Cuddly Kitty |

I'm playing a cleric (5) with animal domain and I just got my first animal companion, a wolf. For its bonus trick I gave it
Track (DC 20): The animal tracks the scent presented to it.
I would like to know if my wolf animal companion inherits the stats from the wolf in the monster beastiary?
This would include
Skills Perception +8, Stealth +6, Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +4 Survival when tracking by scent
. Also the way those bonuses are written on the monster beastiary really confuses me. The wolf gets survival +1 (+5 scent tracking), so +6 survival when scent tracking... but also a racial +4 survival when tracking by sent. So do those add together for +10 survival when tracking by scent?
It would seem like common sense to me for a wolf I just got as an animal companion to already be skilled with perception, stealth and tracking prey. But the wolf animal companion does not explicitly say so. I would have assumed the AC would inherit what is on the monster beastiary page except some of that information directly contradicts the AC wolf page such as the monster wolf having a
bite +2 (1d6+1 plus trip), but the AC wolf only has
bite (1d6 plus trip)
. I don't know why the monster wolf would have the +1 damage. The monster wolf also has +2 attack on its bite and +1 BAB, but the AC wolf does not have an attack bonus on its bite.
Thank you!
Nephys, Cleric of Ketephys

Badasssailor |

I'm playing a cleric (5) with animal domain and I just got my first animal companion, a wolf. For its bonus trick I gave itHandle Animal wrote:Track (DC 20): The animal tracks the scent presented to it.I would like to know if my wolf animal companion inherits the stats from the wolf in the monster beastiary?
This would include
Monster Beastiary Wolf wrote:Skills Perception +8, Stealth +6, Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +4 Survival when tracking by scent. Also the way those bonuses are written on the monster beastiary really confuses me. The wolf gets survival +1 (+5 scent tracking), so +6 survival when scent tracking... but also a racial +4 survival when tracking by sent. So do those add together for +10 survival when tracking by scent?
It would seem like common sense to me for a wolf I just got as an animal companion to already be skilled with perception, stealth and tracking prey. But the wolf animal companion does not explicitly say so. I would have assumed the AC would inherit what is on the monster beastiary page except some of that information directly contradicts the AC wolf page such as the monster wolf having a
Monster Beastiary Wolf wrote:bite +2 (1d6+1 plus trip), but the AC wolf only hasAC Wolf wrote:bite (1d6 plus trip). I don't know why the monster wolf would have the +1 damage. The monster wolf also has +2 attack on its bite and +1 BAB, but the AC wolf does not have an attack bonus on its bite.
Thank you!
Nephys, Cleric of Ketephys
Short answer is kinda crappy, but here it is: Animal companions are not monsters, so no, they don't get the abilities monsters from the bestiary get.
On the other hand, monsters in the bestiary don't get the ability scrore raises making it an intelligent creature and feats. Taking teamwork feats with an animal companion (particularly one like big cat that gets 5 attacks on a pounce) can make you a single target powerhouse.