Possible first Gaming Con set up


Dark Archive

I was asked by my gaming store yesterday if I would/could set up a pathfinder rpg game(s). Now its flattering but I'm not sure if I can plan it in the 10 days notice. I think I could but I'd like some advice from regular con GM s. Do I run just a basic intro game or say 4th level or both. Do I get people to register before or day of or such. I'm a noob to all this, so just looking for any advice. Thanks in adavance

Liberty's Edge

Is your gaming store really busy? I ask as the last time I tried something like this it ended up being a 3-5 player pick up game and did not need much preparation. If you think there will be many people I would suggest a simple adventure and adherance to use of pre generated characters. With one DM, set a limit of 4-6 player per session and any others will need to wait for the next session, if any.


I would take a look at a PFS 3 part adventure appropriate for multiple levels

Quest for Perfection comes to mind.

I would also consider getting 2-3 copies of the Iconic characters at levels appropriate to the mod you pick.

Sovereign Court

I would play it safe and run an introductory PFS (Pathfinder Society) module at level 1. Make sure you have some precon characters available, so anyone can sit down and play. Preregistering is good, mostly just so you can see how many GMs you need - there shouldn't be more than 6, maybe 7 PCs at one table. If you get a good reception, you can then run a higher level module, or do one table low, one table high. Good luck!

Dark Archive

Its sponsored by the game store and if I run it I'll be the only pen and paper rpg. I know about making sure I have pre gen characters ready. If I run it I get a room for the day and a sign up sheet. I figure out the layout from there.

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