Grokken |

Is there a polar opposite to the Raksasha? A race of beings that do exactly the opposite, are "born" the same way but have the opposing alignment and agenda?
It would be a Native Outsider, good aligned, and probably a shape-shifter of some sort.
I'm sifting through as many of the creatures books I've got but nothing looks quite right. Any suggestions?

Grokken |

Samsarans aren't outsiders and can't shapeshift, but thematically could be considered the opposite of Raksasha.
That is a VERY good idea, the reincarnation aspect does tie in well.
Agathion would likely be the opposite they basically reprisent souls of the purest notions. Rakshasha however are corrut and cought in a never ending reincarnatiin cycle. Anyhow both ideas are from indian mythology but its been some time since i read te article on rakshasha.
Also a very good idea, and one I am now looking at. As they are "meddlers" that would fit in as well.
Opposites don't always have the same abilities. Empyreal lords are opposite demon lords but not all empyreal lords have change shape like demon lords do. Just an FYI.
True enough, I did say probably. I was also thinking they might have a strong ability to cut through illusion and deception. Both suggests have good possibilities to work as allies against Raksasha plans.

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Rakshasha are badass. There isn't really any opposite to them, the fact that they even think that the gods are just powerful beings put them on another spectrum when it comes to beliefs and everything else. Still tho, what about you get creative with it?
A Celestial Rakshasha , like a white tiger/dove/Lion would be different, maybe this celestial Rakshasha is trying to foil the plans of other powerful member of his race and contact your players to help them with the situation.

Luthorne |
Samsarans are probably the closest, yes, despite not being native outsiders themselves, they have a similar relationship with reincarnation, but unlike the corrupt rakshasa are usually enlightened and tend to be lawful good. Given that rakshasas were initially former mortals who have escaped the normal cycle of life and death, though they can reproduce as well, I would also suggest psychopomps as a possibility of a race opposed to rakshasa, as well as marut inevitables and akhana aeons as specific creatures who might well be considered with them. Agathions are reasonable as well, given their theme of enlightenment and being those who did not turn away from the natural order of things. Virtuous mortal priests and monks are probably the most appropriate foes in the long run, though...after all, rakshasa are a purely mortal evil, who should be opposed by a purely mortal virtue? Though I suppose you could make an argument for vanaras when it comes to myth, but eh.

Grokken |

Rakshasha are badass. There isn't really any opposite to them, the fact that they even think that the gods are just powerful beings put them on another spectrum when it comes to beliefs and everything else. Still tho, what about you get creative with it?
A Celestial Rakshasha , like a white tiger/dove/Lion would be different, maybe this celestial Rakshasha is trying to foil the plans of other powerful member of his race and contact your players to help them with the situation.
Here's a little bit of the back story. A sorcerer of the Raksasha bloodline has found his spells are going awry. Best he and others can tell is that at some point the ancestor(they are unaware of the true bloodline, tribal history calls him celestial) was captured and his soul imprisoned and used to power some sort necromantic artifact built by priests of Orcus. (yeah this is going to turn very ugly) So the young sorcerer is off on a quest to rescue or at least return his ancestor into the wheel of reincarnation wholly unaware that he is releasing a millennia old evil of limitless potential. It's a good bet that a number of good aligned creatures would prefer this not to happen, but in order to save his people.. he's got to release the ancestor. The Celestial Raksasha would be interesting, I've the feeling that if one ever turned "good" he'd be hunted by all the others just for that slight.