AndIMustMask |
While I'm certain this isn't the first thread of it's kind (and likely not the last either), I've assembled a doc and am looking for ways to make the monk less... scattered, both opinion-wise and mechanic-wise.
most of these were thought up in a fit of shower logic or houserules used to patch various "holes" in the monk, so are probably wildly overpowered (in which case i'd love suggestions on how to tone them down).
Current changes:
+d10 HD *may not be entirely necessary*
+full BAB *no more prancing about pretending it is*
+proficient with all simple and weapons with the "monk" trait. *addresses fighters having a larger 'monk' weapon selection than the actual monk*
+flurry lets you (optionally) move during it at 8th at the cost of your bonus attacks, that upgrades at 15th. *this is mostly to deal with the clash of their mobility and stationary abilities, and is still rather tenuous--i'm unsure of how exactly to attempt to balance this without making it more powerful than pouncers while keeping it an attractive choice*
+maneuver mastery changed to a scaling CMB bonus. *now they can possibly compete with fighters at maneuvers*
+the ki strike bonuses are now a static enhancement bonus (which accomplishes the bypass DR bit without being as needlessly restrictive). *might extend this to all monk weapons as well so the class isn't shoehorned into unarmed combat. this change also makes the AoMF an optional purchase for auxiliary effects, instead of your end-all be-all neck slot, making the bodywraps of mighty strikes a decent option if you use the lategame pseudo-pounce-flurry often.*
+still mind gains an upgrade at 9th and 15th
looking at:
-bonus feat list *with all the new material out it could stand to be a bit better, and there's some lackluster choices on it that could be done away with as well*
-slow fall/high jump *may bundle these together and replace one with something else*
-wholeness of body *kinda lackluster*
-purity of body/diamond body/timeless body *may bundle these together and replace some with something else*
-abundant step *seems alright as-is, besides coming a bit too late to really build around*
-tongue of sun and moon *kinda lackluster, if very fluffy*
-perfect self *the DR is rather useless since nigh-everything at 20th level has +5 enhancement or better to bypass it, and the change to outsider can mess up your buff options.*
still trying to think of ways to make it less MAD.
worried about some levels being too "sweet" (15th gets two big buffs at once, for example).
my overall goal is to help bring the monk out of it's slump next to the rogue and keeping its core of "mystical non-armored mobile combatant (with various auxiliary defenses)", with it as a competitive choice without being outright better or more flexible than other full-BAB folks (fighter/barbarian/paladin/ranger/cavalier).
i worry my alterations my be too much--hence this thread.