make a DC 15 Fortitude save or take 2 points of Constitution damage. The DC increases by +1 each round, and a character adjacent to a crystal receives a penalty to this save based on how big the crystal is (-2 small, -5 big). The crystals can be destroyed by physical attacks but resist energy attacks (resist 30 all elements except sonic). I don't remember exactly how many hit points I gave them, I think 15 for a small crystal and 30 to the big ones. Hardness was irrelevant because the player that wanted to destroy the cristals had an adamantine weapon. If a crystal is destroyed, the DC resets to 15 again. The effect ends when all crystals are destroyed.

- The sword of valor could be picked up after being activated (imparting a -4 to the shadow demon's AC and saves), and if used to touch a possessed character, it could grant a new save against the magic jar's DC. The wielder has to make a touch attack with a -4 penalty against the possessed character's AC, since Eustoyriax will try to avoid contact with the artifact.

There was a third modification that I didn't implemented in the end because the players were low on resources. It was basically a magical effect that allowed the deeper darkness to reappear 1d4 rounds after dispelled/negated by a light spell. Destroying all the crystals ends the effect.

The fight was fun, both for me and the players. Eustoyriax started the fight possessing the paladin's mount (a lion) and charging his former allies. When the aasimar sorceress casted prot. from evil and succeded (the lion tried to resist the spell with a Will save but failed), the shadow demon possessed her and proceeded to mythic fireball almost the entire group, causing a lot of damage (the player rolled very high). Between each possession, Eustoyriax tried to stay away from the rest of the team. In one of these rounds he pounced on the dwarven cleric while he was trying to destroy the crystals, killing him. The paladin used relentless healing to bring the dwarf back. Finally he possessed the paladin (he was dealing a lot of damage to the demon due to smite) and proceeded to full-attack other PCs. Things started looking grim due to depleted resources, so the cleric decided to cast dismissal, forcing Eustoyriax back to the Abyss (SR was overcome, and the Will save failed due to the penalty from the sword of valor, even after surging).

They wanted to kill the demon, and fear the day he will come back to torment them again :-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey Scorpion...statting out my Nezirrius now. How do you think she got improved crit on her crossbow? Am I missing something?

It seems it's an error in the adventure that I copied into my own statblock. I've corrected it and uploaded the document again. Thanks!

Maybe the Stalker's crossbow was supposed to have the keen property at some point in the adventure's development.

May I ask how are you building your own version? I would like to see your take on the monster when you are finished, if you can post it :-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Its a confusing enemy to build around as I am still paying some attention to CR and XP, although XP is slipping to the wayside. Starting at CR16 for how little it has is rough.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Seannoss wrote:
Its a confusing enemy to build around as I am still paying some attention to CR and XP, although XP is slipping to the wayside. Starting at CR16 for how little it has is rough.

Interestingly, my party's fight against the (original-stat) Nezirrius was their hardest fight in the book.

(Nezirrius opened in the surprise round with a prismatic spray, and the sorcerer failed the save and was driven insane, while Nezirrius's four shadow duplicates opened with sneak attacks on the cleric. The following round the Confused sorcerer blasted the cleric with a mythic Magic Missile, dropping her unconscious, and then Nezirrius cast Blasphemy (with the party taking a -4 on the saves, being outsiders) and banished the sorcerer and cleric back to the material plane for 24 hrs... That, and the str damage the paladin and ranger received from making melee attacks on Nezirrius (Unholy Aura) made this a fight the party barely squeaked through...)

They had some bad luck with their saves, though. And I'm sure mileage will vary from party to party.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If I go by the book I imagine that Nezirrius and Minagho will fight each other mostly ineffectively as they can barely injure each other. Will have to see what happens after, but I've learned not to count on fights that require saving throws.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Seannoss wrote:
Will have to see what happens after, but I've learned not to count on fights that require saving throws.

Completely agree!

Liberty's Edge

Hi, thanks a lot for your work with the monsters, I was getting pretty frustrated with how nearly everything was APL minus. There's not really anything fun or heroic about slaughtering helpless monsters (even if they are evil).
I'm currently running my table through book 3. They have a few years of experience and can generally stomp anything below APL+1 (mythic abilities have made this even more pronounced), so I like to test them out and give them tough fights fairly regularly.

I guess I'm a bit late to the party, but I wanted to share some of what I've been creating as well.
One thing that frustrates me is weak minions. It doesn't make sense that those places haven't been cleared out already - both from a game background perspective and a player perspective. If I'm fighting through a dungeon at effective level 13, I don't expect to be fighting level 6 minions. Why hasn't someone else done this already? All it does is give the players loot for no effort. I get the stronger baddies are there too, but even still...
Rants aside, I think minions shouldn't be as strong as boss encounters by any means, but they should still be challenging to a party and cause some expenditure of resources, otherwise they're mere lootbags.

