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So, I was toying around with the Arcane Trickster Prestige class, trying to see if I could come up with a solid build. Here's what I came up with-

3 Levels of Ninja
7 Levels of Sorcerer
10 Levels of Arcane Trickster

I was thinking I'd go for the Protean Bloodline with this, high CHA and DEX. Does this sound like it would be pretty solid? =3

Grand Lodge

Ninja and sorcerer have good charisma synergy, more so than rogue and sorcerer, which is really your only alternative. So far as entering the prestige class, it should work fine. In order to refine anything beyond than, a lot more detail would be required. For instance, if you were to be the main skill monkey if the party, a sage bloodline arcane sorceror with a few rogue elves would have a lot more skill points to throw around.

Grand Lodge

That should be rogue levels rather than elves.
You should, however, totally consider elves if you do go for the sage sorcerer approach. Accidental spellcheck assist!

I'm sure my character would love to have a few Rouge Elves, but that's probably not gonna happen. XD I'm not really looking to skill monkey with this character. I mean, I'll obviously be putting points into the regular rouge skills, but my main goal is to... Well... Play up the Arcane Trickster bit. I'd be using the Kitsune race with this, due to synergy and flavor.

Grand Lodge

Hell, grab leadership and get yourself some elven rogues. With high charisma you will have plenty of followers.

XD That's actually a good idea. I might do that just because. XD

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