

So, I have no idea how to even begin to make this work, but I would really like to make my Sorcerer skilled with Javelins; at least to the point that they're able to be used in battle as a backup weapon.

So, any ideas here? =3

Silver Crusade

Quick draw, point blank shot, weapon focus, precise shot, deadly aim... those all come to mind feat wise. Have a good dex and str and throw them all day.

That said, the non feat way is to stock pile masterwork javelins

okay.... why? By the time you amass the necessary feats to be good with javelins, you'll likely be at the point where you no longer need a backup weapon.

So my advice to you is; pick up javelins. throw them if you are out of spells.

If you feel you must, pick up point blank shot and precise shot, then specialize in ray spells so those feats wont be wasted for you later.

It's mostly for flavor reasons, and that all makes sense. Now my question is, with such a low BAB, will I be able to hit?

on occasion.

The Exchange

awp832 wrote:
on occasion.

And less the higher level you are....

well if you wanted to invest in it a bit..
you could pick up that weird bloodline that lets you use wisdom for your casting stat.
then enchant a javelin with guided (perhaps returning if you dont have a blinkback belt) that'll help a fair bit assuming I remember what guiding does.

As noted, it's OK at low levels but obsolete pretty soon. The advantages of a javelin are that you can get Str damage on it, it's cheap and has good range and damage for a simple thrown weapon. So at 1st level, by all means carry a couple if you haven't dumped Strength.

But otherwise, once you can afford it, you might as well get a crossbow which is better in most respects: a light xbow and 20 bolts weighs as much as only 3 javelins, has much better range, more base damage and better crits. And you can get specialty ammo. And the orcs can't throw them back at you.

About the only synergy I can think of with Sorcerer is that you can use Mage Hand to pick the thing up afterwards, provided you don't throw it too far.

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