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![]() Dema_89 wrote:
This was my plan for my fighter rogue, problem is, you're still hampered by having to burn feats and a crummy BAB. ![]()
![]() They should just update the rules that flanking is a condition. The only time I had fun as a rogue was when I played a Varisiani Fighter/Rogue, which was basically a dirty fighter, I used the CMB rules pretty much to ensure the party was usually fighting something that was on its back. Even then I wasn't really effective at fighting so much as screwing up the attacks and defense of enemies, which could be done more effectively with a bard song. The important question is how would you improve the rogue: Weapon finesse, and dex CMB as class features instead of burning feats? TWF Feats like a ranger for free? Your feats should be able to be taken to enhance your character, not just make it "not suck" Flanked as a condition? Full BAB? ![]()
![]() I roll 1 D20 and add use that to add the perception modifeir from each player to it, if the die roll + their modifier hits DC, that player sees it. In the case of hidden treasure, highest success gets it, if they try some sneaky thief slight of hand thing, any other successes are considered in the same vicinity and will roll perception to see them palming it. ![]()
![]() Nephys wrote:
Short answer is kinda crappy, but here it is: Animal companions are not monsters, so no, they don't get the abilities monsters from the bestiary get. On the other hand, monsters in the bestiary don't get the ability scrore raises making it an intelligent creature and feats. Taking teamwork feats with an animal companion (particularly one like big cat that gets 5 attacks on a pounce) can make you a single target powerhouse. ![]()
![]() Tangent101, I'm actually using hero points for rewards. It might make them a bit unbalanced, but it gives them more options to do heroic stuff. The beginner module went pretty good, so I'm setting them up for the crypt next game after the holidays. Thanks for the suggestions guys, especially on modules to run. ![]()
![]() Hi all, as the title says, Saturday I am running a first time game for 2 players, one player who is vaguely familiar with PnP RPGs, and one who's played a handful of times. I want to lay out my thoughts here and see if I can get some help / advice from some more experienced GMs. I am starting with the beginner set, using the pregen characters to teach everyone how to play. I am giving the option of rolling a custom character afterwards, or else keeping the loot from the beginner's box and advancing the pregens. After the beginner box module, I am going to probably return them to Sandpoint, and get them to "retrieve a holy flame for the opening ceremony of the new temple" - Basically this means that they will be running the Crypt of Everflame and then rolling right into the goblin attack to kick off Rise of the Runelords upon their return. I want to keep track of their XP and level them at my pace in order to run side modules in between the main campaign of ROTRL. Does anyone have any suggestions for good low level modules that I can keep them doing small yet rewarding adventures as they become the heroes of Sandpoint to build up the ties to town that would make them the people the sheriff and mayor would keep seeking out to advance the runelords story? One thing I am thinking of changing to the ROTRL is to swap out the red dragon in the path for a reappearance of Blackfang from the beginner box. Any help or advice is appreciated, thanks! ![]()
![]() It is not foriegn to D&D. See second edition. As for 2 weapon defense, my whole point is there should be a continuation of it like the 2 weapon fighting chain. Who wants to burn a feat for +1 ac? I can buy a ring of protection +1 for that. Parrying has been used as long as I've been playing until 3rd ed with combat expertise feat, which in my opinion was gimped. I'm pretty sure it wasnt a house rule, It might have come from the 2nd edition book skills and powers, but it was a pretty standard rule: You give up one attack per round to attempt a parry, then it is an opposed attack rule. To make combat more interesting, I think that it should be a feat, it could mirror two weapon fighting feats, only be for two weapon defense and you get a number of parry attempts equal to what your off hand attack would be. I would prefer it run of AoO attemps, then it would make combat reflexes a little more useful as a prereq feat for it. Here are 2 possibilities for how it could work: Active defense - When fighting with a shield or offhand weapon, you gain 1 attempt per round to deflect an incoming attack. make an attack roll, if your attack total is higher than your opponents, his attack misses. if your roll exeeds the opponents by +5 or more, you gain an attack of opportunity. You do not get to make an offhand attack with this feat. you suffer normal 2 weapon fighting penalties when using this feat. this penalty does not apply to shields. Improved active defense - You gain a second deflect attempt per round. This could replace 2 weapon defense, be used for both sword and board, or make 2 weapon fighters pretty cool without taking the PcR. These feats could be automatic for swashbucklers and duelists. Other characters could use the 2 weapon fighting feats in concert with these 2 new ones to establish a fighting style. The main point i'm making is I guess that a fighting style should not be a whole different class. A fighter should be able to define his style in the same way he defines his weapon of choice. Any other class should be allowed to fight how they like without multiclassing. After all, there is just one wizard class with multiple specialties, Druids can choose to be shifters, casters or healers, Priests get to choose domains, or forgoe them for warpriest, why not give fighters the same variety through feat selection? ![]()
