FathPinder |
Hello fellow pathfinders! I currently have developed a fascination of developing unique classes for characters, as flavor is probably my favorite perk to the Pathfinder Society. If you would, I have two questions for any other pathfinders willing to assist.
First Question: Could an Evolutionist Summoner be multi-classed with a Blackblade successfully?
Second Question: I have a feasible build for my Evolutionist thus far; which at level one, features a stat build as follows:
Alternate Traits: Ancestral Arms: Rhoka Sword
Feat: Extra Evolution
STR = 14
DEX = 16
CON = 12
INT = 10
WIS = 8
CHA = 16
Serpentine Eidolon w/ Tail Slap, Bite and Constriction attack and Natural Armor +2
Feat: Toughness
The Eidolon grapples and constricts, while the summoner comes in (w/mage armor) and attempts critical damage. Eventually, the Eidolon gains flight, more natural armor and magic attacks, and the summoner gains more "spellage" to use while closing distance, and attack feats aimed towards critical hit maximization when attack in unison with his eidolon.
Assuming I have built this to the best of my ability, does anyone have any suggestions to better the effectiveness of this build, or ideas as to better accomplish what I am attempting? This build is intended for PFS use, if that helps narrow the scope. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your potential comments!