So, I made some improved minions for the Ivory Sanctum and I'll keep posting more updated minions that Scorpion hasn't touched if people find them useful. The ones I've posted now are designed to be encountered in groups of 2, 3 or (maybe) 4.
I've also got an almost finished mythic thanadaemon that made my party get their brown trousers out =D I'll post it up when it's finalized too.
As an addendum, they're clearly not for everyone. I think everyone should get that. Some parties might find them too tough, for others they might be too weak, but my hope is that someone else will find them useful.

Minions folder

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Hi Patto, thanks a lot for your contribution. Nice work! I've taken a look at it and I may use it for the encounter at the Fallen Fane. For what is worth, I think you should definitely continue working on this "minions folder" if you can. Don't forget to show us that Thanadaemon, I'm interested in what you did, because frankly the monster as written is quite underwhelming.

And now for some updates about using the statblocks...

My group is playing through their first quests in Demon's Heresy, and so far it has been fun.

I changed the Delamere's Tomb quest so it was Eustoyriax who possessed the priest, and along with Kiranda ambushed the party at the tomb. The PCs managed to save the priest before he suicided, and then fought the two mythic demons at the same time. This time I tried to use Eustoyriax in melee (pouncing around) to see how well he could fare. It was very good, and he knocked two characters unconscious with his pounce + grab.

As for Kiranda, she fared very well against the character that attacked her the most (the inquisitor). Due to the improved critical, she scored a lot of crits and knocked him unconscious once and nearly twice. She easily avoided the area spells from the sorceress.

The next fight was against the Lord of Swarms at the Eagle Rock. He was accompanied by 3 vescavor queens and after one round by two vescavor swarms.

The lord was able to put some pressure on the party through the use of mythic enervation and the ranged swarm attack. That poison was nasty, and got close to killing the sorceress. As expected, the party used deathward to ignore the negative level penalties while it lasted. He also used the drone attack but all the characters made the save, although there was one close call. After receiving a crit from the paladin, he full attacked him and after all the damage from the aura he unconscious and nearly dead. Before he could coup de grace him, the sorceress casted one spell and removed his last hit points.

The vescavor queens did good damage with power attack although at this level they also missed a lot. The first round they used the spit acid attack, and that is what caused some vescavor swarms to emerge from holes in the ground near the ruins and start attacking the characters that were covered in acid (and pheromones). the group got to kill two of them, and two new ones replaced them. Once, the paladin's mount (lion) failed the save against the gibber aura and full-attacked the sorceress... who was near him to be better protected XD

The vescavor swarms attacked the characters and did a little damage, but sometimes they got to cover more than one character so it was ok.

Another fun fight.

Yesterday we did the Scorizscar fight, and it was as the book suggests: a very challenging one, and worth of a mythic trial. Of course, I did more changes to the monster than those I talked about some posts ago (you can see the finished statblock in the document), along with two environmental effects that helped set the tone that the group was going inside the lair of a very powerful mutated dragon.

The details about the effects can also be found in the document, but to summarize them:

- The entire cave was full of rifts due to the presence of the woundwyrm for a very long time. The woundwyrm was a former silver dragon that mutated due to the fell planar energies of the abyss. The players found the skin and scales of a huge silver dragon on the top right of the cave.

- There was a rift covering the entrance to the cave. If a player walked through it, he appeared at a random position inside the lair, and could have some of his buffs dispelled. If the player teleported inside the cave, no dispelling and no random position occurred but the player took damage based on the level of the caster level of the teleportation.

- The dragon started the fight inside an extradimensional space (where she keeps the treasure), and could see what happened inside the cave. That gave it the surprise round, appearing inside the cave as a free action and then attacking as a standard.

- Each round the reality warped inside the cave, and the characters could suffer different effects depending on a roll. For example, both the inquisitor and the paladin suffered Strength damage, and the lion got the staggered condition and then turned into a lizard.

The fight was intense, with a total of three deaths (2 paladin, 1 inquisitor), and another close call with the sorceress who attracted the woundwyrm's attention by using damaging spells. The combination of power attack + 6 attacks + grab (and no grappled condition) was powerful, but the cleric managed to bring back the dead with mythic breath of life and mythic cures/channel energy. Even then, the monster failed quite a few attacks due to power attack penalties. The players hit a lot but the acid shower that got each time made them think twice about attacking if they were badly hurt.

That's all for now.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
My group is playing through their first quests in Demon's Heresy, and so far it has been fun. ...

Wow. Those sounds like awesome fights.

(I'd missed the environmental effects of Scorizscar's lair on my first read-through; the random warp wave effect is a really cool idea. Nasty!)

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