![]() I actually have to disagree With the Target for CMB being too high. I seem to make all my trip attacks pretty much and I have a CMB of 8 +2 for imporved trip at 5th level. How easy do people want an unopposed check to be? I actually like that PF seems t be getting closer to TNs like deadlands for things you want to do. It makes everything much more uniform. ![]()
![]() As for the S&B fighter, I was thinking something along the lines of getting a parry/block/weaponbind attempt equal to your number of AoOs each round. For example: You can attempt an opposed attack roll to block an incoming attack, if you win by 5 or more, the shield has deflected the attacker's weapon arm outward, leaving him open and provoking an AoO for you only. It would make shield fighting actually have as cool an ability as overhead chop. There could be a feat called improved shield defense, which would require improved shield bash as a prereq. Really all a 2 handed fighter is getting is str x2 instead of str x1.5 with overhead chop. ![]()
![]() I know about the duelist class. The problem is, that not every 2 weapon fighter is a duelist. The option is there for any class to take feats that grant 2 weapon attacks, why not 2 weapon defense without taking a PRC? The off hand weapon is just as often used for defense, and Having to take a PRC which then relies on another ability score is retarded. As a Ranger for example, you already have Dex, Wis, Str, and Con as being important, why now make them have to posess a high INT as well? For rogues, the Dueslist is alright, because you already have to have Int, Dex, Str, and Cha, but what effect does INT really have on parrying a blade? Sounds more like a dex skill to me. ![]()
![]() I also allow shield bonus on Aoos. Basically, the only time you don't get it is when flat footed or flanked (only from one opponent) Maybe they can add a deflection feat, you can attempt to deflect one attack a round to provoke an attack of opportunity. ie: I block your sword and deflect it out with my shield, I then take the Aoo with my weapon while you are open. It could work like the 2nd ed parry rules, you make an opposed hit roll against the opponents weapon, then you get the Aoo if successful. Something like that could be pretty sweet. On the other hand, maybe an overhand chop that is missed can provoke an Aoo to nerf it a bit. I think that they need to get rid of backswing, and make overhead chop a full round attack like cleave. Also, I would like to see more stuff for swashbuckling types. Something that gives more than 1 ac for 2 weapon defense, bring back the parry skill, allow riposte, something like that. ![]()
![]() We are only using the main playtest book to try to gauge pathfinder on its own, undiluted. That means basic classes/races etc. We are allowing the web enhancements as well. shield profs aren't fighter specific, I just looked in the book, they are BAB and previous feat specific. I personally will be running our Legacy of fire campaign once it ships and my rule is pretty simple: If you invested in shield bash, you are trained in fighting with the shield. I think those who are using the shield bash as a multiple attack weapon are exploiting the system. The shield attacks are more akin to a bullrush, not 2 weapon fighting. at least that's the way I interpret the intent of the feats. Also the minuses should be mitigated due to the fact that you are hitting with a huge assed board instead of a stick. shield bash is intended for large shields IMO,and a buckler will be treated as an unarmed strike that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity in my game. ![]()
![]() I think my group is pretty close to what you guys are playing and I have a few thoughts. 1. the sword and board cleric: you are a cleric, not a fighter. You will never do the damage a fighter does. Likewise, he won't be healing anyone or calling down heavenly fire. Try taking Shield bash feats if you want to do some more damage. Keep in mind you and the ranger get multiple attacks, you will be able to hit multiple enemies while overhand chop will always be a full round action against a single foe. 2. Cleave - very useful, let the fighter whack at the strongest guy, while you take out 2-3 minions at a time and then provide heals. 3. Casters - may not do a lot of damage compared to the fighter, but again, he doesn't get to fly at 9th, set everyone in 30 feet on fire etc. We have a holy warrior cleric 5th with cleave, power attack, great cleave and selective channeling. We like to call her the "not THAT kind of cleric" We have a cleric who is travel/prot domains that can zap around the map and heal. We have a Ranger bow specialty. A barbarian that to figure out the rage powers requires some kind of quantum physics. Could they have made it ANY more complicated? We have our overhand chop fighter who we are used to doing massive damage all the time cause we're pretty sure he's a cheater. Then there's me, I made a rog/fighter, Varisian. I have improved trip, combat reflexes, ex weap prof bladed scarf, dodge and mobility. Basically, my guy dances through the battle and makes things fall down. I get more damage/attacks as attack of opportunity than i do on my turn. our ranger with the bow proficiency is great and our other hybrids realize YOU ARE NOT PLAYING A FIGHTER. Paizo actually made people WANT to play that entirely useless (in 3e) class again. |