FathPinder's page

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Hello fellow pathfinders! I currently have developed a fascination of developing unique classes for characters, as flavor is probably my favorite perk to the Pathfinder Society. If you would, I have two questions for any other pathfinders willing to assist.

First Question: Could an Evolutionist Summoner be multi-classed with a Blackblade successfully?

Second Question: I have a feasible build for my Evolutionist thus far; which at level one, features a stat build as follows:


Alternate Traits: Ancestral Arms: Rhoka Sword
Feat: Extra Evolution
STR = 14
DEX = 16
CON = 12
INT = 10
WIS = 8
CHA = 16

Serpentine Eidolon w/ Tail Slap, Bite and Constriction attack and Natural Armor +2
Feat: Toughness
The Eidolon grapples and constricts, while the summoner comes in (w/mage armor) and attempts critical damage. Eventually, the Eidolon gains flight, more natural armor and magic attacks, and the summoner gains more "spellage" to use while closing distance, and attack feats aimed towards critical hit maximization when attack in unison with his eidolon.

Assuming I have built this to the best of my ability, does anyone have any suggestions to better the effectiveness of this build, or ideas as to better accomplish what I am attempting? This build is intended for PFS use, if that helps narrow the scope. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your potential comments!

Anyone willing to trade/give me an Undine boon?

In order from creation:

Tengu 1x
Tiefling - Daemon Spawn 1x
Nagaji 1x
Half-Orc 1x
Aasimar 1x
Tiefling - Asura Spawn 1x
Half-Orc 1x

Hello fellow pathfinders! I currently have developed a fascination of developing unique classes for characters, as flavor is probably my favorite perk to the Pathfinder Society. If you would, I have two questions for any other pathfinders willing to assist.

First Question: Could an Evolutionist Summoner be multi-classed with a Blackblade successfully?

Second Question: I have a feasible build for my Evolutionist thus far; which at level one, features a stat build as follows:


Alternate Traits: Ancestral Arms: Rhoka Sword
Feat: Extra Evolution
STR = 14
DEX = 16
CON = 12
INT = 10
WIS = 8
CHA = 16

Serpentine Eidolon w/ Tail Slap, Bite and Constriction attack and Natural Armor +2
Feat: Toughness
The Eidolon grapples and constricts, while the summoner comes in (w/mage armor) and attempts critical damage. Eventually, the Eidolon gains flight, more natural armor and magic attacks, and the summoner gains more "spellage" to use while closing distance, and attack feats aimed towards critical hit maximization when attack in unison with his eidolon.

Assuming I have built this to the best of my ability, does anyone have any suggestions to better the effectiveness of this build, or ideas as to better accomplish what I am attempting? This build is intended for PFS use, if that helps narrow the scope. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your potential comments!

FathPinder wrote:
EvilMinion wrote:

I always found the whole grab option for eidolons kinda meh.

The fact the opponent has to be one size smaller limits it alot.
(Unlike the regular grab ability, which is equal to or less then)

What would you suggest as an Alternative?

I can take the Final Embrace feat however, and be able to grapple enemies within my size range.

I am trying to develop a Summoner who can do damage with his Eidolon counterpart as a team in Pathfinder Society. I was thinking of taking Serpentine, with Grab and Constrict, and then taking the Final Embrace Feat so I can grapple and Constrict people in my size range...I have been trying to find successful builds for Summoners that melee, but to no avail. If anyone can contribute information on potential builds, classes, races, Eidolon configurations, or stats and abilities that would aid my search for the Melee Summoner, I would be most appreciative.

EvilMinion wrote:

I always found the whole grab option for eidolons kinda meh.

The fact the opponent has to be one size smaller limits it alot.
(Unlike the regular grab ability, which is equal to or less then)

What would you suggest as an Alternative?

Honestly, even a solo-class melee summoner build, if it is functional in PFS.

Trying to come up with a suitable melee build for a summoner in the Pathfinder Society. He is a Tiefling, I would give him these stats at Lv. 2:

STR: 14
DEX: 15
CON: 12
INT: 12

He would use a serpentine eidolon, with high stealth and perception ranks, the eidolon would have Constrict and Grab, opening the enemy for an attack from the summoner. The reason I am going with the Yokai Hunter, is mainly for the favored enemy abilities of Outsiders and Aberrations. If anyone can give me on advice for the build outliers I have constructed thus far, or give me advice on a better build, or better way to ascertain the character I am trying to build, please feel free to offer suggestions.

instead of a cleric, would it be possible to use an oracle?

I can't play the Gray Warden in PFS though

I am attempting to build a sword-wielding demon hunter. I planned on taking a melee route with my inquisitor, and picking up the Cold Iron Warden archetype to base the foundation of the character off of. I know having been considering what other, more effective possible builds might be. I have been considering classes such as the Summoner, the Magus (Fiend-flayer Archetype), or the Oracle (Planar Archetype). If anyone is experienced with inquisitors or the Rift Warden Prestige Class, I would greatly appreciate assistance in discerning a viable build, if one exists.

AndIMustMask wrote:

question: why unarmed attacks? i could see you getting by with the usual claw/claw/bite NA build, and you dont get the monks extra attack from ki (afaik, anyway). since quivering palm is optional and late in coming there isnt much point int taking it--also i think you can deliver the quivering palm via claw or bite attack if you have feral combat training, so that might be a thing if you MUST go for it.

unarmed for those without flurry is kinda hard to do without investing in the TWF line (unless they have a gimmicky way around it, like the 'captain falcon' build) or abusing AoOs and style feats (crane+snake is pretty baller, though you'd want to dip 2 levels in MoMS monk to grab snake style without the middle feat)

Reply: Then how would you suggest I build the claws & beak shigenjo?

Hello fellow Pathfinders! I have been playing a tengu kensai for some time now, and was curious with experimenting with them some more. I was considering building a tengu shigenjo, that specialized in unarmed attacks...If anyone knows of a possible build, or could help me put one together, I would be very grateful :)

I am in need of a nagaji Miniature terribly....does anyone know where you can find a nagaji miniature, know how to get/make one, or find rare miniatures of the like?

but will this build work for a cross blooded sorcerer?

So this build is possible for a cross-blooded sorcerer?

i want to stay within the boundaries of natural attacks though

also im playing pathfinder organized society..not homebrew

...So I was trying to develop a successful melee sorcerer build consisting of the Nagaji race while crossblooded draconic and serpentine...not only does this promote some flavor but I can take Dragon disciple at higher levels...does anyone feel that this is a viable build?

...So I was trying to develop a successful melee sorcerer build consisting of the Nagaji race while crossblooded draconic and serpentine...not only does this promote some flavor but I can take Dragon disciple at higher levels...does anyone feel that this is a viable build?