Are there any virgin gods?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Ok, I mean like Athena? I am just curious. Sarenrae always seemed like she'd be that type of deity. The whole purity concept, at least as far as mortals seem to consider it, would make her a good candidate. Iomedae also seems possible because she seems to me like she'd be as likely to throw green apples at suitors than any thing else and dedicates herself more to justice and good than flirting and marriage. A player wants to be a priest or paladin of a god/goddess of purity and chastity and we want to create a holy order. Sarenrae or Iomedae?

Keep it clean guys =P Please don't get my thread shut down =D

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The Empyreal Lord Ondisso

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None as far as I know. Particularly Sarenrae since James Jacobs has approved of her Desna and Shelyn having the occasional threesome.

Paizo from what I understand gravitates more towards the Free "Love" side of the spectrum.

Dark Archive

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Most of the gods have little or no romantic entanglements.

The only one who has kids or a spouse, for example, of the big 20, is Torag.

For gods like Calistria and Cayden, the idea of virginity or 'purity' is probably kind of laughable or naïve.

For Shelyn, on the other hand, abstinence and platonic love could be seen as a perfectly valid and beautiful form of sexuality.

Abadar is connected to the Prophecies of the Kalistrade, which have all sorts of (undefined) dietary and sexual restrictions. Someone focusing on an old-school medieval concept of alchemical transmutation / the 'philosopher's stone,' of the mortal body into something purified and rarified with the incorruptible and immutable properties of gold, the 'noble metal' could be all about dietary and sexual prohibitions, in an attempt to refine one's physical body.

Irori could go the exact same route, with self-denial being key to physical and spiritual purification, without the obsession with gold.

Asmodeus is said to hold women in contempt. A male follower might consider it spiritually polluting to have relations with women, as a result.

Gorum seems unlikely to care one way or another about sexuality or sex of any sort, and some among his clergy might actively discourage such things, being sort of an 'anti-Erastil,' in that they want to keep their followers from settling down and encourage 'murder hobos' with no roots or families or 'distractions' from the all-important task of wandering around and getting into fights.

Iomedae seems perfectly suited for a 'virgin goddess' role, being the most prominent of the goddesses who has nothing to do with birth or nature or motherhood or fertility or love or lust in her portfolio. Of the big 20 goddesses, she (and Desna, who is less appropriate as a virgin goddess, IMO) are the least saddled with 'tradiational female roles,' and even if she wasn't a virgin goddess back when Aroden was alive (and that's not guaranteed either way!), she may have closed her heart after his death.

Gozreh and Pharasma don't have any relations with other gods, that I can recall, but with one a god of nature and the other a god of birth, neither of them seems a virginal ideal (although a virginal goddess of childbirth, in Pharasma, wouldn't be any stranger than a god of families who doesn't have any (like Erastil) or a good god of honesty and redemption who has an entire Prestige Class devoted to deception and attacking other members of her faith (like Sarenrae)).

I'd go with Iomedae, myself, but arguments could be made for many others (Abadar, Irori, even Pharasma, as mentioned above).

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Asmodeus is more 'Man in charge, woman submissive' deal. Having a bang seems perfectly acceptable.

Dark Archive

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Andrea1 wrote:
Asmodeus is more 'Man in charge, woman submissive' deal. Having a bang seems perfectly acceptable.

While that's one very valid (and likely, common) interpretation, it's also quite possible that an Asmodean who considers women to be inferior, and himself to be oh so very special, might consider any urges within himself to spend time with the ladyfolk to be a sign of weakness or impurity within himself.

If the logic of the church is that a thing (such as women) is weak or inferior, then it would be a perfectly valid corollary that craving such a thing is a sign of weakness or inferiority in the 'superior man.'

That being said, that wouldn't preclude said misogynistic twit from being totally fine with macking on the dudes (and perhaps even see that as a sign of how superior he is to even other male Asmodeans, that he isn't just subordinating the subordinates, but placing himself even higher on the great chain of being by treating other menfolk as his 'lessers'), so it's not necessarily a line of thought that would always, or even often, lead to abstinence...

Anywho, I'd still go with Iomedae as the closest option of the big 20, followed by Irori, Abadar and / or Pharasma.

Of the lesser gods, Naderi, maiden of love and loss and heartbreak, might be a good choice, eschewing romance as an inevitable harbinger of despair.

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Pharasma might be one of the best choices, going with Greek precedent.

The Greek goddess Artemis was a virgin goddess of the moon, the hunt, and childbirth. Only one mortal maybe, sorta, possibly was a consideration for her to give up the virgin status. That was Orion the hunter, someone she enjoyed going on the hunt with. Her brother Apollo, jealous of the attention a mortal man was getting from her, had sent forth the scorpion Scorpio to kill Orion one day. Artemis saw this and flew into a terrible rage, killing Scorpio, and then she cast the dead hunter's body to the heavens to become the constellation Orion. I think some versions of that tale have Artemis go on to beat the hell out of Apollo for that stunt.

Anyway, Pharasma and Artemis seem to share a common domain of childbirth. I kinda like the thought that the virgin goddesses are in charge of bringing children into the world.

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These are great ideas and responses so far.

Lamontius wrote:
The Empyreal Lord Ondisso

Link for the curious.

This got me to thinking, though, about Empyreal Lords.

Lymnieris would be rather amazing for this, as the "avowed chaste" are listed among her notable worshipers. She seems to have a very codified, varied, and unusual sense of sexuality in general - her portfolio almost contradicts itself in several ways.

Vildeis might be an interesting candidate in her own way.

Arqueros might have strong undertones of the Professional Distance that would be necessary among bodyguards and their charges.

Duellona is noted as a "Warrior Maiden" indicating that she might be virginal herself.

I could see Falayna as having certain sects* devoted to her that focus on virginity.

Despite the name, Hors (though little is written) could be interpreted as "frozen" or "frigid" what with the title "the Freezing Sun".

Black Butterfly could certainly have some orders that hold virginity as an ideal - the concept of distance, space, and silence all being antithetical to deep intimacy and physical intercourse.

Reymenda's Childnessness could be from abstinence as much as infertility.

Ashava's followers might occasionally focus on the "loneliness" aspect and follow through with similar vows.

Winlas seems like there might be a few dedicated virgins for his (guessing on gender) purposes.

Really, there are many "potential" interpretations for orders and sects* that might be devoted to the Divine via the sacrifices of the flesh. Even in faiths like Sarenrae's - while their goddess does not, there could certainly be an order that sees that as the prerogative of the Divine and not mortality (after all - their own church has an entire nation that's basically got the "wrong idea" about her already...)

Muyingwa would probably be a terrible choice, along with Hembad, Cernunnos, Qetesh, I'm afraid.


* Har-har, laugh it up, guys. This is supposed to be mature. (Heehee.)

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