Magic item pricing with a flat cost enhancement.

Rules Questions

So I'm trying to find this on these forums and I can't find it.
If I have a +2 weapon and add Glamered that's a total cost of 12,000 I understand that. My question is would the price be the same if I have a +1 Glamered weapon and want to make it a +2 Glamered? I'm just trying to find out if this works all the same if you do it either way.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

+1 Longsword is 2315 (from memory on the sword at 15 gp)

+2 Glamered (2700 gp) costs 8315+2700 = 11015 gp

From +1 to +2 Glamered = 9015 gp.
From +2 to +2 Glamered = 2700 gp

The total price of the item should be the same.

If you have a +1 (2000g) and want to bump it to +2 (8000g), you pay the difference.
Glamered is a flat cost and never enters into any of the multiplication calculations.

To go from +1 -> +2 Glamered should cost 10k

As James pointed out, this is in addition to the masterwork weapon cost.
However, the 2700g price he used was for armor.

I'm terribly confused with the numbers. Is upgrading a weapon from +1 to +2 more expensive than buying a brand new +2 weapon?


Upgrading Items

You pay the difference in cost.
If you upgrade yourself, you pay half the difference.

First I buy a masterwork longsword. Cost is 315 gp
Then I pay a merchant to make it +1, costing an additional 2000 gp (total 2315 gp)
Then I pay a merchant to make it glamered, costing an additional 4000 gp for weapons (total 6315 gp)
Then I pay a merchant to make it +2, costing an additional 6000 gp, because that is the difference between a +1 and a +2 weapon. (total 12315 gp)

Yes which is the same as if you just bought a +2 (8000), glamered (4000), masterwork sword (315)


The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Archaeik wrote:
the 2700g price he used was for armor.

Oops ...

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