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No, you are simply angrily unconscious. This keeps high level barbarians from dying outright when they fall unconscious.
Edit to add example:
If Angry Bob is 10th level he normally gets 20 extra hp when he rages. When he goes unconscious, he loses those 20hp. So a hit that takes him to -1 really takes him to -21 and is compared to his (non-raging) Constitution to see if he is dead-dead. With Raging Vitality, he gains 30hp when he rages, and the hit that takes him to -1 doesn't cause him to drop out of rage (and die). His negative hit points are compared against his (raging) Constitution, so he stays alive as long as he is healed before he runs out of rounds of rage.

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Or a dip into Unbreakable Fighter for Endurance and Diehard. And those work even when not raging.
Edit: Links

Archaeik |
deathless frenzy is what you need
d20pfsrd erroneously entered the BotM powers as "special" when they are really "prerequisite"

Sowde Da'aro |

Sowde Da'aro wrote:deathless frenzy is what you needd20pfsrd erroneously entered the BotM powers as "special" when they are really "prerequisite"
thanks (grumble now i have to ajust my char... grumble grumble ;)...)