FathPinder |
I am attempting to build a sword-wielding demon hunter. I planned on taking a melee route with my inquisitor, and picking up the Cold Iron Warden archetype to base the foundation of the character off of. I know having been considering what other, more effective possible builds might be. I have been considering classes such as the Summoner, the Magus (Fiend-flayer Archetype), or the Oracle (Planar Archetype). If anyone is experienced with inquisitors or the Rift Warden Prestige Class, I would greatly appreciate assistance in discerning a viable build, if one exists.

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Well, if you want the best demon-fighter, then Paladin does it the best hands down. Smite Evil is almost literally the best buff in the game, and twice that against demons. HOWEVER, with 2 skill ranks/level and the code of conduct, they don't necessarily make a demon-hunter flavor [a character who seeks out, hunts down, and destroys demons] because you don't have the skills to put in Survival, Knowledge Planes, Knowledge Local, Perception, Sense Motive, etc. that help you find demons. For that, you want an inquisitor or a ranger who have plenty of skills and have the flavor in the class.
For an inquisitor, I believe the general consensus is that its not a great idea to multiclass or prestige class with it because you delay progression of judgement and of bane, which you want as much of as possible. As to the Riftwarden PrC, I only skimmed over it, but it doesn't seem all that great for a 2/3 caster [a caster with 6 levels of spells] because it seems heavily focused on counterspelling which is better if you have a bunch of spells, like an oracle or sorcerer.
Still, hope you have fun with the character.

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PLease help me with this...what determines whether or not you can play something in PFS?
Pathfinder Society Additional Resources
That's a complete list of what is and is not legal for PFS. Generally when something is not allowed it's because it is clearly a typo in the source material, does not fit in with the Pathfinder Society Campaign setting, or (rarely) has been found to be too powerful in practice.In the specific case of the Gray Warden (which I'm assuming to be the d20pfsrd way of saying "Gray Gardener") Mike Brock or Mark Moreland (can't remember which one off the top of my head) said that Gray Gardeners are too tightly tied to Galt and that anyone trusted enough to learn the secrets of the Gray Gardeners would not me allowed to leave Galt and adventure with the Pathfinder Society.