Desril |

Oh wow, thanks for updating it. For some reason I still have access to the old one but maybe it's because I've routinely continued to access it before the policy change so I skirted around it.
My group is a bit higher power than yours so I still have to upscale things past what you did, but your modifications give me a much better baseline to work with, as well as just a springboard of ideas to use, so I really have to thank you for all the effort.

nackers |
I recently finished running WOTR and I loved Scorpion's changes but for Areelu I wanted her to follow the rules in constructing her.
So I built her with 25 point stat buy, traits, favored class bonuses, large number of implanted ioun stones, unusual but potent hex's and completely ignoring Paizo's suggested stats for monsters.
Though her numbers pre spells are actually pretty close to theirs afterwards she will be insane.
Here are the currently unfinished documents
Areelu Vorlesh character sheet
back end data
Not sure if anyone will use this.